Part 15

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You try sitting up as you wake up from your nightmare, but your body has been paralysed.

Voices: how is it, that you go about defining...
Good and evil?

Y/n: I-I don't know-

Voices: are you tormented by memories?

Y/n: Stop! NO!

Voices: I want you to kill one more.

Y/n: no, I won't. No. Stop. No!

Carol hears you from her bedroom. She runs over to your room, seeing you on your bed.

You start breathing really fast as you start to have a panic attack.

Carol: sweetie? What's wrong!
Please breathe. Take your time.

Y/m: the v-voices.

Carol: the voices?

Y/n: my p-past.

Carol: what do-

Voices: kill...

Y/n: NO. STOP!

You start pulling your hair in fear, as you cry.

Carol: y/n, what's the voice saying?

While y/n is explaining what the voices are saying, Agatha walks into the room looking shocked.

Agatha: the voices...

Wanda, Natasha, Tony and Thor walk into your bedroom as they beat the chaos.

Wanda: what's happening?

Carol: Agatha and Y/n seem to be hearing voices. I think they are connected more than we think...

Tony: maybe I should call up Bruce?

It's been about half an hour. Bruce has taken
y/n and Agatha to his lab. Bruce starts to do tests on them as he puts them both to sleep. He notices something a little odd.

Bruce: guys look at this!

Bruce shows them the DNA tests and explains to them what he means.

Tony: hold up. She said she was her mom? Is she not?

Wanda: No... she's her sibling...

Bruce: they are connected in a different way. They are both hearing the same voices, I'm not sure why. There has to be a reason.

Natasha: might have something to do with their past.  Didn't their patents die?

Tony: wait wait, the lie detector test?

Wanda: she must have manipulated the tests. That's the only explanation.

Pepper: maybe we should look after Agatha and y/n, they are family after all.

Thor: it only makes sense.
They have no one...

Your memory's from your past comes back to you. You remember everything. You realise why Agatha lied to you and why she took your memories away.

Y/n: s-sister...

Wanda: y/n?

Y/n: she's my sister isn't she.
I can feel her...My memories...

Carol: y/n? The voices. What did they say?

Y/n: h-he wants me to kill one more.

Wanda: one more? You've killed someone?

Y/n: I need Agatha.

Agatha slowly starts waking up. She sees y/n is looking at her, as tears slowly roll down her face.

Agatha: I'm sorry.

Agatha looks away from you in shame. She knew she should not of lied but she was only trying to protect you.

Y/n: I killed my parents...

Carol notices your tears rolling down her face as she wipes them away.

Agatha: NO!

Wanda: what?

Agatha: what are you doing...

Y/n: I had to Agatha. Why did you take my memories away. I would have been okay...

Agatha: your my little sister, I had to protect you...

Natasha: where have you been all those years?

Agatha: I've been in hiding. I've been trying to find y/n.

Pepper: sweetie, what happened?

Agatha: you don't have to tell them y/n..

Y/n: no. I want to. It's for the best...

It's just gonna be twists on twists apparently hehe. There will be a spicy chapter soon, I promise. I wanted to add in a twist! Sorry if it's confusing, it's past midnight and I'm tired asf haha. Hope you enjoy this chapter xx

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