B&W 16.

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Two months later.....

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds. Gentle cool air flew all over the working bodies, moving out and about their day.

Around him it was a time of dread, he couldn't feel alive even if he wanted to. Alone and empty handed he walked inside the place that was now a home for him because it was her who sleeping here.

She left him in despair and regret, she closed her eyes on him and it had been two months since she had done that. How was he surviving? He didn't know.

He was surviving through the days he counted without her. A slow death without her by his side when he wakes up. With her not being there when he would enter his home. Home wasn't home without her. This new place he had chosen to live in leaving the old one needed her warmth but it was as if she was mad at him for not giving her the time she needed before. For not appreciating her smiles before when they were restricted for him only.

For not showing her how much he had loved her. He told her this everyday now. He visited her everyday, sat by her everyday and told her how much he misses her.

"I'm back" he said sitting in his usual spot.

"Did you miss me? Because I missed you alot" he said smiling, but it faltered when they fell on her closed eyes and pale face.

"Wafa" his voice cracked but he blinked his tears away. The scene from two months back played infront of his eyes. The moment her hand slipped from his and her body slipped off the railing was when his breathing stopped. She was rushed into the hospital bloodied, barely holding onto life. She was taken into emergency and it took hours for then to treat her. The hardest part was when they made him sign papers claiming that tht failure of her concussion removal will not be the hospitals responsibility.

Almost after collapsing twice she had fallen into a coma, a deep sleep worse than death, keeping him in and out of hope for her to ever wake up. But he didn't want to believe that maybe, maybe she won't ever wake up.

Haleel was buried and her mother had lost sanity. She was taken away to the mental asylum after she tried harming herself and others twice. Faris was having a hard time dealing with all this. He surely did love his wife dearly. He left the country in hopes of getting away from her memories but she was in his heart and soul how could he let go of her.

"You know. There are so many stray cats who I feed everyday. I always tell them about you. I can't wait till you meet them all" he grinned with tears brimming his eyes.

"Wafa" he whispered running his fingers through her shirt hair. They had cut them down after the surgery they performed to remove the concussion. 

"You... You know I got promoted last week. I'm Soo excited to treat you once you wake up" he said excitedly. He felt himself turning into a male version of her and chuckle escaped his lips.

"Please come back to me" he whispered cupping her face and caressing her cold skin with his thumb.

"Our new home wants you there. Please come back to me. I'll do anything for you. I..." He wiped his tears away and smiled brightly. "I have a room especially designed to be your studio. Don't you wanna see you dream studio?" He chuckled but it died down when she didn't respond yet again.

"You can't keep doing this to me. Now come on wake up. It's been two months and I've been living alone." he complained but no response came.

"Mr. Buraak" he looked up from her face to the door where Jahan stood with a bouquet in his hand.

"Yes?" Buraak stood up defensively making Jahan pass a small smile to him. His eyes teared up at tht sight of Wafa but he knew it wasn't his time to mourn - he couldn't, not infront of her husband.

Daastan E Ishq - داستانِ عشقWhere stories live. Discover now