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Skye's POV

I knew who Wesley Stromberg was, everyone in school knew who he was. What I didn't know is why he would do that for me, take the blame and get himself detention. I spent my next few classes thinking about it, it was bugging me. By the time lunch rolled around Taylor had already told Lucy and they were both grinning at me as I walked up to them in the cafeteria. I set my lunch down, "What?" I snapped. Both girls just giggled and then the two of them started to recount the whole situation, Taylor making it sound more dramatic than it really was. I was barely listening, I often zoned out when they got like this, Taylor was so boy crazy she could go on for hours and Lucy was a true romantic so she would always read more into small gestures. I replayed this morning in my mind, feeling slightly guilty that after Wesley had gotten detention I didn't even get a chance to say thanks. I mean, I didn't really want to thank him, I hadn't asked him to do that and the fact that he did made me feel like I owed him and I hated that. But I was grateful that I wouldn't be late for work so I suppose I did owe him at least a thank you.

"Suck it, you got detention!!", I heard someone yell from a few tables away from us. It snapped me back to focussing on what was happening in the cafeteria. I looked over to see one of Wesley's friends giving him crap about what I assumed was the detention he was doing this afternoon because of me. Wesley looked annoyed when he walked up to his table of friends, all of them with skateboards and snap backs. "Don't rub it in" I overheard Wesley say, whilst his friends taunted him about how good the surf was going to be after school and that he'd be missing it. I started thinking about it the whole situation again and why he would take the blame when it is a perfectly lovely summer's day outside.

My thoughts were interrupted by Taylor slapping my arm, "He just looked over here" she squealed. "Who?" I asked. She gave me a look like I was a complete moron, "Wesley" she explained. "So what?" I questioned. "He likes you Skye!!" she carried on, "That's why he took detention for you". Lucy sighed and I knew she was thinking how romantic that would be if he had taken my detention because he liked me. "He does not like me, he doesn't even know me and he won't ever know me because I don't want to get to know him" I insisted. Taylor rolled her eyes at me, I knew she didn't understand that I just wasn't interested in dating. I had my friends, my mom and the prospect of college on the horizon, who needed a guy? The bell went signalling the end of lunch and as I gathered up my things I decided I wasn't going to think about Wesley any further, I'd just put the whole thing down to karma. He broke enough beakers without punishment so really he was owed a couple of detentions anyway.

I made it through the rest of the school day with very little thought to this morning's events. When the final bell went, I dropped my stuff off at my locker and went outside to the bike rack. The ride over to the yoghurt shop wasn't far, only took me about 10 minutes which meant I was usually a little early for my shift. I locked my bike up behind the shop and went in the back entrance. Kelly, the girl who worked the day shifts, greeted me with an enthusiastic hello, she knew my arrival meant her shift was almost over. I chucked on my apron and told Kelly she could leave, I could finish off the last bit of her shift. She grinned, gave me a quick hug, threw her messy apron in her bag and headed out the back door. I looked around, the shop was empty, it always was at the start of my shift. In about half an hour there would be a steady stream of kids from school stopping in to get a post-school snack. I used this quiet time to re-stock everything, I busily filled up the containers of fruit and chocolate bits and all the other toppings we offered.

Slowly but surely, kids from school started filing in and it was non stop until about 5:30. At 6pm the place only had about 6 or 7 customers, all sitting around chatting. I looked outside and could see the sun was starting to set behind the building across the street, it would be dark in an hour I thought to myself. I heard the bell from the door go and my eyes quickly glanced over to see who was coming in, preparing myself for another large group to keep me busy. My stomach did a somersault when I realised it was Wesley and 2 other boys. I didn't know what to say, is this when I thank him or do I  just pretend it never happened seeing as that's what he seemed to be doing.

They made their way over to the counter and I was ready to thank him but before I could start he started placing an order for a yoghurt cup. I was confused as I made the order, I thought he had come here to gloat at the very least. As he paid I knew I had to say something, I took a deep breath and decided to bite the bullet. "Hey Wesley", I said to him as he picked his yoghurt up off the counter, "I just wanted to say thanks for today". He grinned at me, "No probs, but I don't want your thanks" he said suggestively. I raised an eyebrow, surely he was not suggesting what I thought he was suggesting because there was not a chance in hell I was going to repay him in any other way but gratitude. He carried on, "You owe me an hour, I took an hour of detention for you so you owe me that hour back". I thought for a second, it seemed fair, I mean he did give up an hour for me so it was only fitting I returned the favour. I figured he'd get me to do his homework or clean his car or something stupid. "Sounds fair" I replied. He grinned, "Rad, I'll think of what that hour will consist of and let you know at school tomorrow", and with that he headed out of the door.

The rest of my shift was pretty quiet and at 9pm I locked the door and moved the closed sign to the window. I cleaned up, switched off the lights and let myself out the back door, being careful to lock it behind me. It was really dark behind the shop and it creeped me out a little bit. I bent down to unlock my bike and when I stood up I realised someone was standing behind me, I panicked. I turned around ready to kick or scream or run or all of them, my heart was pounding. My body relaxed when I realised it was just Wesley, I grabbed my chest as if that would slow my heart rate down. I was so annoyed that he had frightened me like that and without thinking I hit his arm, "You scared the crap out of me" I yelled. He didn't seemed phased by my punch, which was even more annoying. He smiled and apologised. "What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded. "Well I realised what I want in the hour you owe me so I figured I'd tell you now, rather than wait til school", he explained. I started walking my bike out on to the street, he followed. "Ok, well then, spit it out, what do you want?" I snapped. "A date", I stopped on the sidewalk and turned to look at him, he had to be kidding.

"A date?" I questioned, he nodded. I didn't want to go on a date with him but I also didn't want to break our deal. I figured convincing him he didn't want a date with me was the best option, so I began talking "Why would you waste the hour on a date with me? You don't even know me, I'm not very interesting I swear". "I want a date with you so I can get to know you better and then I can see for myself if you are interesting or not", he said, not accepting my reasons. I had no interest in him getting to know me, I guess he just didn't have the same affect on me as he did the girls at our school. I studied him for a second, yes he did have really nice eyes and an adorable smile, but he didn't give me butterflies or anything. I continued with my speech, "Wesley..", he cut me off, "Call me Wes". "Fine, Wes, I think it's a mistake to waste this hour on a date with me, you should get me to do your homework or clean your room or something useful". He laughed and shook his head, "Nope I want a date, and you promised me an hour". I sighed, I felt like I wasn't going to win this argument. He started to walk away, heading home I assumed. I wasn't quite done yet, I yelled after him, "Be practical, you can get a date with any girl at school, this is silly, think it through". He turned back towards me, "I don't want a date with any girl at school, I want a date with you", he smiled his adorable smile and I hated to admit it, but it gave me butterflies. Damn it!!!!

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