The new Avenger

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Wanda: baby who's Agatha? Are you okay?

Y/n: oh uh... must have been a dream. Silly me

Wanda: you had me worried there! Let's get some breakfast

You and Wanda make your way to the kitchen for some breakfast, bumping into Natasha along the way.

Nat: Good morning love birds

Wanda: (giggles) good morning

you start getting confused, you though we where dating Natasha as well... what has Agatha done!

Nat: hello? Earth to y/n?

Y/n: oh hey. Sorry! Daydreaming

Wanda: come on baby, let's get you some breakfast

You, Wanda and Natasha have some pancakes. Everyone's favourites. About half an hour later Tony walks in.

Tony: Good morning! I have some good news

Y/n: yes, good news!

Nat: let's hear it

Tony: we have a new avenger joining us this later!

Y/n: awesome! What's her name?

Tony: I'm not sure... she either said Angus or Agatha!

Tony giggles a little, you start panicking

Y/n: A-Agatha? Oh no

Nat: y/n? What's wrong?

Y/n: what? No uh... I'm okay. I'm gonna go for a walk

You leave the building straight away, Natasha and Wanda starting to become worried of you.

Tony: is she ok?

Wanda: she's been acting strange all morning. Tony did you say Agatha?

Tony: that's correct

Wanda: she seemed scared this morning. She mentioned someone called Agatha had kidnapped me... But nothing like that has ever happened?

Nat: that's weird...

You step outside and the figure of Agatha appears In front of you.

Y/n: A-Agatha? What are you doing here?

Agatha: how's life going hun? How's it being back with Wanda?

Y/n: what..

Agatha: you seem distracted... follow me

Y/n: what, no!

Agatha: don't keep me waiting darling

Y/n: what have you done!?

Agatha: oh hunny, do they think your losing your mind? Those "memories" you say you have, no one can remember them. Just me and you...

Y/n: but-

Agatha: you have Wanda to yourself, Natasha isn't dating you, maybe she will date carol or Shannon? You say you removed their memories but I'm not dumb. So I did it myself

Y/n: stop! What do you want?

Agatha: I want you to beg me? No, I want you to let me stay here! Or I'll end everything

Y/n: no! Look, you can become an "avenger" I can't stop you. But if you lay a single hand on anyone, your dead!

Agatha: (sarcastically) oh no, I'm so scared

About 2 hours later Agatha settles into the avengers, Tony shows her her new bedroom and showed her around the whole compound.

Everyone notices you've been distant with Agatha but they don't seem to question it.

You and Wanda end up in your bedroom talking.

Wanda: hey baby?

Y/n: yeah?

Wanda: are you okay? Ever since you woke up, you've acted a bit different

Y/n: I'm sorry, it's nothing about you. It's just Agatha... I can't explain it baby, you won't understand! Don't worry about me okay, promise?

Wanda: oh, okay baby. I promise

Agatha knocks on your door, you let her in

Y/n: what do you want?

Agatha: I just wanted to say good night!

Y/n: oh.. oh, well have a lovely sleep

Wanda: nighty night!

You realise what time it was when Agatha left. So you and Wanda decide to go to sleep.

Wanda: I love you y/n

Y/n: I love you to

You fall asleep with tears in your eyes.

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