Twenty One

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Skye's POV

Friday yay, I thought as I rolled over to turn off my alarm clock. I had a boyfriend, the thought struck me, I got butterflies, I was happy. After showering I made my way back into my room to get dressed, glancing at my English book on my desk, I hadn't finished it and I felt a wave of guilt. I was neglecting my school work so I silently promised myself that after my shift tonight I would come straight home and study. I hurried to get ready, Wesley was picking me up for school and I wasn't sure exactly what time he would be here and seeing as how somehow we had not yet exchanged numbers I couldn't text him to ask. I threw on some pink shorts, a white singlet and my white Vans and tied up my hair into a pony tail. Did the usual mascara and lip balm before heading downstairs for some cereal. I had almost finished my second bowl when I heard a knock at the door, my heart beat faster, I knew it was Wesley.

"Morning beautiful" he said as I swung open the door, smiling his big smile making my heart flutter even more. "Morning Wesley" I replied, mimicking his sing song tone, he rolled his eyes at me, "Don't you think it's about time you call me Wes?" he laughed. Initially I didn't want to call him Wes because it made us sound like friends and we weren't friends, but now I didn't call him it because it made us sound like friends and he was more than that to me. "I like calling you Wesley" I admitted to him as he walked past me into the house. I followed him into the kitchen, "Do you want some cereal?" I asked him gesturing towards the box on the counter. He grinned, "Can't say I've ever hung around long enough for breakfast before" he joked but the words stung, he was making a joke about past hook up's. Wesley noticed my change in expression and rushed to me, taking my face in his hands and bringing it up so I was looking at him, "I'm so so so sorry" he apologised, "That was just a dumb joke". I could see his brown eyes were filled with panic and regret, I knew that if I was going to date Wesley Stromberg then his past was going to bite me in the ass at least a few times. I smiled at him, doing my best to seem fine with the situation, I mean I couldn't change his past and not including this most recent attempt at humour he hadn't done anything to make me think he was anything other than a sweet guy.

"Just forget about it" I said, "It's not a big deal" I reassured him. He didn't let go of my face, keeping his eyes locked on mine, his hands were warm on my cheeks. "It is a big deal, that was a jerk thing to say and I don't want you to think I'm a jerk" he continued, "I'm already worried you're going to hear things about me that...don't paint me in the best light, but you have to believe that I'm not like that with you, ok?" he pleaded with me. I believed him and I actually hated that he felt so bad about his past, I was glad he acknowledged it was a potential issue, but I didn't want him to feel guilty over something he couldn't change, over the person he used to be. He let go of me and turned to pick up my back pack so we could head off for school, I grabbed his arm pulling him so he was looking at me again. "I trust you", I meant it, I did, "Just don't break my heart Wesley Stromberg" I added lightly with a grin, I made it sound like a joke but I meant that comment even more.

As we hopped into Wesley's car I remembered we hadn't exchanged numbers, "What's your number?" I asked him, pulling my phone out of my pocket and unlocking it. He recited it to me and then handed me his phone, "Put yours in" he said as I swiped my finger across it then realised it needed a passcode. "Oh you need to unlock it" I reminded him offering him the phone back, "My code is 7, 5.." he started, "Wait, don't tell me your code" I cut him off. "Why?" he glanced away from the road and at me with a confused expression, I wasn't sure why, it just seemed personal. "I don't know, it's private" I explained, "I have nothing to hide" he said very matter of fact, a statement that I found highly comforting. He carried on talking, "I'm not going to lie Skye, if you had looked at my phone a week ago you would have seen some texts I'm not proud of" he said quietly, I didn't like where this was going. "But I deleted them all, I've removed any contacts I won't be needing anymore and you'll only find pics of Keaton being stupid or my skateboard on there now", I knew this was supposed to be comforting but him telling me what pics I'd find on his phone now only made me think of what kind of pics he could have had on there a week ago. I shook my head, clearing those thoughts from my mind, "So my code is 7, 5, 9, 3" he called out as I entered it on his phone. I laughed, "That's my mom's code" I told him, "It spells Skye you know" I finished. He grinned, "I know" he glanced at me, my stomach somersaulted, eeeep.

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