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Y/n: h-how are you g-going to do that?

Agatha: oh you'll see

Agatha leaves the room, and locks the door behind her.

She arrives back in the room, approximately 6 hours later

It's nighttime now, no one has found you. You thought that maybe they aren't looking for you, maybe they give up.

You begin crying from exhaustion. Agatha walks in with a pillow and a blanket

Y/n: who are those for?

Agatha: for you silly, you want to sleep don't you?

Y/n: your going to let me sleep? In bed?

Agatha: yeah...

You look around the room, only to just realise there isn't a window, only a door.

Agatha: I'm going to untie you, to let you sleep in bed. But I will be locking the door, I'll bring you some water and some food. How does that sound?

Y/n: why are you suddenly being nice? You have literally been abusing me and forcing me into sex...

Agatha: I realised, if I want you. I need to be nice and not force you into things 

Y/n: oh

Agatha places the blanket and pillow on the bed, she walks over to you and unties you. You first instinct was to attack Agatha but you decide not to. You try walking but struggle, you whimper.

Agatha: what's wrong?

Y/n: m-my feet...

Agatha looks at your feet and realises you have blisters and dry blood.

Agatha: oh my, let me clean that up

Agatha places her hand on your foot, and glimpse of light appears from her hand. She heals your food instantly.

Y/n: t-thank you Agatha

Agatha: please, call me Aggie

Agatha gives you a kiss on the forehead as you lay down in bed, you fall asleep straight away from exhaustion. Agatha leaves the room, locking the door behind her.

Agatha goes to her bedroom, next door to yours, she grabs a book from underneath her pillow. She opens the book to page 45, labelled "love spells"

She begins by reading what it says about the love spell, ' this spell will make anyone you want to fall in love with you! Everyone else around them will feel like the enemy. They will forget about the negative/bad things you have done! So, are you willing to use this spell?'

Once Agatha read this, she begins to learn the spell.


Wanda: I'm in agony, we have been looking for her for over 6 hours! What if she's d-

Carol: no! Wanda, don't think that! She's strong, she's got this. We have to believe in her

Wanda: I'm sorry, I'm just scared. Should we camp out tonight?

Thor: oh yes! Camping is fun

Thor and Tony went out to grab some sticks and twigs to make a campfire.

They all settle down in a circle, with the fire in the middle of them, for the rest of the night.


Agatha unlocks your door, and walks up to your body. She begins speaking a language that no one has heard of but some how she knows this.

Agatha finally placed the love spell on you. Hoping it worked, she wakes you up and gives you some water.

Agatha: hey y/n, drink some water please

Y/n: h-hey, okay

You drink some water from Agatha

Y/n: A-Aggie?

Agatha: yeah hun?

Y/n: I don't want to go back

Agatha: you don't want to go back where?

Y/n: to the avengers, I want to stay here... with you

Agatha: you do?

Y/n: is-is that okay?

Agatha: That's perfectly fine. Will they not miss you?

Y/n: who?

Agatha: y'know... Wanda? Natasha? Carol, them lot?

Y/n: are they here?

Agatha: no?

Y/n: there's your answer. They clearly don't care about me. You taking me away from them was the best idea you've ever had.

Agatha smiles a little after you say this, she holds your hand.

Y/n: c-can I sleep in bed with you Aggie?

Agatha: of course you can, come on

Agatha carries your fragile body to her bedroom, you fall asleep in her arms.

She places you on the left side of her bed, she slips in besides you. As you fall asleep, Agatha gives you a sneaky kiss on the forehead.

Agatha whispers to herself.

Agatha: I can't believe it worked...

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