Fourty Five

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Skye's POV

"Get that away from my ear" I flinched as I yelled at Taylor, who was doing my hair and almost burning me with the curling iron. She laughed, "I'm not going to burn you. Stay still" I did as she instructed while she finished my hair. Lucy had already done my make up and we were almost ready to leave for Patrick's party, I just needed to put my dress on. I grabbed my new black dress from my closet, once Taylor was happy with my hair and went into the bathroom to get changed. It wasn't something I felt comfortable in, it was tight and had cut outs but Taylor had been so obsessed with it in the store that she wouldn't leave unless I bought it. I walked back into my room, "Skye, I hate you" Taylor moaned from where she was sitting on my bed. I shot her a confused look as I slipped my feet into some black heels, "You look so amazing, and I hate you" she giggled. I rolled my eyes, I found it ridiculous that she was jealous of me when she looked stunning in her pink dress. "You really do look smoking hot Skye" Lucy added, and I blushed, "Thanks guys" I said quietly. "Now let's go" I added with more enthusiasm as I grabbed my phone and tossed it to Taylor to put in her bag. We piled into Taylor's car and headed for the party, I was nervous about seeing all the kids from school dressed like this. The only other times I had worn a dress in recent history was on my first date with Wesley and then in LA with Wesley. I remembered the night in LA, how nervous I had been when Wesley was unzipping the dress, how much I wanted him. I sighed, the thought made me miserable and I knew I had to make some new memories in a dress.

The party was well and truly underway when we arrived, Taylor insisted we were fashionably late. As we walked into Patrick's house I looked around, it was definately impressive, his parents must be pretty loaded. I scanned the room, there was lots of art on the walls and expensive looking sculptures, my eyes fell upon Wesley in the living room and my heart stopped. He was here with Amber, she was all over him and the sight of them made me take a step backwards in disgust. I knew he wouldn't take long to move on, in fact I was surprised it had taken him this long, but I just didn't want to witness it and here it was right in front of me. She was grinding against him to the music and he seemed quite content to let her, as he chugged back a beer. I was distracted by Patrick welcoming us into his house, he gave each of us a quick hug and then pointed out where the drinks were. My first instinct was to run to them but I didn't feel like repeating my last drinking disaster, and Wesley wasn't going to be around to save me this time. I looked back to where Wesley was standing as Patrick took Taylor to get us some drinks, Amber was slithering against him, I needed to get my mind off them. I grabbed Lucy's hand and led her to where everyone was dancing but as far from Wesley as possible, "Let's dance" I yelled over the music.

The music was really good, Lucy and I danced to a couple of songs and I started to feel a bit better. Taylor and Patrick joined us a few minutes later, handing me a plastic red cup that contained the soda I had requested. Some other guys came over to dance with us, one guy I didn't recognise introducing himself as Dan. He was really cute I thought as he shook my hand, "Skye" I said telling him my name in return. He motioned that he couldn't hear me over the music, so I stood on my tip toes and leant over to say it closer to him. I could see Wesley over his shoulder as I spoke into his ear, I noted Wesley slide his hands onto Amber's hips as she faced away from him. 6 days ago those hands were on my hips, my mind went back to the hotel room, I shook my head, this was not the time or place to think about this. I wanted to get some distance from Amber and Wesley so I downed my soda and motioned to Dan I was going to get another drink. He held up his empty cup, nodded and then extended his hand to me, I took it and he led me out of the living room to the kitchen. It was quieter in the kitchen which I was grateful for, I was feeling nauseated from seeing Wesley like that.

"Patrick has a nice house hey?" Dan asked me pulling me from my Wesley thoughts, I nodded. We talked for a bit about what his parents did for work to be able to afford such a nice house and the art and things like that. It turned out Dan didn't go to our school, which I kind of knew seeing as how I didn't recognise him but knew Patrick from some sporting club. "You should see the theatre room upstairs, it's basically a mini cinema" he told me. "Really?" I asked, "That sounds cool" I added, thinking how nice it was to talk about something other than boys or Wesley for a change. "Yea, I'll show you" he said extending his hand to me again, I took it. He was a cute boy being nice to me and even though that hadn't worked out for me so well last time I was determined not to think about Wesley and Dan had been doing a good job of making me forget about him. He led me upstairs and into the coolest home theatre I could have imagined, there was a giant screen, lots of recliners lined up and a popcorn machine. "This is amazing" I gushed as I sat down in one of the recliners, Dan sitting in the one next to me. "Told ya" Dan reminded me as I looked around and imagined living in a place like this, thinking about how many sculptures I would break with my clumsiness.

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