Where are you?

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Y/n: Yay!

Wanda: you never go out, is something up?

Y/n: no I'm fine, I just, it doesn't matter.

Wanda: No tell me

Wanda climbs into the bed, she turns the music of and holds your hand.

Wanda: you know you can tell me anything!

Y/n: what if Natasha is alive?

Wanda: baby...

Y/n: I sound like a crazy person. I KNOW!

Wanda: no, I didn't say that!

Y/n: Your forgetting I can read minds, wanda

Wanda: fuc- no, look. I'm sorry. Natasha is dead, baby. We can't do anythin-

Y/n: I've seen it on the tv! People fake their deaths to protect their family's and lovers and friends.

Wanda: That's why you want to go in a walk? You think she might be out there?

Y/n: y-yeah

Wanda: Look, you can go. I'm not going to stop you anymore. Go alone tomorrow. I don't want to be with you right now. I don't need this y/n.

Y/n: oh

Tears roll down your face when Wanda leaves the room.

Wanda leaves you alone in your room.

Y/n: I'm not taken this. I'm going out

You walk out of your room, you walk last Wanda. But she doesn't see you.

Pepper: Wanda? What's wrong?

Wanda: she thinks Natasha could of faked her death witch is stupid

Pepper; but Thanos killed her

Wanda: she doesn't want to believe it. I love Natasha and I miss her so godam much but I don't understand why y/n can't accept it yet?

Pepper: everyone copes different Wanda. Have you heard of the 5 stages of grieving?

Wanda: no?

Pepper: well, they are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance

Wanda: oh

Pepper: you must be at acceptance

Wanda: that means y/n is still in denial?

Pepper: I think she is

Wanda: oh gosh. What have I done!

Pepper: what do you mean, what have you done?

Wanda: I told her she's crazy, and that I didn't want to be with her right now....

Pepper: go see her! I haven't seen her

Wanda: thank you pepper

Wanda runs to your room, she doesn't see you. She checks the whole compound but she can't see you anywhere


Pepper runs up to Wanda

Wanda: pepper, I can't find her!

Pepper: I'll ask Thor, carol and Tony if they've seen her!

Pepper goes to ask them all but they all say,"no". Pepper runs back to Wanda and tells her what they said. Wanda starts crying a little

Wanda: pepper. What do I do?

Pepper: GO! Go find her!! she wanted to go for a walk didn't she?

Wanda: oh God. Your right!

Wanda runs outside, she sees a footprint of your shoe in the mud. She follows until the trail is gone

Wanda: baby... where are you!

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