A&H 3.

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Heelo heelo. I'm back.

"what have you done?!" Shahid Osmani exclaimed as he threw the papers on the table. Aaban left her and walked back observing Shahid's reddened face. Shahid stared at Aaban with distaste and disgust in his gaze.

"Keep in mind what I said." Aaban said pointing his finger towards Huda making Shahid to look between them confused. She ignored him and took the file in her hand. He left without another word Huda alone with Shahid.

"What happened?" She asked going through the file of the contract they were suppose to sign with Hamidi group of industries. It was clear fro the point when the contract was presented that if they face any loss they end up losing their company. The Hamidi's only face a little loss but her father was adamant on getting this deal.

"You're asking me what happened? When clearly it's because of your stupidity that we lost such a big deal" he roared banging his hand on the desk making her gun to slide down on the ground with a thud. 

"So?" She asked picking her gun up and cleaning the shiny golden surface. She examined the intricate blue designing done on it and putting it back in it's hollister attached to her waistband.

"Hamidi group of industries is a big name. If we get the project it would do wonders to our reputation." Shahid said in a grave tone but his plea to convince her was heard by her.

"The contract had nothing in for us. It was loss project for us. Another thing that you're forgetting is that it would put gyrfalcons on spot." She tried again but who was she kidding. Shahid Osmani was hard headed man and could understand little to nothing when in rage.

"When Zuhaib had finalized everything then who do you think you are to interfere. Don't act like I don't know what's been going in between you and Irfan Hamidi." He yelled making her internally flinch. It pierced her heart knowing that her own father thought so ill of her. It hurt her to no extent, being judged on the scale her mother had set for her broke her heart everytime it was showed to her.

"The vice president of this company and second in command of Gyrfalcons who needs to interfere when the CEO and leader is being a fool. There's nothing in between me and him." She bellowed making Shahid freeze for a second. It was Shahid Osmani against Huda Osmani. A deadly clash with only the aim of survival. Only one would win at the end and both weren't ready to accept downfall.

"Call Irfan Hamidi and beg him if you have to but I want the deal signed no matter how you do it. No matter what." He said not making any sense.

"Why do you want this deal so badly? There are a thousand clients waiting for your approval with projects that are actually worth it." She asked. Her father was acting foolishly. A man who owns the business industry act like a spoiled child was something pinning her.

"Do as I say. You have no say in all this. Your job is to give your opinion not to make decisions for what's suppose to be done in this company." He gritted through his teeth. His wish was not to be fulfilled and he needs to understand that.

"I've given this company my precious years. I can't just see it drowning just because your son sees the bigger profit and not the gigantic loss that resides just behind it. Chances are it won't flop but the Hamidi's are a cheat you know it" she tried to make him understand the consequences but to no avail.

"Let it be. Now call them right now and apologize to them for your behavior. Please him. I want this contract done" he said as if his words held no gravity in them. Those words killed her a thousand deaths.

"I refuse to sell myself off for your profit. Ask your son if he can do any good" she said collecting the scattered files from her desk and putting them in a neat pile.

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