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Wesley's POV

5:22am, I groaned, I wanted to go back to sleep but I was filled with anticipation of seeing Skye. I tossed and turned for a few minutes before forcing myself to get out of bed, may as well make the most of this early start. I trudged down the hall to Drew's room, knocking loudly to wake him. "Dude, it's sick weather outside, let's get a skate in before I have to get to school". Minutes later we were heading out to the skate park, Drew quizzing me on why I am up so early. "Couldn't sleep man, it's that chick Skye, I like her", I explained to him. "That's cool man, it was bound to happen, you've dated enough girls to eventually have one stick", he joked. We skated until the last possible second before I had to head to school. All I wanted to do was see her, I headed to Skye's locker. As I approached she had her back to me, I took her in, she was so hot it made my stomach somersault. Thank god for warmer weather I thought to myself as I took in her bare legs, Taylor spotted me, "Hey Wes" she chirped. "Hey Taylor" I responded, I was nervous as hell, I wasn't sure how to act and she wasn't like the usual girls I had dated who would rush up to me and be all over me right here in the hallway.

I went with a simple good morning and a kiss on the cheek, I braced myself for her response, I didn't know where she stood on PDA and whilst a kiss on the cheek was hardly PDA I could never be sure with this one. "Hey" she replied and looked up at me with those blue eyes, I felt all the nerves disappear, until she reached up and ran her fingers along my cheek, sending a tingle down my spine. She made a comment about catching too much sun but I suspected that my red cheeks were from blushing from the thoughts I had after seeing her bare legs and nice ass a few minutes ago, I might be taking it slow but I'm still a guy. I walked with Taylor and Skye to science and once in the classroom I found it hard to concentrate on whatever lame experiment we were doing today. I watched as Skye effortlessly knew what she was doing, sure she didn't look like she did, constantly almost spilling everything but this girl was smart. I took note as she placed a beaker a little too close to the edge of her bench for my liking, I wanted to hang out with her after school and I couldn't if she was in detention. I quickly jumped to her bench and pushed the beaker to the middle of the table, she looked up at me, "This is probably safer away from the edge" I explained, she smiled and kept working.

I made sure she knew I'd see her at lunch, I did not want any awkwardness in the cafeteria, not after the last girl in lap incident. When lunch rolled around I was more than ready to see her, I wish we had more classes together I thought as I entered the cafeteria. I spotted her selecting a few items for lunch, I made my way over to her and could see her fumbling with her money. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a few bills and lent across her to pay the attendant who was impatiently waiting. "Your table or mine?" I said over her shoulder, she spun around and I was pleasantly surprised when she seemed shocked I had bought her lunch, most girls just expect things like that. "I wanted to" I said to her, telling the truth, I liked doing nice things for her. I was taken aback when she leaned up and kissed me, right here in the middle of the cafeteria, it was soft and amazing and I didn't want it to stop. I still wasn't sure how she felt about PDA and I didn't want her doing anything she would regret in like 2 minutes or feel like she owed me because I paid for her lunch, I pulled away. She looked down and I could almost hear her brain ticking over, "No, no, no" I almost barked at her, I had enough of this crap, it killed me that I never knew what she was thinking.

I ushered her to my table and sat her down, sitting facing her I explained myself further, "You don't get to do this to me anymore, think things and not talk to me". She apologised but I didn't want an apology, I wanted her to talk to me. Finally she did, telling me she thought maybe I didn't want her to kiss me at school, this girl was insane, I wanted her to kiss me all the time. I smiled, "I just wasn't sure where PDA fell in regards to taking things slow" I justified my actions. After she confirmed it was fine I took that as an excuse to kiss her again, I could get used to this I thought but all too soon she pulled away, "In small doses" she laughed. Fair enough, I'd take what I could get. I spotted her friends staring at us, I pointed them out to Skye and insisted she sit with them, I wasn't about to pull her away from her friends, I could just see her after school. "I have a shift after school, 3:30 til 7" she informed me, so I suggested I come by after and walk her home. She smiled, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed over to her friends, things were going smoothly, I smiled to myself. 

I didn't see Skye at all for the rest of the day, so I was a little early to meet her after her shift, I wanted to see her. I sat in the corner table at the yogurt shop, Skye didn't even notice, she seemed distracted and as a result kept dropping things. It made me uneasy, I wondered why she wasn't paying as much attention as she usually did. It was almost 7, I could feel a little bit of excitement building, I waited for her to spot me but she didn't. Instead she was pulled into a big hug by a guy who appeared behind the counter, a guy I didn't recognise, I tensed, this did not sit well with me. I watched them carefully, it seemed harmless, until I saw him hold on just a little bit too long, Skye didn't seem to notice or she didn't seem to mind. Jealousy coursed through me, this was a new emotion for me, I wasn't used to feeling this way, I didn't like it at all. Skye disappeared out the back, and I got more worked up as I watched this guy just stare at her as she walked away, I was annoyed she was wearing shorts today.

I didn't really have time to do anything about the situation, not if I wanted to meet Skye on time. "Hey" I said as I rounded the corner, taking her bike from her, "How was work?" I tried to sound as normal as possible. She made a cute comment about her clumsiness which made me laugh, I felt my jealousy fade away, I couldn't really be annoyed, she didn't do anything wrong. I suggested we go to the beach and she seemed keen on the idea so we walked a few minutes, stopping to lock up her bike before hitting the sand. I reached down and took her hand, locking our fingers together, it felt like a big deal, it was nice. She had been pretty quiet since we left the yogurt shop and still wasn't saying much, I thought as we looked out over the water at the horizon. "You're thinking something and we both know this will be a lot easier if you just tell me whatever it is", I said knowing her well enough now to spot these moments. I was shocked by her response, "Wesley, how many girls have you slept with?", I turned to her not wanting to answer. I had no idea the actual number but I knew any number I said would sound like too many at this point. I asked her why she wanted to know, hoping to avoid giving any specifics, she brought up Cory. "Cory is a bitch, and while I'm not going to lie to you, I'm also not going to answer you", I explained silently wishing she would just drop it.

Her shoulders slumped, I wanted to tell her it didn't really matter how many girls I had slept with because none of them made me feel the way she did. Tell her that she was the only one I wanted to take that step with, and that's what it felt like, a step, a big step and not just a drunken roll around after a party. I told her to ask me how many girls I planned on sleeping with, she was reluctant but eventually mimicked my question, "Wesley, how many girls are you going to sleep with in the future?". "I'm glad you asked Skye" I said mocking her, I winked, "The answer is none". She looked confused, and actually pretty disappointed which gave me hope and kind of turned me on, I now knew she had at least thought about the idea of sleeping with me. Now was my big confession, I knew it would make me sound a bit cheesy but I wanted to reassure her, "Until you're ready to take that step with me that is". I knew she was surprised by my admission, if only she knew she was nowhere near as surprised as I was that I had said those words and been dead serious.

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