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Wesley's POV

"I'm done" Skye said as she laid down on her bed next to me, I took off my headphones and closed the magazine I had been reading. I rolled off my stomach onto my side, reaching over to place this magazine on top of the pile on her night stand. The sight of the magazines reminded me just how much time I had spending with her like this, laying on her bed waiting for her to finish her homework. I didn't mind, I liked being near her and the past couple of weeks had been so good. We hadn't had any drama and we were finally becoming completely comfortable with each other. I felt a little bit of guilt for not spending as much time with Drew and Keaton as I probably should have, but they understood, I was falling hard for Skye and they didn't give me a hard time. I had been reluctant to tell Skye how strong my feelings were becoming towards her after the incident where she deleted my texts but now I was at the point where I wanted her to know. We were going to LA this weekend, she was coming to see us play, so afterwards I was going to try to plan something romantic and tell her. I rolled onto my back to lay next to her then looked over to see she had her eyes closed.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her, knowing the signs when she had something on her mind. She took a second to answer but I didn't mind because what came out eventually was, "Kissing you". I grinned, I had always hoped that she was sometimes thinking of me when she got like this and now she was confirming that she did. I shifted onto my side and propped myself up on my elbow, "I can help with that" I replied as I lowered my head to kiss her. I kept the kiss light, I was always aware of not rushing anything and getting too heated on her bed could be misunderstood as me pushing her. I felt Skye's arms wrap around my neck and she was pretty forceful in bringing me into her, deepening the kiss. She was definately in a making out kind of mood today, she wasn't usually this needy but I wasn't complaining. I was thrown completely off guard when she pushed me back down onto her bed and manoeuvred herself so she was straddling me. I barely had time to catch my breath from the heated kiss just a few seconds ago and now I was too stunned to react, I wasn't sure where this was coming from. She placed her hands on the bed on either side of my head and her lips crashed onto mine, our lips moving quickly in time and her tongue already in her mouth. My guy instinct kicked in, I grasped her hips as she let her body crash onto mine so she was effectively laying on top of me. It was all too much and my restraint disappeared, I got completely lost in the moment and pulled her hips down into me, wanting her.

'This is too fast' my inner voice yelled to me, it was too fast and it wasn't like Skye to force things along. I needed to slow this down so she didn't end up having to stop us or do anything she would regret. I released her hips and moved one of my hands up to her cheek, taking her face in my hand and easing back with the kiss. She moved her hands to my chest and pushed herself away from me so she was sitting upright again, I was glad she had understood my not so subtle hint for us to calm down. She moved so quickly, grabbing the hem of her singlet and tearing it off over her head, leaving her straddling me in her denim shorts and bra. She tossed it onto the end of the bed so casually, I was partially in awe of how hot she was but mainly I was just so confused as to what she was thinking. Something didn't feel right, this had come out of nowhere and it wasn't exactly special, I mean her mom could walk in at any second. Skye moved her hands under the thin cotton of my shirt and I felt her warm palms slide up my chest as she slid her body back down on mine. It felt amazing having her hands on me but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was rushing this, it didn't feel right.

I summoned up all the will power I had, placed my hands on her now bare shoulders and gently pushed her up and away from me. "What are you doing?" I asked her, genuinely wanting to know what had brought on this sudden change in her behaviour. I watched as she positioned herself so she was sitting up again then she winked at me and grinned as she ran her hands back down my chest and stomach. She definately wasn't acting like herself, what with winking at me like this was just a cheeky hook up, I waited for an explanation. I soon realised I wasn't going to get one when she made a move for my belt, is she being serious right now I thought to myself as I wrenched her hands away. I panicked and repeated my question, this is not how I imagined my first time with Skye and surely this isn't how she pictured it either. She seemed stunned by my question, "What do you think?" she replied in a sexy tone as she tugged her hands free from mine and they made their way back to my belt. I was getting annoyed, she was acting like someone else and she kind of reminded me of Cory. Plus I had been doing everything in my power to ensure I didn't push her into anything or make her feel pressured, which of course was fine but now she was putting me in the position to have to resist her advances and it was almost too much.

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