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Wesley's POV

I had no idea why I did what I did this morning, I hated detention and I had way better things to do with my time. It might be a different story if I was doing it for a girl who actually liked me. All these thoughts were swirling through my head as I made my way to the cafeteria. Maybe that's why I did it, because she doesn't like me, and I want her too. Wait, do I? I don't even know her. She is definately pretty, in a natural way, and I like how she seems unaffected by high school drama. But what else do I really know about her? I was suddenly distracted by one of my friends yelling at me, "Suck it, you got detention!!". I looked up to see my table of friends all laughing at my expense, luckily none of them knew the real reason I had detention or they'd all give me crap about Skye. "Don't rub it in" I snapped at them. I was pretty annoyed, both at them and at the fact I'd have to spend an hour sitting in a classroom this afternoon when I could be outside skating.

I looked over at Skye's table, I don't even know why. She was sitting with her two friends, Taylor and Lucy. Those two seemed to be in the middle of an animated conversation, where as Skye appeared to be deep in thought. Her friend Taylor caught me looking over at them, damn it, that was twice in one day she had sprung me. I brought my attention back to my friends and mentally promised myself not to think about Skye or this morning again. This plan went great, until I got into detention. With nothing to do for an hour but just sit and think my mind kept wandering back to Skye. I didn't want to think about her but my mind had other ideas. It was frustrating actually, I mean she was pretty but I was acting as if she was this amazing girl, I was just building her up in my mind. I figured the best thing to do would be to see her outside of school and then I would realise she is just a regular girl and then I would be over it. Luckily, I knew she'd be working tonight so I knew exactly where to find her.

I was so excited when my hour in detention was up, I headed straight over to the skate park, I figured I could get an hour of skating in before I headed over to the yoghurt shop. Drew and Keaton were already at the skate park and we skated until it was almost dark. When I was done I sat down on a bench and waited for Keaton to finish up, I wanted to tell him I wasn't going straight home so he could tell mom. He skated over to me, "Hey bro, can you let mom know I'll be home in about an hour". He look confused, "Sure, but where are you going?". I didn't want to tell him but I didn't want to lie, "Just to grab some yoghurt", his face lit up. "Cool, I'll come too", he said right as Drew skated up. "Where we going?" asked Drew. "To get yoghurt", Keaton explained. Drew and Keaton skated off in the direction of the yoghurt shop, so much for them not finding out I thought to myself.

We were almost at the yoghurt shop, I picked up my board and looked in the window. I saw Skye behind the counter, she was looking out the other window and again she seemed deep in thought. I wondered what she was always thinking about. We walked through the door of the shop, I played it cool. I made my way over to the counter and just casually placed an order for a yoghurt sundae. She seemed a little confused but went about making me what I had ordered. I watched her, she was super careful as she made it and I remember that she was a self admitted klutz. She had her back to me so I took the chance to look her up and down, she was actually pretty hot. Sure she didn't dress to make it obvious like her friend Taylor but Skye was hot, and the fact she doesn't flaunt it was even hotter I thought to myself. I realised that so far my plan was not working, so when she put my yoghurt on the counter I quickly handed her the money, grabbed the cup and turned to leave.

"Hey Wesley", I heard her say, I turned back to face her. She was looking at me and I noticed that her eyes were an amazing shade of blue. She gave me a half smile and continued, "I just wanted to say thanks for today". I grinned as I realised she now owed me, "No probs, but I don't want your thanks", I said suggestively. These sorts of lines worked on all the girls at school, I figured I may as well try my luck hitting on her. She raised her eyebrow and didn't seem at all interested in whatever I was suggesting. I was disappointed that she seemed to be immune to my advances. I had to think quickly of a way to save myself, I couldn't think of anything so I just said, "You owe me an hour, I took an hour of detention for you so you owe me that hour back". She thought for a second and agreed. "Rad, I'll think of what that hour will consist of and let you know at school tomorrow", I said before I turned and exited the shop.

