Twenty Eight

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Wesley's POV

I just sat quietly in the dark music room waiting for Skye to come and meet me. I had only sent her the text a few minutes ago but I knew she would be here any second, the school wasn't that big. I couldn't believe that the rumors had gotten worse, I had done everything I could think of to put an end to them. All morning I had been fielding questions from guys about how I managed to get Skye to give it up, every time explaining I hadn't and that she was my girlfriend. I almost punched the guy who finally told me he heard I had was only calling her my girlfriend because the sex was so amazing I didn't want to move on. I was sure this latest gossip would have reached Skye by now, and no doubt she was freaking out thinking I was bragging or something. I put my head into my hands, how many times was I going to have to apologise to this girl for the person I used to be. It's ironic because the only reason I'm not that guy anymore is because of her, and she's the one constantly getting hurt by it.

I saw a beam of light streak up the music room floor as I was looking down, someone had swung open the door. I knew it was Skye but I didn't look up, I didn't need to see the anger in her face. "What's up Wesley?" she said in sing song tone, clearly she hadn't heard the latest from the HB High rumor mill. She made her way to the back where I was sitting, kneeling in front of my and asking me again but this time in a more serious tone. I really didn't want to tell her but I had to, so I made her swear not to ignore me again. She agreed so I looked up into her blue eyes, knowing in a few seconds she would probably hate me again. "There is a rumor going around school that I am with you for the sex", I said it quickly then waited for her reaction. I was stunned when she started laughing, this was not at all what I was expecting, I looked at her confused. "You're not mad?" I asked her, she told me she wasn't and then explained how essentially she had started the new rumor when she caught some girls gossiping about us. I hated that anyone would think I wasn't serious about Skye or that I was with her for any other reason than I liked her, but I was happy she had reacted this way instead of just ignoring me. I let her know how I felt before standing up and pulling her with me, she looked up at me and smiled, making my heart race. "Let's go get some food. I'm starved" she said and with that she took my hand and led us to the cafeteria.

I really wanted Skye to meet my mom and also get to know Keaton under better circumstances than the beach party. I knew my mom would be pretty shocked if I brought a girl home, it was something I had never done before, but if Skye was going to be in my life a lot, like I hoped she was then I wanted my mom to like her. We set our trays done at her table, I nodded a hello to Lucy and Taylor then asked Skye if she wanted to come over after school. She explained she had work, which sucked but I knew she needed the extra cash. I really wanted to see her tonight, just so we could spend a little quality time together, not at school, so I suggested I walk her home. We made plans for me to swing past the yogurt shop at 7 before I headed over to my table to chat with my friends. "You've changed Wesley" Stephen mocked me, glancing over my shoulder at Skye. I laughed, "Nah man, just grew up. It happens to the best of us" I said joking around, looking back at Skye. She was sitting there deep in thought while Lucy and Taylor had an animated conversation, I loved that about her. I wondered if she was thinking about me, I hoped she was because she was pretty much all I thought about these days.

I went for a surf with Drew and Keaton after school, I felt guilty because I hadn't been spending as much time with them as usual. They understood but made sure I paid for it by constantly giving me crap. "How would you guys feel if Skye came to LA with us?" I floated the idea with them hoping they'd be cool with it. Drew shot me a confused look, "You really do like her, don't you man?", he quizzed me. I grinned, of course I did but how did inviting her to LA make him realise that. He continued, "You're not one to turn down an opportunity to exploit the 'lead singer in a band' appeal, so you must be in luuuurrrrve". I laughed at Drew, but wondered if he could be right, I wasn't in love with her but I was on my way. At about 6 I told them I needed to head in, I was meeting Skye at 7, they decided to stay a bit longer. I paddled in to the shore, removing my wetsuit, grabbing my stuff and heading home. When I got home I had a quick shower, got dressed and left for the yogurt shop. I really hoped she wasn't working with Ben, I know she thinks they are just friends but I'm not naive like Skye, I can spot someone who is vibing on a chick.

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