Part 16

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Y/n: it was suppose to be a game of tag, But It was getting out of control.

Agatha: Y/n...

Y/n: I tried my best to hide my powers. As I was running I read my mom's mind...

You start crying, as you sit down.

Carol: what was it?

Y/n: we where not playing tag... she wanted me dead, she knew about my powers...

Thor: oh shit-

Y/n: I'm running as fast as I can, she wouldn't stop.

Agatha: y/n...

Y/n: she kept on saying "tag, your it".

Agatha: y/n, are you really doing this?

Y/n: they need to know the truth...
I'm sorry.

Agatha: okay okay.

You take a deep breath.

Y/n: running through the parking lot she chased and she wouldn't stop, tag your it TAG, TAG YOUR IT!! Grabbed my hands and pushed me down. Took the words right out my mouth.

Pepper: sweetie... oh my...

Y/n: she got me... the next thing I knew I woke up next to my sister. Tied up in a basement cell. I could tell Agatha was powerless even though she had powers. Our parents didn't know that Agatha had powers. But they knew I did. They didn't realise how powerful I was, I used my powers to untie myself leaving Agatha. I left the room and stuck up behind my parents and I forced them against the wall. I didn't want them to kill me. Or my sister. I had to do it.

At this point you could see everyone was begging to cry.

Y/n: using my powers I tied them up and ran back to Agatha untying her. I told her to stay in the room, but little did I know she could see me. I-I-I killed them...

Agatha: stop. You don't ha-

Y/n: you saw what I did, you frowned upon me...

Agatha: I-

Y/n: why did you abandon me! I'm your little sister. I had no one left. I lived on the streets half my life Agatha.

Agatha: let me expla-

Y/n: I was better of without my family. They wanted me dead. NOT YOU! All I did was protect you that night... and you left me Agatha... I loved you.

Agatha: Y/N LISTEN!

Y/n: what, what could be so important?

Agatha: this wasn't on purpose.

Y/n: oh. Of course it wasn't.

Agatha: I'm being serious y/n...

Y/n: go ahead. Tell me, oh when I was in school they used you? Is that it?

Wanda: sweetie, maybe listen to her..

Y/n: I'm sorry. I'm sorry...

Agatha: I never went to school, they knew I had powers...

Y/n: wait. What...

Agatha: they wanted me to use my powers against you... I didn't look at you in disgust, I looked at our parents...

Y/n: I-

Agatha: they tried killing you... a lot of times... I - I stoped them. But they didn't know it was me.... you remember those nightmares?

Y/n: you know my nightmares-

Agatha: yes...

Y/n: oh...

Agatha: I had to leave you ... you killed them, I was suppose to do it. I'm the big sister, I was suppose to protect you. It was my fault, they knew you had powers because of me. You almost died because of me...

Y/n: what do you mean? Why did you tell them? That was out secret!

Agatha: they knocked me out, when I woke up, I saw a needle in my hand. They gave me a truth serum... I had no choice in the matter...

Y/n: it's okay. Agatha, it's okay. 
I'm sorry...

Agatha: I'm sorry to. I tried my best. We where only kids...

Y/n: we didn't deserve any of that.

You and Agatha end up hugging for about 5 minutes. Everyone in the room crying, including Thor and Tony!

Y/n: would you all like to watch a movie?

Natasha: I think that would be lovely.

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