Thirty One

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Skye's POV

I really wasn't sure how this had all gotten so out of control, I just knew I hadn't handled any of it properly I thought to myself as I lay in bed considering faking sick so I could stay home. If it wasn't for a maths quiz we had today I would have happily stayed home all day but I needed to get a good mark on this quiz. I tensed under my covers thinking about seeing Wesley in science, which was first period, I had no idea what to say to him. I wanted to tell him I was sorry for everything, but I really didn't know where to start. I had never meant to intentionally do anything to hurt him and at the time I thought not telling him about Ben was actually a smart idea. I smacked my palm to my forehead, how could I have been so stupid I thought, keeping things from each other had never worked well for me and Wesley. I kind of knew that if that was all I had done Wesley would probably forgive me, we could put it down to my complete lack of dating skills and experience, but it was what happened yesterday that was the sticking point. I'm not sure if I really knew what I was doing when I was doing it but looking back I now realised Wesley was right, I had confused my guilt over the Ben thing with my guilt over making him wait and tried to 'fix things'. The thing that made me feel worse now was knowing he had turned me down yesterday because he didn't want to rush things and here I was thinking it was all me.

I reluctantly got out of bed, knowing I would look crap today because I had already wasted most of my getting ready time and I had an hour of sleep max. I had cried into my pillow for a good couple of hours after Wesley left and then spent the early hours of the morning texting Taylor about everything that had happened. The mirror confirmed my suspicions, my hair was messier than usual as I tied it into a pony tail and I looked so tired, not even mascara helped. I went back to my bedroom and threw on some black shorts, a thin cotton long sleeved baseball tshirt and my white Vans. As I made my way downstairs I knew I was going to be late so I asked mom if she could drop me at school on her way to work. "Did you have a fight with Wesley?" she asked as we got into the car, it didn't take a genius to figure it out seeing as he had practically run from our house last night and now I looked haggard. "Yep" I replied really not wanting to think about it, I would just make myself more miserable. She seemed to understand and didn't bring it up again, until we got to school when she said "He's a good kid Skye, whatever you did, make it right" as I was getting out of the car. I found it slightly amusing that she assumed I did something wrong, I bet she wouldn't think that if she knew his reputation. But I realised she was only basing her judgement on who he was now and she knew me better than anyone, she knew getting close with people wasn't easy for me and I'd usually mess it up.

I was sick with nerves as I walked to my locker, I was relieved when I saw Taylor waiting for me and I noticed she looked tired too which made me feel bad for keeping her up last night. "Have you figured out what to say to him?" Taylor asked me quietly, I shook my head and pulled open my locker. I didn't know what I was going to say to him, I just knew I had to speak to him so I scanned the hall to see if he was around. I spotted him over by his locker, my stomach churned as I noticed he looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep either. "I'll meet you in science" I said to Taylor before I turned and quickly scurried over to Wesley's locker. He had his back to me and I wasn't sure of the appropriate greeting, so I just said "Hey". He slowly turned around as if he wasn't sure he wanted to see me, but when he finally looked at me and our eyes met I knew I had to make everything right again. "Wesley, we need to talk, please?" I begged him quietly, "Like you talked to me about Ben?" he responded in a calm tone. He hadn't said it meanly but the words still stung, because I knew he was right, I was pushing my luck asking for him to talk to me now. "I made a mistake keeping the Ben thing from you, I'm so sorry but I really need to talk to you now" I pleaded with him but his eyes still stayed cold. "For the first time ever Skye, I don't want you to talk to me" and with that he gently shut his locker and walked past me towards the science lab. I was pretty sure I was going to cry right here in the hallway but the idea of the gossip that would create kept the tears at bay.

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