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Skye's POV

'Beep beep beep', I rolled over and smacked my alarm clock. As my sleepiness wore off the events from last night came rushing into my mind, a smile spread across my lips, he kissed me again. The grin stayed plastered to my face as I got ready for school. "What's with the cheesy smile?" mom asked as I sat down at the counter with my cereal. "Nothing, just got a good mark in an English paper" I lied, knowing that the only English paper I was waiting on being marked was the piece of crap I turned in yesterday and that was by no means going to get me a good mark. Luckily she was too rushed to see through my lie, she grabbed her bag off the counter, kissed my head and headed out the front door. I finished my cereal, dropped the empty bowl in the sink, scooped up my backpack and headed out the front door myself. I looked around, it was a sunny day, I could smell the ocean, there was a light breeze, all this needs is a friggin chirping bird and it'd be right out of a Disney movie, I thought to myself.

I wasn't looking forward to having to explain last night to Taylor and Lucy, they would just have too many questions. What does this mean? Are me and Wesley a couple? How will I act when I see him? I started pedalling slower as I approached school, realising that all the questions Lucy and Taylor would have were the same ones I had. My stomach started churning, what do I say when I see him, what do I do, is he still going to be going on dates with other girls, am I supposed to be ok with that? Too many questions swirling in my head, and if I was going to make it through the day and the rest of the year I had to come up with a plan. Act cool, was my genius plan, just act like the cutest boy in school kissing you is no big deal. THE CUTEST BOY IN SCHOOL? Oh man, clearly acting cool was going to be harder than I anticipated, I thought to myself as I locked up my bike. Suddenly I felt like an idiot for grinning all morning, I cursed myself for wasting time smiling when I should have been formulating a plan not to let Wesley get the best of me. Pull yourself together, I ordered myself silently, he is just a boy, who may not even be interested in you anymore now that he knows you like him, so just chill out.

Tuesdays always started with gym, I hate gym, it is not a class for clumsy people. Thankfully my sport teacher, Mrs Foley, understood this and usually let me do some insignificant task like untangling volleyball nets. I headed into the locker room to change into my gym clothes and before I could see her I could hear Lucy complaining that gym should be optional, she hated sweating off her make up. I laughed and she spun around recognising my laugh, I made my way over to her. We finished getting changed and slowly all the other girls started to exit the locker room, Lucy stood to leave herself but I grabbed her arm. She looked at me quizzically, I just had to tell her about last night and I figured divide and conquer might be best with Taylor and Lucy. So I quickly scanned to check the locker room was empty and began filling her in on the details of last night. "So I opened the door and it was Wesley", I relayed, she squealed, I can only imagine what she'll do when I get to the part about the kiss. "And he told me he liked me and I told him I liked him back and we kissed", I tried to make it as non-dramatic as possible. She jumped up and down on the spot, then stopped suddenly, she was about to start in on the questions, I could just tell. "Girls, come on, NOW" saved by the angry teacher, I was grateful Mrs Foley hated us being late.

Over the next 2 classes I dreaded lunch, for two reasons, one I would have to face Taylor and Lucy and two because I would no doubt see Wesley and I had no idea how to act. My palms were literally sweaty as I pushed open the door to the cafeteria, I hated that I was nervous, I hated that I didn't know how to act, I hated that a boy was even getting this much of my time and energy and I didn't even know if he was worth it. I realised I was caught up in my own thoughts and I remembered Wesley saying it was one of the things he liked about me, I smiled involuntarily. Maybe he was worth it, I looked to see if he was at his normal table, my heart stopped. There he was sitting at his table and there was a girl in his lap, I think she was a year or two below us, it felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. I sat down at my regular table, I didn't dare look up again, my emotions quickly went from upset to pissed off. Surprisingly I was more pissed off at myself for believing him rather than him lying to me, I laughed thinking about how I really only had myself to blame. And to be fair, he never said we were a couple, he never even asked me on another date, maybe 'snail pace' meant 'I'll go hook up with chicks while you sort out your issues'.

