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As everyone runs in you try waking Natasha up, you know she can't be dead! She has a pulse. What the hell just happened.

Y/n: baby....

Wanda: they can help us, it's going to be okay

Pepper: what happened?

Y/n: m-me and Wanda where just messing about...

Wanda: then Natasha join in, she suddenly hit us with some powers and now she's unconscious

Carol: with power?

Y/n: yeah

Tony: that makes no logical sense, the red room... they would have took it away

Aggie: it makes no sense that she has powers

Wanda: Tony, she's lived here for god knows how long and we only found out now! Just tell me she's going to be oki?!

Thor: we should call Bruce

Y/n: Aggie, can you look after lily until I get back? Please

Agatha: no need to ask!

Agatha goes to the toddler room, as does pepper.

You carry Natasha to Bruce's lab, at the other side of the building.

Bruce opens the door, you okay her on the mental table.

Wanda: this is to much baby

Y/n: to much, is never to much baby. She's going to be okay! I'm here, okay!

Bruce examines Natasha's body.

10 mins later

Y/n: Bruce?

After 10 mins. Bruce has checked Natasha's vitals etc  

Y/n: Bruce? Just tell me if she's going to be okay or not

Bruce: she's going to be okay, but...

Wanda: but?

Bruce: she's in a coma

Y/n: WHAT. Oh my god no...

Wanda: oh gosh, this can't be happening

Bruce: she's going to be okay girls. I promise

Y/n: the magic... what about the magic

Bruce: there is no scientific explanation for that, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened

Tony: come on, let's go back to the living room

Y/n: I can't leave her Tony!!

Tony: we don't know when she's going to wake up. But Bruce will call us when something happens

Y/n: take good care of her Bruce, I can't lose her again

Bruce: I will, don't worry

You all go back to the living room. You see pepper and Agatha, without the kids. They must still be asleep

You look at Agatha, you instantly start crying, you run to the bathroom and lock the door begin you.

Agatha: what did I do??!!

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