Fourty Eight

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Wesley's POV

I felt warm lips on mine, coaxing me out of my deep sleep but I didn't mind when I realised whose lips they were. I couldn't help but smile, opening my eyes and reaching up to rub them to awaken myself. I couldn't think of a better way to get woken up and if I had my way I would get woken up this way every day. I pulled her into me and we laid there silently for a few minutes, I was contemplating what I had just thought, I was a bit shocked. Did I really want to wake up every day next to the same girl and I knew without a doubt that if that girl was Skye, then the answer was yes. My mind flew back to last night after we had made up, I'd never had make up sex before but it was officially my favourite kind. It was not only hot and heavy but it meant Skye was mine again, though if I had my way, we'd never have make up sex again because we will never break up again. I replayed other parts of last night in my mind, I felt awful for what she witnessed in the pool and for not giving her a chance to talk to me all week. I hated that the whole time I had been miserable, she had been hurting too and I could have avoided it all. I broke the silence, apologising to her for everything and she responded with an apology of her own. "This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't let Ben kiss me" her words made me tense, the idea of Ben touching her made me furious. "I was just so shocked and he just got me so confused telling me all these things you had done" she continued and my body tensed again. "What things?" I asked her, although I already had a pretty good idea what Ben would have told her. She tried to blow it off, acting like it wasn't a big deal but it must have been hard for to hear stories about my past.

I brought her face to look at mine, I wasn't about to list my indiscretions but I needed to admit my wrong doings and convince her that wasn't me anymore. I explained to her that I had been more than a bit sketch in the past and done things I wasn't proud of so most of what Ben had said was probably true. Her eyes filled will the panic as I confirmed her fears, I sucked in a deep breath, "I can't change any of that Skye". I continued, "But I need you to know that I've changed. I love you and I will never do anything to hurt you, I swear it" I pleaded with her. Her expression changed to one of complete love and trust and my heart swelled. "Hey Wesley" she started, making me grin, "Yes Skye" I responded in a cheeky tone, making her giggle, which was one of the best sounds in the world to me. "What if I get accepted into a school far away?" she sounded nervous, like she was expecting me not to be ok with it. But I knew I loved her too much for distance to be an issue, it would suck but I would make it work. "Then I'll have a girlfriend that lives far away" I told her plainly, it was the truth. She seemed surprised and it made me wonder if she realised just how much I loved her and how I would love her forever if she'd let me. I told her I wasn't going to give up on us just because she moved, "Hell, I'd move with you if I could convince Drew and Keaton to come" I added. I was being honest, I wanted to be wherever she was but I knew that I needed to be with the guys too if we were ever going to make the band a success.

I hadn't told her yet about our plans, we had only decided this week and I was nervous she might not think we were good enough. I summoned all my courage, "We are going to try out for XFactor" I whispered to her, not brave enough to say it any louder. I had butterflies waiting for her reaction, "That's awesome" she almost squealed and I checked if she was being serious. She nodded, "You guys will kill it", I was overcome with satisfaction, but she didn't stop there. "I've told you before Wesley Stromberg, but I'll say it as many time as I have to, you are amazing", she told me as my heart raced and I grinned widely. I knew if we did make it past auditions that I would need to be based in LA so there was no hope of me spending much time with her if she went across the country for school. I pulled her into me, wanting her close to me for as long as possible and joked about her getting into a nearby school so she could be around to see me get famous. When I finished speaking she pressed herself against me, switching all of my thoughts from school and XFactor to all the things I wanted to do to her. I felt her leave warm kisses along my collar bone and a groan escaped from my lips, followed by a reminder that her mom was just downstairs. She pointed out that hadn't stopped us last night, she was right and I definately wanted a repeat of last night. I swiftly rolled her over, pinning her to the bed and trapping her hands under mine on the pillow, "Last night was pretty epic" I admitted. As I kissed her neck she arched her body into me, showing me how much she wanted me and turning me on even more, "Do you have any idea how crazy you make me?" I whispered to her.

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