The breakup part.1

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Y/n: I- okay. I don't think I love Wanda anymore pepper... I don't know what to do...

Pepper: what do you mean?

Y/n: ever since I proposed to her, she's been acting different.


Nat: Wanda, what's happening between you to?

Wanda: I cheated on her. And I know I've been acting different when I'm with her...

Nat: but why?

Wanda: you "died", I was alone with carol... but I thought she'd be okay with it since we both ended up sleeping with her.... I'm scared...

Nat: it's not that easy darling. You have to understand that

Wanda: I just thought...


Pepper: I can see that sweetie, have you spoke to her?

Y/n: n-no... not really

Pepper: you need to see her

Y/n: I don't know what to say!

Pepper: you will know! I know who you are y/n and I know you can do this!


Nat: you thought what? She has fallen out of love. That's not good

Wanda: I still love her Natasha...

Nat: you have to show her that


Y/n: but what if she doesn't love me like she used to?


Wanda: but things are different now... she doesn't love me so what's the point in me trying

Nat: our relationship is worth saving isn't it?

Wanda: that's not what I'm saying. I love you Natasha, I do. I just don't know if I y/n loves me anymore...

Nat: you can't keep this from her!

Wanda: I should go speak to her...

Wanda grabs Natasha in her arms as she takes her back to the compound by flying.

About half an hour later they arrive outside the compound where they see you and pepper

Pepper: omg Natasha!

Nat: h-hey?

Wanda: her memory is messed up pepper...

Pepper and Natasha start talking as if they are strangers. You pull Wanda to one side.

Y/n: what are you doing here?

Wanda: I need to speak to you

Y/n: I don't think I can do this Wanda!

Wanda: I need you y/n! I wanted to keep you

Y/n: that's what I thought when I propose to you! but you've changed since then. I don't understand

Wanda: because I'm scared... I've taken things out on you. I'm sorry

Y/n: your scared!?

You sarcastically laugh

Y/n: you think I'm not scared? I'm scared incase Agatha comes back! Do you not understand! I'm scared incase I'm under her spell again and I sleep with her. What's gonna happen then? Your gonna end it with me? No...

Wanda: y/n...

Y/n: I'm not doing this anymore

Wanda: what do you mean?

Y/n: I can't do this. I- this isn't going to work anymore... maybe I should find Agatha and sleep with her? Oh wait... you would use that against me wouldn't you? You've changed Wanda. And this isn't a good change

Wanda: I know I have... and I can't explain myself. I don't know what to say

Y/n: so that's it? I'm done. You can keep Natasha! I'm done with you.

You run inside crying.

Wanda: NO. COME BACK!!

You bump into carol, she sees that your crying as she begins talking to you

Carol: sweetie what's wrong? You've been gone for ages

Y/n: I-I went to get Natasha. I found her. She's alive! But things turned bad and I think I just broke up with Wanda...

Carol: she's alive? Also what? You... you ended it with her?

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