The truth

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It's been a couple of weeks in the town of west view, lily has aged up to the age of 10. No one has spoke to y/n through the radio again. Everyone is happy for once.

Y/n: Wanda dear?

Wanda: y/n sweetheart

Y/n: I think I hear the kid coming up

Wanda: Look, we've all been there, right? (Chuckles) Letting our fear and anger get the best of us, intentionally expanding the borders of the false world we created.

Lily:Mom, are you coming down?
Mom, my game is freaking out! Are you asleep?

Y/n: Mommy's not sleeping, honey. She's just resting her eyes.

Lily: but-

Y/n: Resting... Her... Eyes.

Wanda: As punishment for my reckless evening, I plan on taking a quarantine-style staycation. A whole day... just to myself. That'll show me.

Y/n goes down stairs, leaves Natasha and
Wanda up stairs. Y/n grabs some milk from the fridge, a carton of milk. She places It down and it changes to a glass of milk.

Y/n:Yeah, I'm not sure what that's about. It's probably just a case of the Mondays. Am I right?

Lily; hey mom, are you okay?

Y/n:Here's the thing, lily . I'm your mom. And as such, you were counting on me to have all the answers, right? Well, I don't. I have... no answers. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Niente. I'm starting to believe that everything is... meaningless. You're welcome to draw your own conclusions, but that's just where I'm at.

Lily: o-

Y/n: So maybe I went a little too dark there, but they'll be fine.

Agnes comes through the door. Always at the right time!

Y/n: Hi, Agnes. Come on in. I'd get up, but I just don't want to.

Agnes: But I think I got there in the nick of time 'cause she was one split end away from cutting her own bangs.

Agnes: Hey, boys, why don't we give your mom some "me time"?

Y/n: Agnes, are you sure?

Agnes: Oh, abso-positively. Come on, let's go, little one.

Lily: Do i have to, Mom?

Y/n: Mm-hmm.

Lily: Someone needs to be here to take care of you.

Agnes: Aww!

Y/n: lily , I'll be fine! Just go with Agnes.

Agnes: I promise I won't bite.

Agnes: I actually did bite a kid once.

Y/n: Agnes, you are a life-saver.

Agnes: Aw!

Y/n: Is there anything I can do for you?

Agnes: I do have a suspicious mole on my back that I just can't see. Ah. Boundaries.

You give Agnes a weird confused look

Agnes: I get it. Say no more. All right, kiddo, let's keep it moving.

Agnes : You know what? If you could take a quick look, I'd appreciate it. It's right here above my...

Y/n: I'm fine! I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine...

Agnes takes lily to her house and sits her down on the settee.

Agnes: want any juice? Milk? I have hot chocolate!

Lily: Do you think my mom is okay?

Agnes: Oh, for sure! Oh, you don't have to worry about your mom. Your mom can do anything. She's supermom.

Agnes: Ralph says I sugarcoat things. But you try telling a 10-year-old that her mother is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Back at home

Nat: good morning y/n! Wanda still asleep?

Y/n: yup. I've been awake for a while!

Nat: where's lily?

Y/n: she's at Agnes's house! She's such a help. She's amazing!

Nat: y/n are you okay?

Y/n: I'm fine!! Maybe I should check on lily...

Nat: no, no y/n it's okay!

Wanda comes down stairs with her dressing gown on, hair up. Rubbing her eyes.

Wanda: morning sweeties!

Nat: good morning baby

Y/n: morning sleepy head (softly chuckles)

Wanda hey.. uhm... where is lily?

Y/n: she's next door, sweetie

Wanda: I'm gonna see her, wanna come?
Actually I'm just gonna chill on this settee! Like sheesh!

Y/n: good idea, you both need rest! I'll check on her! I'll see you both in 10 minutes! I love you baby's!

Nat: I love you to baby

Wanda: I love you sweetie

Back at Agnes's house

Agnes: Oh, hey there. Would you like a cup of tea, hon?

Y/n: Sure. Thank you, Agnes.

Agnes: Okay. Sit down. Be right back with that.

Y/n: Where is lily?

Agnes: Oh, she's probably just playing in the basement.

Y/n: lily?

The basement door suddenly slams shut behind, you see someone ahead of you. All in purple. Staring at you

Agnes: y/n, y/n. You didn't think you were the only magical girl in town, did you?

"Agnes": The name's Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you, dear.

Y/n: s-sis?

Agatha: oh why of course. My only way was to gain my own sisters trust. Very easy, dear

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