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Y/n: I thought we where in west view?

Wanda: you-

Y/n: Baby? I don't want to be here, I want to go back home

Wanda: of course baby!

You both arrive in west view about 1 hour later , your house is still there, Everything is till the same.

You and Wanda walk into your house, and drop your bags.

Lily: MOMMY! Your back!

Wanda drops down as she sees lily, lily jumps in for a hug.

Lily: Darcy said you went shopping, I woke up and you weren't there!

Y/n:(whispers) Wanda, sweetheart, who's Darcy? I thought lily d-

Wanda pauses time, as she refreshes your memory.

About two seconds later she unpauses time.

Wanda: Darcy is our neighbour, lily is our child

Y/n: oh gosh, silly me. I most have drank to much last night

Wanda: (giggles) no more drink for you silly.

Lily: you silly when you drink mommy

Darcy: rightio! I'm off, lily has been perfect!

Wanda: again, thank you so much Darcy. Your honestly amazing!

Darcy: it's all good, I'm glad I can babysit lily!

Darcy leaves to go back home.

Y/n: Mommy has a surprise for you Lily

Lily: You do? You do? Can I have it? Please, please! Please.

You grab some sweets out of your bag, and hide them before your back.

Y/n: if you can guess what hand it's in (giggles) you can have it.

Lily jumps on you to grab the sweets, you both fall backwards. Wanda watches you both, she giggles.

Lily: mommyy!!!

Y/n: my hand is trapped.

When you say this, you start pretending to scream.

Lily: mommy, I can save you!!

Lily grabs your hand and pulls you forward, the bag of sweets drop on the floor, lily grabs them.

Lily: (evil laughs) I tricked you mom!

Y/n: gosh, how could you! My own child

Lily: do you want some?

Y/n: oh, yes please

Lily: hehe

You and lily start eating some sweets, Wanda joins you both.


Nat: guys, has anyone seen Wanda and y/n? I can't find them any where, they just disappear?

Carol: you checked everywhere?

Nat: yes!

Thor: are they not in the front?

Nat: I checked!

Pepper: oh gosh...

Nat: what?

Pepper: what happened when you saw them last?

Nat : they got into a little argument.


Wanda leaves lily and you to go out side for a little bit.

She doesn't want anyone intruding again, she creates the hex again. This time, strong than ever. She walks back into the house, exhausted.

Lily: Mom, are you okay?

Wanda: me? I'm good. Just tired sweetie

Y/n: baby, you look exhausted. Maybe we should all have a little nap, shall we?

Lily: can I sleep in your room mommy?

Wanda: of course, let's go!

You, Wanda and lily walk into your bedroom. You climb in bed, lily in the middle of you both.

You all instantly fall asleep from exhaustion.


Carol: they've went to west view haven't they?

Pepper: I think they have

Carol, pepper, Thor and Natasha get into the jet to find you and Wanda.

About half an hour later, they see the hex around west view.

Carol: this is bad... maybe we should leave them...

Nat: this is my fault, this is all my fault. Let's go- let's just go home

They all decide to go back home, Natasha annoyed at herself.


Time passes different inside the hex.

You walk up about an hour later to grab yourself a drink, you can't seem to sleep. You look outside to see it's dark out.

You end up watching tv in the living room, fallen asleep again.

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