Dr Stephan Strange

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Fast forward to 1 month later


Wanda: I can't do this anymore! I'm exhausted... I'm never gonna get y/n back!

Stephan: You can't give up Wanda, you just have to concentrate!

Wanda: I'm never gonna beat Agatha... she's simple to strong for me

Wanda tries casting another spell on the flower in front of her.

Wanda: it's not working!! Why can't I get it to grow... it's been a month, strange... it's Christmas tomorrow, and I still haven't got her back!

Stephan: Take a break Wanda! we can work on this again tomorrow, you need some rest.

Wanda: Fine... okay... I guess I'll see you after Christmas.


Agatha: Y/n, hunny you still in the shower? 

You can't hear Agatha, since you in the shower. So, Agatha makes her way to the bathroom. she sees your in the shower, so Agatha takes her clothes of, but before she sneaks in, you begin to sing. (Thank you by Megan Trainor)

Y/n: You keep me humble, keep me focused everyday..

you know how to put a smile, on my face! when I think about you, all my worries fades.

you say you'll love till forever and that'll never change!

oh-oh I hear your words, oh-oh they don't go unnoticed, oh-oh I feel you love. You know without you I got nothing, I got nothing. Without you I got nothing, I got nothing.. bit if I are loyal, you know I adore you ...

Without you I got nothing, I got nothing...So I wanna, I wanna, I wanna thank you, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna thank you, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna thank you
Oh, oh, hey

You stop singing for a moment, for a breather. Agatha steps in the shower, she holds her waist and kisses your neck.

Y/n: Hey baby

Agatha: I didn't know you could sing hunny 

y/n: oh.. you heard me

Agatha: you left the door wide open silly... I've never heard this song before, did you write it?

Y/n: I uh- I did... I write songs

Agatha: do you think you could finish this one...

y/n: o-okay baby

Agatha cuddles into you from the back, you start singing some more.

y/n: No one knows how to love me like you do, I could bring the dream to life, oh, all because of you.

you help me when i'm feeling low, you let me know i'm not alone... you say you'll love me till forever 

so imma love you, too 

You stop singing and turn around to face Agatha.

y/n: that's uh.. that's all I have baby

As you say this, a tear rolls down Agatha's cheek

Agatha: That's beautiful baby, oh my gosh

y/n: wait, are you crying? 

Agatha: m-maybe... you sound like an Angel, baby! 

You giggle a little, you wipe Agatha's tears. you turn you back to Agatha, as you do this Agatha brings her lips to your neck, she starts to leave marks on your body.


Wanda walks Dr strange outside.

Wanda: I'll see you after Christmas?

Stephan: Definitely! Make sure to rest all holidays 

Dr strange flies away, Wanda goes back inside to see pepper and Tony.

Pepper: are you okay Wanda?

Wanda: I failed...

Tony: don't say that Wanda!! you can do this, we know you can! but Stephan is right, you need some rest! when was the last time you slept?

Wanda : i don't know...

Pepper: Wanda, please, please sleep

wanda: ok.. ok, i will...

Wanda receives a cuddle from pepper and Tony. she finally goes to sleep. 


Agatha earns some small, quiet moans from you. 

Y/n: hey Agnus? 

Agatha smiles as you call her Agnus, she knows she has turned you on.

Agatha: yes hunny 

Y/n: y'know it's Christmas in like an hour...

Agatha: that's correct

Agatha is still kissing your neck, you try to keep your moans in, she brings her hands to your breasts and starts squishing them.

Y/n: Oh, baby, your really turning me on... your in for a treat tomorrow 

Agatha: wanna take this out of the shower

Y/n: okay baby, not to much though... I wanna save myself for Christmas 

Agatha opens the shower door, she carries your wet body on the table, facing the mirror.

Y/n: baby? 

Agatha: yes hunny?

Y/n: I'm facing the mirror...

Agatha: oh I know silly

Agatha brings her mouth to your nipple, she starts to suck on them, as she does this you instantly start to moan. But you want to stop straight away.

Y/n: Baby...

Agatha: yes?

Y/n: I'm to tired 

Agatha: you wanna go to bed, sleepy?

Y/n: please! Carry me?

Agatha giggles as she carries your body into bed, she lays you down but before she could put your clothes on,  you had already fallen asleep. 

She brings the blanket over your cold body, as she lays besides you she kisses your forehead.  

Agatha: (giggles) Goodnight sleep head. 

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