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Skye's POV

I awoke to the sound of my alarm, 7am, right on time, waking me up for another dull day at school. I was so happy that I only had the rest of this year left before I could go off to college. Don't get me wrong, my life here in Huntington Beach isn't bad, it's just boring. I am Skye, your average senior in highschool, I have a great mom who I live with, a small part time job at the local yoghurt shop and a couple of close friends whom I love.

So today was starting off like every other school day. I reached over and stopped the annoying beeping of my alarm and slid out of bed. I trudged downstairs to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. "Morning sweetheart" said mom as she entered the kitchen still putting in her earrings as she looked for her bag so she could head off to work. "Hey mamma" I replied in between mouthfuls of cereal. I pointed over to the dining room table, where mom had left her bag after she got in from her date last night. She followed to where I was pointing, saw the bag, smiled and walked over to kiss me goodbye. She planted a kiss on my head and told me she would be home about 5:30. I reminded her I had a shift at the yoghurt shop after school so wouldn't be home til just after 9.

After mom left and I had finished my bowl of cereal, I headed upstairs to get dressed for school. I had a quick shower, slipped on some jeans, a blue singlet and my white Vans. I pulled back my wavy blonde hair into a messy pony tail and slicked on some mascara. I didn't really like to wear make up but my friends said it made my blue eyes stand out so I figured it was worth the extra 30 seconds to put it on. Other than that the only beauty product I really used was lip balm, much to the dismay of my good friend Lucy, who adored all things girly. I slicked some on, chucked it in my pocket, grabbed my backpack and headed back downstairs.

Once out the front door I hopped on my bike and headed towards school. I preferred riding to school rather than getting a lift or catching the bus. It was nice to get some sun before being stuck inside at school all day, it gave me time to think and it was good for the environment. I thought about the day ahead, the highlight would be seeing my friends and hearing Taylor recount the goings on from her date last night, she was definately the boy crazy one of our little group. The worst part would be science, I hated science. Just to clarify I am actually good at science, but I am clumsy as hell so having small glass beakers around me is just asking for trouble. Unfortunately my science teacher Mr Mattison didn't understand this and had already given me detention three time this year for breaking things after he assumed I was being careless.

I arrived at school, locked up my bike and headed towards my locker. Science was up first so I grabbed my science book, shut my locker and waited for Taylor. We had science together so she always swung past this way so we could walk together. I figured today I would make her handle any breakables, that way I wouldn't break anything and I wouldn't get detention and I would not be late for my shift at the yoghurt shop. I really liked working there and the money came in handy to buy anything I needed that I felt bad asking mom for. I knew she worked hard to earn money to pay for the house so I didn't want to be any trouble.

Taylor sauntered up and as usual she looked more like she was going out to a party than going to school. I rolled my eyes at her as she stopped out front of my locker. She protested, "What?". I looked her up and down, "Are you going somewhere special after school or something?" I asked sarcastically, knowing she carefully selected this outfit just for school today. She liked to get as much attention as possible and today she was using her denim skirt and low cut singlet to get it. Her hair and make up were done perfectly, I have no idea how she has the time before school, I'd rather stay in bed. Taylor is actually one of the nicest people I know, she just thinks way too much about boys.

We walked into science and went over to our bench. We were lucky enough to be assigned as lab partners on the first day of school this year and I had been grateful ever since, I did not want to pair up with any of the other kids in our class. As if to confirm my reasons for not wanting any other lab partner I heard a loud crash on the bench behind us. I turned to see the two boys who occupy that bench looking guilty as a smashed test tube lay in pieces on their work space, they just laughed and continued trying to balance them on their palms. Lucky for them Mr Mattison wasn't here yet so they would be able to hide the evidence and not get detention. Taylor giggled and smiled at the guys, she had always thought they were cute and was constantly turning around or asking to borrow things from their table. They didn't seem to mind, it appeared as if they were a bit girl crazy, seeing as all they did all class was talk about the girls in our year instead of doing actual science work. 

Taylor turned back to me and sighed, "Those boys are so dreamy". I laughed at her, "Those boys are not dreamy, they seem like jerks plus they are too lucky. Everytime I break something I get detention". I grabbed both her shoulders to snap her out of her boy crazed fog and said "I need you to handle all breakables today, I have a shift at the yoghurt shop after work and I can not get detention and be late again". Taylor glanced over to the boys bench then looked at me with a grin, "Oh my god, I just caught one of them looking over here", she whispered to me excitedly. I shook her shoulders, "Focus" I snapped. She apologised and insisted she was listening. "You know I need the money from the yoghurt shop so please focus today and don't let me break anything", I pleaded with her. She smiled at me, "Don't worry" she said, "I got this".

We made it almost all the way through the class without an incident. In fact I had pretty much forgotten that I wasn't handling any breakables today, so when it came time to pack up I mistakenly grabbed two of the beakers and went to put them on the sink at the back of the room. As I grabbed them and turned I banged my elbow on the corner of the boys bench behind us, which resulted in me dropping the beaker that was in that hand. I gasped and stiffened as it smashed on the floor and everyone in class turned to look. I looked up and standing right in front of me was one of the boys that worked behind us, I knew I was bright red and having this jerk witness the whole thing made it worse.

Mr Mattison made his way over where the crashing sound had come from. He looked at the floor then back at me, "Skye, how many times have I told you that you can not horse around in the lab?". I tried to protest but he cut me off, "I'm sorry but I'm giving you after school detention, maybe then you'll learn to take this more seriously" he ordered. "But Mr Mattison I have work after"....he cut me off again. "I don't want to hear it, you should be more responsible". I looked down so angry that I had once again managed to get detention, even while I was purposefully trying not to. "Actually Mr Mattison, I was the one who dropped the beaker", I looked up to see who had taken the blame for me. My eyes met the eyes of the jerk, he smiled at me and then he looked back at Mr Mattison. "Really, you broke the beaker?" questioned Mr Mattison. The jerk nodded, Mr Mattison sighed, "Well then I guess you no longer have detention Skye" he said glancing at me. "It looks like instead, you will be in detention Mr Stromberg".

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