Twenty Six

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Wesley's POV

I glanced at Skye's alarm clock, 7:42am, I had fallen asleep briefly after Skye had pulled me into her bed but I had been awake now for a few hours. All of last night's events kept swirling through my mind preventing me from doing anything other than lay here wide awake. I looked down at Skye, she was still fast asleep, I was so thankful she was alright and I was so mad she had been so stupid. I pulled her closer to me not wanting to think what could have happened if Keaton hadn't called me. I slid my phone out of my pocket to text him, 'Hey man, thanks for calling me last night. At Skye's now but will be home soon'. I watched as Skye slept with her head on my chest, I could stay like this forever but I wasn't sure she would feel the same when she woke up. I was so happy she had asked me to stay last night, falling asleep with her in my arms felt right but I was afraid she would still want to break up. I thought about what those two girls at school had said about Skye saying we weren't a couple, the rumours and her not replying to my texts. The whole situation was shitty, but her not replying to my texts yesterday morning was what had hurt me the most, I had spent ages constructing a text that told her exactly how I felt. I had put in there that I was falling for her, that all I wanted was to make her happy and that I would do anything for her to just talk to me. But she still didn't reply and now I didn't know where we stood.

Skye shifted against me, I could tell she was starting to wake up, I didn't envy the headache she was going to have when she did. She slowly opened her eyes and took in where she was, looking around her room then up at me. I watched as she looked down and noticed she was wearing my shirt, she seemed totally confused and I realised it looked like more happened last night than what actually had. "Nothing happened" I said reassuring her, although I hoped she knew I would never have let it seeing as how drunk she was. I enquired how her head was and I hated when she said it hurt, but it was to be expected. She confessed that she didn't remember much of last night so I explained to her about coming to get her from the beach because she was drunk. I left out the part about Brad, figuring I could spare her that memory, even though it would be permanently etched in my mind. "You came at the right time" she said quietly, I pulled her closer to me, she obviously recalled what happened with Brad. I hated that I hadn't been there the whole time, I hated that she went to the party without me, I hated that she got drunk. "I'm just glad Keaton called when he did" I told her.

"Are we ok?" she whispered looking up at me with those big blue eyes, but I didn't have an answer. I wasn't sure if we were ok, I wasn't sure if she was still mad at me or if she even wanted to be with me anymore. "You tell me. You never replied to my texts yesterday morning", I tried not to sound too upset. She slid further down the bed telling me she deleted them, I was crushed that she didn't even take the time to read them after I had poured my heart out in them. She told me that reading them might have made her want to change her mind about breaking up. Hearing her admit she wanted to break up caused a pain to shoot through my chest, I sat up hoping it would help me breathe. "You were seriously going to break up with me?" I asked her, completely devastated that she had wanted to break up with me over things I couldn't change. I was trying so hard to show her I was a good guy but she made it extremely difficult, I was a wreck because of it. She slid further under the covers, I rolled over and lowered my head to  look directly into her eyes that peeked over the top of the blanket. "I like you Skye, if you had read those texts yesterday you would know exactly how I feel about you. I will never, ever do anything to purposely hurt you, in fact I will do everything in my power to make you happy", I spoke the truth. Now for the hard part but I needed to say it, "But I need to know that when you get freaked out you'll talk to me, I can't keep feeling like I'm doing something wrong, I'm not the same guy in the stories you hear". It was true, I had changed and I needed her to see and believe it or this would never work.

She surprised me by reaching up and taking my face in her hands, telling me she liked me and apologising. I was so relieved, I smiled down at her knowing that as long as she believed me that we would be fine. "Hey, what did you say in those texts yesterday?' she asked me. I wanted to tell her but I just couldn't bring myself to, I was constantly laying it all on the line for this girl and never knowing how she felt in return. I figured I'd tell her how I felt when I was sure she would be able to handle it and not get freaked out, maybe she'd even feel the same way about me. "Maybe if you're super nice to me, I'll send you them again one day", I joked. She didn't laugh but instead said very seriously, "I swear I'll never ignore a text from you again", I really, really hoped she would keep this promise. All I really ever need was for her to talk to me, always tell me what she was thinking and how she felt, so I could make sure I was making her happy. How funny that now I have a girlfriend the thing I want most is for her to talk to me, oh how you've changed Wesley I thought to myself.

I leaned in to kiss her, keeping it soft and light seeing as how we were in her bed and I didn't want things to escalate. I felt her arms slip around my neck, she pulled me down onto her, kissing me deeper than she had before and pressing her body into mine. I could feel her hands gripping my bare shoulders, I reached down instinctively and grabbed her hips, bringing her into me. Her tongue was exploring my mouth, her lips were soft, her body was warm pressed against mine, I didn't want to stop. I realised I wouldn't have the will power to stop myself if we kept going like this and I didn't trust her to tell me if things got too far so I pulled away. I felt as if I was wrenching myself away from quite possibly the best feeling ever. Skye looked disappointed and started to apologise, this wasn't her fault, "I want you" I said flatly. It was a fact, "You drive me crazy" another fact, "But we are in your bedroom, you are wearing my shirt  and I am exercising every piece of self control I have right now" I finished while sitting up. I hoped she would understand I was stopping this for her sake, because I wanted to keep going but then she would be put in the uncomfortable position of having to stop it. "I better go" I said standing up, distance felt like it would be my friend right about now, that and a cold shower.

"I don't want you to go" Skye whined still laying on the bed looking cute as anything, making me not want to leave. I reminded her she had homework and she seemed to accept my reason for leaving. She got up and moved so she was kneeling on her bed, "Ok, but you can't walk home shirtless" and with that she peeled off my shirt. I was left staring at her, on her bed, in last night's denim skirt and pink bikini top. She was so hot, tan with curves in the right places, I restrained myself from grabbing her and throwing her back on the bed. She knew what she was doing but to be honest I don't think she knew just how much affect she had on me, she literally made my heart race. I told her she wasn't being fair but she just offered me my shirt back as if she wasn't doing what we both knew she was. I leaned over to take it from her but before I could she grabbed my arm and pulled my back towards the bed. I stuck my arms out to stop myself from crashing down on top of her, my bare chest against her almost bare chest would have been the end of my will power. I groaned and pointed out she wasn't as innocent as I thought, but made it very clear she needed to get her homework done. College was important to her so it was important to me, I fled the room before she could try anything else.

On the walk home I thought about the past week, it had pretty much been the best and worst of my life. I was glad we had sorted out our crap and could just get back to the good stuff, I could only hope that the rumours about us had died down so that school tomorrow wasn't awkward. I got home and told Keaton about last night, he was curious what happened after he phoned me and I owed him big time for that so I filled him in. I left his room and made my way to mine, getting ready for bed and grabbing my phone before hopping under the blanket. I wanted to text Skye to make sure she was prepared for tomorrow, I couldn't handle seeing her upset again by this stupid rumour that wasn't even true. I asked her if she would be ok tomorrow and her reply made me smile, she called me her boyfriend and said that I saved her. I hoped she knew I would always do my best to be there for her, I replied telling her that and checked with her about how she felt about the rumour about us. My phone vibrated again, I opened the text from Skye, 'Just means they won't care when we actually do have sex', I grinned, she had ever so casually informed me that we were going to have sex at some point. I had kind of assumed we would eventually, when she was ready but having her confirm it like it was a given felt amazing. She finished her text off with, 'I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow Wesley xx'. I loved how she called me Wesley, I hated it at first because it felt so formal but now I love it. I replied wishing her sweet dreams, hoping that all the drama we had faced so far was all the drama we would ever face, I had enough to last a while.

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