When I got outside Drew and Keaton were laughing, I looked at them puzzled. "Dude, you took her detention?", Drew asked, followed by Keaton asking me if I liked her at least 10 times. "No" I protested, "It just happened". All the way home I was treated to Drew and Keaton making up songs about how much I like Skye. When we got home, we went into the kitchen, I handed mom my detention slip for her to sign so the school knew she was aware of it. She was not happy so I tried to explain that I had accidentally dropped a beaker in chemistry but before I could finish Keaton cut me off, "Don't believe him mom, he took the detention for some girl". I reached over and punched him in the arm, he rubbed the spot where I had punched him but carried on, "He likes this girl Skye and tonight he went to the yoghurt shop where she works just to see her". I lunged at Keaton and he raced off to his room. I turned back to my mom, she was knowingly smiling at me, "Mom, cut it out, I don't like her" I insisted. "Whatever you say Wes, and as sweet as taking her detention was, please don't get detention again", she said and she headed back into the living room.

I headed up to my room, I wasn't thrilled that everyone thought I like Skye, but hey if it meant mom wasn't mad about detention then I was ok with it. I flopped on my bed, I closed my eyes and an image of Skye's blue eyes popped into my head. Tonight hadn't gone how I thought it would, I had hoped that going to see Skye would help me stop thinking about her and now I thought about her more. Surely I didn't like her, I thought to myself. I wouldn't really be sure until I got to know her I guess, and judging by her reaction to me tonight I doubt she would consider hanging out with me. Then it hit me, I sat up on my bed. I still had the hour she owed me, I would use it to make her go out with me. It was genius idea, surely after going on a date with her I'd be able to stop thinking about her, I'd never dated any girl for long. I was so excited by my plan that I wanted to put it in motion straight away. I looked at the clock, 8:38pm, which gives me just enough time to catch Skye when the yoghurt shop closes at 9pm.

When I got to the yoghurt shop it was already closed and the lights were off. I was about to head back home when I heard a noise around the corner, I figured it might be Skye leaving the back way. I walked around the corner and saw her bending down to unlock her bike. She stood up and spun quickly to face me, she looked surprised. I realised I must have scared her as she grabbed her chest, I felt bad. She reached over and punched my arm then yelled at me, "You scared the crap out of me". "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to", I apologised. I could tell she was still annoyed, "What the hell are you doing here?". I suddenly felt a bit foolish coming all this way but there was no turning back now, "Well I realised what I want in the hour you owe me so I figured I'd tell you now, rather than wait til school", I explained. She started walking her bike out onto the street so I followed her. "Ok, well spit it out then, what do you want?", she snapped. I got nervous, I never get nervous around girls, I didn't like it. "A date" I blurted out. She stopped suddenly, I had no idea what she was going to do or say.

"A date?" she repeated. I nodded, I was about to explain that we should get to know each other but she started speaking before I had the chance. "Why would you waste the hour on a date with me? You don't even know me, I'm not very interesting I swear", she protested. I was surprised by her answer, I wasn't sure if she was just trying to make me change my mind or whether she really thought those things. I got my chance to tell her that I wanted to get to know her and afterwards she just looked at me for a few seconds. I already knew she had amazing eyes but during this few seconds I got to look at her face properly, she really was gorgeous. How had I not seen it before, I thought, and then I remembered I usually only get to see the back of her head and I'd never really seen her outside of school. She started to talk again, "Wesley", I cut her off, "Call me Wes". "Fine, Wes, I think it's a mistake for you to waste this hour on a date with me, you should get me to do your homework or clean your room or something useful", she carried on. I laughed at the idea that having this gorgeous girl do my homework would be better than getting to go on a date with her. "Nope I want a date with you, and you promised me an hour", I wasn't taking no for an answer so I just started walking away from her. I figured she couldn't keep thinking of excuses if I wasn't around to hear them. From behind me I heard her yell, "Be practical, you can get a date with any girl from school, this is silly, think it through". It was then I realised she was probably right, there were plenty of girls at school that I could go on a date with, ones that didn't need this much convincing. But it hit me, I don't want to go on a date with those girls. I turned back to face her and told her exactly what I was thinking, "I don't want to go on a date with any girl at school, I want to go on a date with you".

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