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Wesley's POV

I didn't know what to say, I was actually speechless, she looked so much different than she did at school. I stood there just staring at her for what felt like hours, I finally decided that the best thing to do now was just get into the car and try to think of something to say, I turned and starting walking to the car. This is not off to a great start, I thought to myself. I realised I wanted to impress her and none of my usual 'I'm in a band' stuff was going work. Eventually she broke the silence in the car, "Where are we going?" she asked, I told her hoping she was going to like it. I saw her grin out the corner of my eye and I was so relieved, I can't remember a date ever being this stressful. It was a mixture of the pressure from only having an hour to convince her I wasn't a jerk combined with the nerves I got from wanting to impress her along with the surprise of her looking so damn hot. I was going to have to think of something to say quickly or the hour would be over and we won't have even spoken.

I decided that English was a good place to start, "Have you started your English assignment yet?" I asked her. Luckily this broke the ice enough and we spent the rest of the car ride to the restaurant talking about school and the college's she wanted to attend. I liked how passionate she was about college, I listened intently as she told me of all the ones she was considering applying to. I assumed she was looking at so many so she could maximise her chances of getting a scholarship to at least one of them. I can't remember the last time I found talking about college this interesting, actually I can't remember the last time I found a girl this interesting, the conversation just flowed naturally. I was disappointed when we reached the restaurant because I liked sitting this close to her, but I guess at least I'll get to look at her inside. I hopped out the car and jogged around to open her door. She seemed surprised when I did it at her house and again now, maybe this really was her first date or she's just dated rude jerks, I thought to myself.

I liked this restaurant, I looked around as we were seated, I wondered why I hadn't brought a date here before. I glanced over at Skye, she was deep in thought, again and I was amazed that she could be in the middle of such a loud place yet be in her own little world. I asked her what she was thinking but she seemed keen to get the hour underway, and she continued to call me Wesley despite my request to be called Wes, weird. I was a little bit disappointed that she was being business-like about the date but I had come prepared with some things I wanted know, I started off easy, "So, what's your favourite colour?" I asked. "Pink" she replied. I was surprised, pink seemed a little bit girly for her but I liked her answer. She returned the question and we continued like this throughout the rest of the meal. Every now and again I checked my watch under the table, she hadn't realised the hour was up and I wasn't about to tell her.

I looked at Skye across the table, her eyes were an even brighter shade of blue than usual and every part of me wanted to lean over and kiss her. I'm so angry I didn't tell her how beautiful she looks earlier, I felt the nerves rush back into my body as I decided I was going to tell her now. But before I could open my mouth her face changed, she looked anxious, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, it was a friend from school, I wasn't sure if Skye knew him so I introduced them. He asked if we were on a date, while checking out Skye and before I could brag that we were Skye jumped in, "No, not a date". My stomach dropped, I felt sick, I had spent the last 2 hours doing my best to convince her I was a good guy and pining after her and she didn't even want to admit we were on a date. I said good bye to my buddy and turned back to Skye, she was either completely unaware she had crushed me or she didn't care. "Well I should probably take you home" I blurted out, "The hour is clearly up", I tried not to sound too bitter. I was even offended when she tried to pay after the waitress brought our bill, you may not think it's a date but I do I thought to myself.

We drove back to her house in silence, I really wasn't sure what else I could do to make her see I wasn't a jerk. Up until the end of the date I had been having the best date of my life and now it was finishing up as the worst date of my life and I have had a lot of crap ones to choose from. We pulled into her drive way, I wasn't sure what to say, I panicked as she sprung from the car and almost ran up the path. I jumped out of the car and followed her, "Skye" I called out. I needed to at least know why she didn't want to admit being on a date with me. "Wesley, be honest. You only wanted to go on a date with me because I didn't want to. Well, you've done it now so let's just let everything return to normal" she explained. I couldn't believe she thought that was the only reason, she clearly didn't think too much of me or herself if she didn't see all the reasons why I would want to go out with her. She challenged me to tell her of any other reasons I wanted to go on a date with her, I knew I had two choices. I could keep my mouth shout and save my dignity or I could tell her the truth and risk looking like an idiot if she didn't like me back. I looked at her face, her big blue eyes, her cute nose, her lips I wanted to kiss every second I was near her and I wanted to tell her the truth. I wanted to tell her how she is the smartest person I had ever been on a date with, how she is funny, how I am amazed by her ability to block out the world, how cute she is when she is trying not to be clumsy and of course how beautiful and sexy she is, so I did.

She looks shocked, I move closer to her trying to read her reaction, I want so badly to kiss her. I watch her look down at her hands and take the opportunity to close the gap between us almost completely. I feel my heart beat faster in my chest, I want to grab her face and kiss her but I'm not even sure she wants this and as if to answer that question she looks up at me with those blue eyes. I lean down towards her and our lips meet, hers are so soft and it feels like electricity is running through my whole body. I can't help but wrap my arms around her waist, I want her to be as close to me as possible, I pull her into me, wanting her. This rush of feelings is intense, I pull away not sure I'll be able to stop if we keep kissing, I take a step back just to be sure. I don't know what to say, I get a sudden wave of panic realising that I don't even know if Skye likes me, she never responded to my confession a few minutes ago. She doesn't say anything again, there's not really anything left for me to do. I mumble something about seeing her at school and head back to my car, cursing myself for laying it all out there like that. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, I scold myself.

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