Alot of sex

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You wake up through the night, still drunk. You have a sudden urge to see Wanda, so you do so.

You sneak out of your bedroom into Wanda's bedroom. You know for a fact she's awake but you still knock on her door anyways

Wanda, using her powers, unlocks her door.

Wanda: oh.. hey

Y/n: hey, I just... I wanted to see you

Wanda sits up on her bed, Wanda's lets you sit on her bed.

Y/n: can I say something?

Wanda: I don't see why not

Y/n: you keep be humble, keep my focused everyday

Wanda: are you drunk still?

Y/n: you know how to put a smile, on my face

Wanda: I do?

Y/n: When I think about you, all my worries fade

Wanda: really?

Y/n: You say you'll love me 'til forever and that'll never change?

Wanda: you said you didn't love me?

Y/n: I hear your words, they don't go unnoticed , I feel your love! You know without you I got nothing... nothing with out you

Your drunk self stops speaking, you look at Wanda in her eyes, as you see she starts crying a little.

Y/n: forever your loyal and I adore you! So I wanna...I wanna thank you

Wanda: you mean this?

Y/n: I know I've been distant from you Wanda, and you know I do still love you, I just... I don't think I'm ready to date you again.

Wanda: in the future?

Y/n: maybe, yes!

You and Wanda cuddle for about 10 minutes, it's the best hug you've had for a while!

You give Wanda a sneaky kiss on the cheek.

You leave her bedroom and go back to your room, where you see Natasha is awake.

Nat: oh heya. Where were you?

Y/n: I was just speaking to Wanda, I was just thanking her

Nat: your to sweet

You and Natasha fall asleep 5 minutes later


It's morning time, everyone is in the kitchen room watching a movie , including Natasha who is sitting next to carol this time.

You walk into the living room, only a robe on your body just to , do the usual, tease Natasha.

Everyone is watching the tv. But Natasha is watching you.

You walk over to her, and sit on her thighs. Instantly sliding your hands down her skirt, noticing she hasn't got any underwear on.

Nat: (whispers) I came prepared

You and Natasha being unaware of the world around you, you both just go with it.

With your hands down Natasha's skirt, you start rubbing on her clitorois. Natasha moans slightly, but you stop her by bringing your lips to hers.

At this point only carol notices what's happening, she awkwardly turns her head but doesn't say anything, she places headphones in her ears.

As you take your hand out from Natasha's skirt You slide your body down. You start giving her head, Natasha instantly moans, she brings her hand over to her mouth as she realises what she's done.

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