Memory loss

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Natasha: who are you?

Y/n: Natasha, it's me!

Yelena: oh I didn't say...

Y/n: didn't say what??!!

Yelena: she has memory loss...

Y/n: WHAT? How!

Yelena: when Thanos knocked her out. It effected her pretty bad but The hospital said it's temporary

Y/n: no... no

Wanda runs up to Natasha, not listening to anything Yelena said. Wanda grabs Natasha, hugs her then kisses her.

Natasha's eyes suddenly go white as her memory of Wanda flows back.

Natasha: w-Wanda?

Yelena: oh-

Y/n: Wanda I-

Wanda: I'm sorry. I didn't know that would happen!

Natasha: what are you doing here? How did you know I was here?

Wanda: well your- my girlfriend had a feeling you might have faked your death....

Natasha: you have a girlfriend? Your cheating on me?

Wanda: NO! your dating me and y/n.... but your memory...

Nat: oh....Well, how do I remember you?

Wanda: well, I kissed you

Yelena: uh, yeah. I'm gonna go get some food from the shop

Yelena leaves awkwardly

Nat: okay. Can you not kiss me also?

Y/n: Uhm, I guess so... here goes nothing

You walk up to Natasha and grab her waist.

Nat: oh wow your good

You passionately kiss her on the lips.

Nothing happens

Y/n: do you remember me?

Nat: I'm... I'm sorry. You seem to really like me though huh?

Y/n: I mean. Yeah, you know I do....

Wanda: this isn't her fault sweetie

Y/n: how come it worked for you huh? True loves kiss?

Wanda: You know it doesn't work like that

Y/n: then how does it work?! I miss Natasha so fucking much Wanda and you know that!

Nat; guys please! Stop! We can work things out

Y/n: how? I can't force you to fall in love with me.

Nat: you know, your an amazing kisser...

Y/n: I am?

Wanda: why do you think I kiss you all the time?

Y/n; oh baby

Your cheeks go red

Nat: I think I might have an idea of how to get my memory back of you...

Okay so, short chapter! But, if anyone has any ideas please tell me them! It can be sexual, it can be cute, it can be wholesome! Anything you want!! I hope your liking my story.  Kinda struggling hshs 😅

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