Fourty Two

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Wesley's POV

"WES. Get up, we're gonna be late for school", I heard Keaton's voice coming from downstairs and I groaned. I hadn't slept at all and I really didn't want to go to school, but the idea of being the kind of guy who mopes in bed after a break up didn't sit well with me. Then again, the idea of going to school and having everyone find out I got cheated on wasn't too appealing either. I knew the gossip would fly around school and there would be plenty of people who would just think I got what was coming to me. The worst part would be seeing Skye, the thought of her made my chest constrict, my hand flew to my chest, rubbing it as if that would ease the ache. The image of her and Ben kissing filled my mind, I rolled over and buried my face in my pillow, I couldn't see her today, it would be too hard. I tormented myself with the image for a few seconds and then moved on, wondering if her and Ben were together, what she would say to her friends at school about this whole situation, how would she act now? I didn't think she was the kind of person who would take joy in the fact she had hurt me, and she definately didn't seem like a person who would spread gossip. But I hadn't thought she was the kind of person who would cheat either, so what did I know?

I begrudgingly got out of bed, had a shower and got dressed for school, all while Keaton yelled at me to hurry up. I drove us to school, we didn't have time to skate and I wanted to go to the shops after school to get a new phone. I was pissed that Skye's betrayal had led to a second thing getting broken, a new phone wasn't going to be cheap but I guessed it was easier fixed than my heart. "You ok bro?" Keaton asked, pulling me from my thoughts, I wasn't but I nodded my head. "Yea" I said but he shot me a glance like he didn't believe me, "Skye and me are over" I admitted reluctantly. "That sucks dude, she was awesome. What did you do?" Keaton's question was innocent enough, it wasn't wrong of him to automatically assume it was my fault, history was on his side. My heart sunk, I didn't want him to feel sorry for me or to hate Skye, although I wasn't sure why. "She is awesome but it just didn't work out" I told him, his face got serious as if he was trying to understand. "Is it because she wouldn't sleep with you in LA?" again I knew Keaton didn't mean anything by it, it wouldn't be the first time I had bailed on a girl for that reason, but it still stung. "It was lots of things" I tried to keep my answer vague, Keaton didn't need to know specifics.

I sucked in deep breaths as I entered school and walked to my locker, I was glad I didn't have science today, maybe I could avoid her. I looked over at her locker, so much for avoiding her, but I couldn't help it, I wanted to see how she was. I tried to look busy at my locker until the bell rang, she didn't make an appearance at her locker at all, I wondered if she was at school today. My brain didn't function at all throughout my morning classes, I was living on no sleep, my mind was swirling with horrible thoughts, there was a constant knot in my stomach and aching in my chest. I slowly entered the cafeteria at lunch time, my eyes immediately scanning to see if Skye was in fact at school, no sign of her and her regular table was only occupied by Taylor and Lucy. Taylor gave me a quick wave when she spotted me, that's weird, I thought to myself, surely she knew what was going on with me and Skye. I braced myself for possible gossip and questions but it never came, couple that with Taylor's wave and I realised no one knew about our break up. It was only Monday I guess, but this stuff usually didn't take this long to get around, then again these kind of things didn't usually involve Skye. She hadn't told anyone yet and she clearly wasn't at school, I wondered if she had stayed home because of it. I felt bad, I didn't want to but I did, the idea she was at home upset killed me.

I sat down at my table, wondering if Skye was at home right now feeling guilty. I didn't like the idea that she was unhappy but I was relieved that she wasn't enjoying this situation, that she felt bad about what she did and I thought that maybe she was just as upset about us being over as I was. I decided that after I went to get a new phone I would stop by her house, I was still hurt by what she did but the idea that she was hurting outweighed that. I borrowed Keaton's phone and shot Drew a text telling him to meet me after school, he would give me some good advice before visiting Skye and he owed me $100, which would come in handy to buy my new phone. The rest of the day dragged, so when the final bell rang I raced out to my car and headed to meet Drew. He was waiting for me when I pulled into a parking spot, he noticed straight away that something was up, "What's wrong dude? You look like shit" he blurted out. "Thanks" I said sarcastically, but I knew he was right, "I need to get a new phone, I broke mine last night" I admitted. Drew didn't push it as to why or how I broke my phone, we just walked into the store in silence.

"Dang, Taylor is hot" Drew exclaimed as we left the phone store, I had no idea why he said it until I followed to where he was pointing. A few stores down Taylor and Skye were exiting a store, arms full of bags, chatting away as if everything was normal. The knot in my stomach twisted, it sucked that she was just as beautiful as ever, the sight of her bare shoulders taking me back to Saturday night. I really wanted to go over and kiss her but the image of Ben doing that exact thing stopped me. Why had she ruined this, maybe she just hadn't reacted to Ben kissing her because she was shocked, maybe she regretted it and we could work it out. I felt hopeful until I realised Skye didn't look upset at all, if anything she looked happy and she certainly wasn't at home wallowing like I had thought. I was such an idiot, first she had cheated on me which left me feeling like I had been run over and then I had thought she would care and it appeared she really didn't. How many times could I get trampled by this girl, it seems as if this has been the pattern from the start. Drew hurried slightly, trying to catch up to them but I grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "You don't want to see Skye?" he asked me, "Not really" I replied angrily, I was so frustrated, mainly with myself for being such a sucker. "Let's just go" I added and headed back towards the car, my pain slowly being replaced by rage.

Once we were in the car Drew decided to start in with the brotherly support, "So, what's up man. You and Skye are done?" he asked calmly. I took a deep breath, I didn't want to get into the details, I was over it. Well I wasn't over it, I loved her so this would take some time to get over but I was over worrying about her feelings, she obviously didn't care about mine. "Yea, we are done" I said simply, "I don't want to get into it, but safe to say I learnt my lesson, Wesley and girlfriends don't mix". I tried to sound upbeat and I shot Drew a cheesy grin, suggesting I was fine with everything. I really wasn't, I didn't particularly want to go back to the way I used to be but I sure as hell wasn't going to be the loser who got cheated on and then moped for weeks. If Skye was fine then I was going to be fine too, I didn't want everyone at school to think she had broken my heart and I especially didn't want Skye to know it.

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