A&H 11.

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"Destruction was their fate all along

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"Destruction was their fate all along.
Afterall they mistook the wrong
woman to be weak "


The sound of bullets flying surrounded them as the guards tried to keep the masked assassins away from the main door of the mansion. The large glass windows were broken and holes could be seen in them. Expensive artifacts and furniture was damaged making Shahid to slide down on the floor clutching his hair. The Khan's were escorted to safety away from the scene leaving the Osmani's in their doom.

That wasn't all if he thought that it was. A phone call destroyed mad ehis eyes bulge out. It was dilawar who called straight from the burned warehouse.

"What?!" Shahid yelled making the people around him to stare at him in confusion. Strings of curses left his mouth at the news.

"Boss. All the firearm for the next shipment is stolen while the shipment was on its way to the port and the remaining of the drugs that were left hidden had been burned down along with the warehouse." Dilawar flinched as his boss yelled profanities at him after hearing the news.

"And where were you when all this happened? You useless pieces of shit. The... The confirmation slip wasn't signed was it? The order wasn't confirmed was it?!" He yelled as a little hope struck his mind. If the scorpions weren't given a confirmation slip they wouldn't be expecting the shipment and wouldn't have transferred the money.


"Speak you imbecile!"

"Zuhaib sir had signed those papers and the amount had been transferred in the accounts. They were expecting the shipment to be dispatched yesterday when all this happened. The... They have gotten the news of the heist" dilawar said his voice wavering thinking of his boss's reaction.

"Fuck!" Shahid slammed his phone on the ground as turned to his wife.

"Where is that idiot son of yours?" He yelled making Sitara flinch and step back.

"I.. I don't know" she stuttered as Shahid took threatening steps towards her. In his rage he slapped her making her fall to the ground nursing her cheek.

Sitting in his office Shahid clutched his salt and pepper hair. His shoulders hunch as he thought of how he'll pay the ally gang back. The thought of taking some money out of the company and selling shares invaded his mind. He hastily picked the phone and dialled his accountants number.

"Sir what you're saying is impossible. The company who had invested the most in our empire had withdrawal their shares and the partnership dissolving documents have the sign of the current CEO of the company. We're already going bankrupt as the company is not making much profit and if we do sell the remaining shares they won't fulfill the amount that you require. Either way there's no chance of getting anything out of this." Shahid felt his chest tightening as he heard of that. The decision of handing the company over to Zuhaib was now doubtable. All the work was always done by Huda who didn't let the father and son trio realize how tricky this all was and now as she was gone to god knows where he realized that he's left empty handed.

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