Thirty Six

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Wesley's POV

I looked over at Skye as I stood on stage while Drew started strumming the start to Tequila Sunrise, she had been watching me sing every song but I couldn't read on her face what she was thinking. I winked at her, which made her smile, and eased some of the nerves I had been feeling. I had played in plenty of clubs before but I felt like I was singing directly to her and I just hoped she liked it. Even in the dim lights of the club you could see she was stunning, a fact that hadn't escaped the attention of some of the guys in the room. I hated that I was on stage and completely unable to fend off any guys advances towards her, but she seemed totally unaware of them. This comforted me, both that she was naive enough not to even understand how hot she was but also that she was too busy watching us play to care what was happening around her. It is so hot in here, I thought to myself as we finished up the final song and thanked everyone for coming out. "Not bad Chadwick" I heard Taylor say and I looked up to see her strutting up to Drew, she wasn't being subtle and she didn't care.

If she was here then who was sitting with Skye, the idea panicked me slightly, I scanned the club for her and spotted her still just sitting at the table. She didn't even seem to notice Taylor had left the table, she was deep in thought as usual and the sight brought a big grin to my face. I made my way over to the table and stood behind her, "So, what did you think? I asked her, nervous for her reaction. I was so happy when she told me she thought we did amazing, her face lit up when she talked about it and I was so glad that I had made the girl I love feel this way by doing what I love to do. I didn't want this night to end, I wanted to make the most of being away from our normal lives and just have fun with Skye. I suggested to Skye that we go out after I had showered, so I rounded up Drew, Keaton and Taylor and we made our way out into the cool night air.

When we got back to the hotel Drew and Keaton headed to their room to change, while I quickly stripped off my sweaty shirt once inside our room. I noticed that Taylor wasn't with Skye when she came into the room, I figured she had gone with Drew so the two of them could exchange some more quips before they inevitably hooked up. I told Skye I'd be really quick so we could head out then slipped into the bathroom. I was barely inside the bathroom door when Skye called out my name, "Yea" I said rushing back out, curious as to what she needed. I waited for a second for her to speak, I was confused as to why she had called me out of the shower, surely she wanted me to be quick so we could continue enjoying our night. She started walking over to me, my heart started to beat a little faster, a sexy girl coming at me usually has this affect on me. My mind started getting carried away with all of the things I could think of that I'd rather do right now with Skye than go out, but I pushed those thoughts out of my mind.

"Can you help me unzip my dress first?" she asked sweetly, and I wondered if she knew how just asking me this tiny favour was already getting me heated up. I thought it was odd that she wanted to change before we went out but I didn't care what she wore, she looked great in anything she had on. I took my time unzipping her dress, enjoying seeing more and more of her bare skin as I moved the zip down her back. She turned back to face me when I was done, looking up at me with those blue eyes, she was so close to me. "You truly are amazing you know" she said looking down, it never got old hearing her say how much she liked the show, I told her we'd go celebrate after my shower. She looked up at me again, making my breath catch in my throat, "I'm not talking about the show. I'm talking about you. All of you", she said seductively while placing her hands on my chest. I was stunned, this wasn't like her advances in her bedroom, I could see in her eyes she was genuinely wanting something to happen. The idea flustered me, I wasn't expecting this, not right now anyway so I reluctantly removed her hands from my chest and made a lame joke about celebrating me being amazing.

Once I had escaped back to the bathroom I steadied my breath, I looked at myself in the mirror, 'Pull it together Wesley' I thought to myself, 'You can resist her. Don't let her rush into anything'. I quickly took off the rest of my clothes and reached over to turn the shower on. "Wesley" I heard Skye yell, and instinctively I turned off the shower, grabbed a towel and hurried back out to her, to make sure she was ok. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach, this girl was trying to kill me I thought, as I sucked back as much air as I could. She was just standing there in lacy black underwear and her heels, my heart was beating so hard I swear I could hear it. I mumbled out a few non-words, I couldn't think straight, I had always known she was hot but now I could see almost every inch of her skin and she was ridiculous. She closed the distance between us, I could smell her perfume and almost feel the heat coming off her body as she leaned into me. "Or we could just stay here and celebrate just the two of us?" her warm breath on my neck made me dizzy. I felt her soft lips move down my neck and along my collar bone, leaving a trail of kisses, I closed my eyes, it was ecstasy. I didn't think I could resist her any longer, I really didn't want to, I basically wanted to pin her to the bed at this point.

I stood still for a few seconds, and only opened my eyes when I heard Skye whisper to me that she wanted me to talk to her. I looked down at her, she looked like she wanted this, wanted me but I was never sure and I needed to be sure. "I want you Skye but I don't want you to do anything you regret, you can't take this back you know", I urged her to think about her decision. I was expecting her to get deep in thought or walk away or something. I was not expecting her to grab my towel and walk backwards towards the bed, leading me to it. She reached the bed, "I won't regret anything I do with you" she said calmly then leaned up to kiss me, teasing me with her tongue. I was basically at the point of no return, if I was going to stop this it was now or never I thought to myself, but then she pulled away from the kiss slightly. Maybe she had decided to stop it herself, I was completely disappointed but fine with her decision. "I want you Wesley" she said in a low sexy voice and I could feel her breath on my lips as she spoke. I wanted her too, more than anything, my whole body was screaming to be with her. I couldn't control it anymore, I wrapped my arm around her back and pulled her into me, needing to feel her skin against mine. I kissed her, our lips moving in sync passionately, my hands roaming her back, her skin was so soft and warm.

I moved her backwards, which meant she had to sit down on the bed and as I stood looking down at her, I moved my hand across her cheek. She was so beautiful, my heart felt like it would burst, this was the most intense feeling I had ever felt. I moved my hand to her neck, lowering her back onto the bed and moving myself onto the bed with her so we didn't break eye contact. I felt Skye's arms around my waist as she pulled me closer to her, the contact of her hot skin on mine was electric, this moment was overwhelming. I hoped she wasn't get too lost in all the hormones and desire to think clearly but as if she could read my mind she said, "I want to do this Wesley". Those words made me grin, I lowered myself to kiss her briefly on the lips then moved them down to her neck. Her skin under my kisses was soft and warm, she arched her body into mine showing me the affect I was having on her. Instinctively I grasped at her hip, pulling her into me and I moved my lips back onto hers, I couldn't believe this was about to happen.

"Are you sure?" I knew I was being paranoid but I wanted to hear her say it one last time, "I'm sure" she said. That was all I needed to hear but she made it even clearer by removing my towel and throwing it off the bed. Her sudden confidence made me smile, I could get used to this I thought, as I lowered my lips to hers again. The kiss was intense, I literally could not get enough of this girl, she made me crazy. I knew she wanted this, she had made it very clear and I couldn't want anything more. I was pretty swift in removing her underwear, I felt like I had been waiting for this moment, to actually do this with someone I loved. My heart was beating so fast, my skin felt like it was on fire, I looked at the face of the girl I loved. She had her eyes closed, "I need you to look at me Skye. I need to see you're ok" I insisted, it was the only way I could tell what she was thinking sometimes. She opened her eyes and I was staring down into them, I couldn't believe this girl loved me back. I moved my arm under her back and pulled her into me, I couldn't believe I was this happy, she was the only girl for me.

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