"What are you laughing at?" Taylor looked concerned as she sat down. I semi nodded in Wesley's direction, but from her reaction I realised Lucy hadn't passed on the story to Taylor about what I told her in the locker room. "Wesley came over last night, we said we liked each other, we kissed and now this", I quickly summed up the situation for her. Taylor was speechless, trying to take it all in, and I was actually grateful that the whole Wesley situation had ended before the girls could start in with the questions and sighing and notions of love and romance. I glanced over again to Wesley's table, I was pissed off at myself for doing it but I just couldn't help it. He wasn't there, so the rumours of him ducking out to his car at lunch time with girls are true, I thought to myself. "You're better off without him" said Lucy, I gave her a quick smile knowing that's just what best friends have to say in these situations, but she was right, I didn't need this crap anyway. I didn't feel like sitting through the rest of lunch in the cafeteria, even if the whole school didn't know I was on Wesley's 'list', I knew and that was enough. "I'm going to the library", I told Taylor and Lucy as I stood up.

I walked up and down the bookshelves pretending to be searching for a book, that's when I spotted Wesley entering the library. What are the chances, I thought to myself. I hurried to the back of the library and hid behind the 'Biographies' section. I peeked around the corner trying to see where he went but I had lost him in my rush to hide. "Hey, I've been looking for you", I heard Wesley's voice from behind me, making me jump. My heart was racing as I spun around, damn it, so much for hiding. The fact that he looked hot in his tank and snap back just made me even madder, "Yea I was looking for you too, at lunch, but you were busy", I said in as cool of a tone as I could muster up. He didn't seem phased by my subtle accusation, "Yea I saw you walk in and then some crazy Freshman girl came and sat on my lap, apparently it's some dare thing going around", he explained as if it was perfectly normal. He moved closer to me, I could smell him and I felt my anger fading away, I didn't want it to so I shifted my attention back to the books. "What biography are you looking for?" he asked turning his attention to the shelves. "Huh?" I looked at him quizzically, he signalled to the sign saying 'Biographies'. He was acting like everything was fine, it wasn't fine, it had barely been 12 hours since I told him I liked him and the first time I see him he has a girl in his lap. "You're so cute when you're thinking whatever it is that you're always thinking", he said and I felt his hand close around my hand.

I jerked my hand away, this had gone far enough, "Don't" I snapped. He looked confused and hurt, "Did I not tell you last night I liked you and then the very next time I see you there is some random chick in your lap", I changed to a hushed tone remembering we were in the library. "Skye, I told you th", Wesley tried to speak but I cut him off, "It's fine, I set myself up for this, I gotta go", and with that I spun on my heels and practically ran out of the library. I only stopped when I got to my locker, wrenching it open I grabbed the books I needed to get me through til the end of the day. I groaned as I grabbed my science book, typical I thought, last class of the day. I was distracted all through English, which was handy because I needed something to take my attention away from the 82 I got on yesterday's assignment. The big 82 at the top of the page was only another reason I didn't need Wesley Stromberg or any boy in my life right now.

I waited until the very last second to go into the science lab, I walked in and deliberately didn't look in Wesley's direction. I'm not sure if it's because I was mad at him or because I knew seeing his face would make me less mad. As we began the experiment I started wondering if I was overreacting, I mean we had kissed twice and whilst they were two very significant kisses to me, maybe I was just taking them too seriously. This is high school after all, Taylor had a new significant kiss every other week, she had a new crush every other week, so maybe I was just new to the whole dating thing and overreacted. Wesley was sweet to me and they were amazing kisses, so maybe that's all Wesley was supposed to be, a story I'll tell when I'm older about the cute guy in high school who was a good kisser. That's when I felt my elbow bang something, I closed my eyes and tensed waiting for the crash, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Wesley's brown eyes looking back at me. He held up a beaker, I'm assuming the one I just knocked, he saved me from detention again. "Hey, I'm sorry about before in the library, I overreacted, it's none of my business who you do what with", I flashed him a quick smile and took back the beaker. I focused my attention back on the experiment, I felt so much better that the whole crazy Wesley thing was behind me and I could now just focus back on my school work.

Breakable (a Wesley Stromberg fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz