A&H 9.

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Huda felt shivers running up and down her spine the more she thought about him. His promise, and that kiss.

She couldn't help but feel butterflies swarming her stomach just by thinking of that incident. She felt warm everywhere he embraced her.

She wanted that. She wanted him to hold her and never leave her. She walked to her class early this time. A little too early to be precise. Students were still evacuating their classes and reaching their next class but she had hurried here, why? She didn't know. All she knew that she had somehow.

He wasn't her first kiss. Hakan had stolen that but it never felt like his. His felt right. Even after scolding herself for her stupid thoughts she couldn't shake it off.

Her steps faltered as she saw the principal's assistant standing with him. He was pinned against the table while she stood against him. Hands on his chest. His hands on her arms.

"Mind continuing this after working hours?" She said making ma'am Nabila to jolt away from him. His eyes looked at her who by now had her mask up. Seeing him with someone else sparked a flame of anger I her  but she didn't let herself ponder over it as much when she reminded herself that this relationship was hopeless.

"Mind your language young lady" Nabila tried being strict but her face burned in embarrassment.

"Thr principal wouldn't enjoy knowing his assistant is assisting other teachers, now would he?" She said raising her eyebrow. Her eyes not leaving his who looked like a deer caught in headlines.

"You're early I see" he said straightening himself. She didn't reply just sat on a seat in the last row. The class filled in hiding her away from his view.

During the while class his eyes went to her who was busy on her work. She didn't look at him not even for a little while.

He walked around the rows most specifically the one she sat in. Her eyes not leaving  her notebook while his not leaving her.

"Would anyone like to come solve this equation for me?" He asked his students. His rich and deep voice flowing along the air reaching her ears making her insides to shiver with a feeling new to her.

Many hands raised and many students asked for a chance but one. She looked at her phone anxiously. Today was the day her fate would be sealed. Today many things were going to be decided. All not in her favour.

"Miss Huda would you solve this equation?" Her name slipped off his name like fine honey. Black eyes clashed against his brown ones as her perfectly shaped eyebrow arched upwards.

"Sure" she said plainly walking down the steps. Rolling her eyes she took the marker from his hand. Their fingers brushed and he held onto hers for a second.

Her challenging eyes met his as he let go with a smirk. She narrowed her eyes as she turned around to solve the damned equation.

"There" she sighed after handing him the marker. She was done in a few minutes.

Aaban assessed the board looking for any kind of mistake but found none. Nodding to himself he dismissed the class as the bell marked the end of the day.

"Miss Huda I want you to stay for a few minutes" he said gathering his stuff while she was almost out of the class. Shutting her eyes close and inhaling a deep breath she turned around facing him.

"Yes professor?" She asked standing near the door.

"Come here"

She stared at him stoically. He placed his bag aside and rolled his sleeves up till his elbows. He beckoned her closer, his eyes doing things to her that shouldn't be happening. She walked a few steps in his direction.

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