Fourty Four

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Wesley's POV

I kept myself busy at my locker for as long as possible, I knew it was stupid but I just wanted to see Skye. I wanted to see how she would act and if she would even try to apologise to me once she saw me. She hadn't seen me yesterday afternoon when she was shopping with Taylor and I hoped I was wrong when I thought it looked like she didn't even care we were over. I hung my head in defeat, I really wished I could just forget about her, she had cheated on me and then not even tried to make it right. But I couldn't forget her, I was still in love with her and I hated that I was. I kept glancing towards her locker and eventually I saw Taylor walking through the doors to the school, she was followed by Lucy. Where was Skye, I thought, surely she wasn't off school again, she wouldn't miss this much school if she didn't have to. My heart sped up, maybe this was affecting her more than I thought, maybe she wasn't over us either. The wind was swiftly knocked out of me when I saw that following Lucy, was Skye, and she looked different. I couldn't help but stare, she was wearing something Taylor would usually wear and everyone was noticing. She turned, walking in the opposite direction from me, towards her locker. She was practically sauntering down the hall, her denim skirt sat low on her hips leaving the skin above it bare. There was so much exposed skin I didn't know where to look, all the guys in the hall noticed too and weren't shy about checking her out. All of them eyeing her up and down made me furious, was she doing this just to get a reaction out of me or to rub it in that I didn't have her anymore? Part of me wanted to drag her home and make her put more clothes on, the other part of me wanted to drag her home and take these clothes off her.

I pretended to be finding a book in my bag as she strutted past me on her way to the gym, she never even looked at me. Then my worst thought for the morning ran through my head, maybe she just didn't give a crap about me at all. Perhaps she genuinely was moving on and her new look was her way of getting some of the attention she could have been getting all year. Today was when the questions really started to come rolling in, before lunch at least 5 guys had asked me if Skye was my girlfriend. Her new look seemed to be having the desired affect and while I was annoyed by the attention she was getting, I was more confused as to why she wanted it. She had never seemed like this kind of girl, it was one of the reasons I fell for her and once again I found myself wanting to know what she was thinking. On my way to lunch I was surprised by Amber popping up in front of me, "Wes" she sung, her voice grated on my nerves. "Skye tells me you two didn't work out, I'm so sorry" she apologised but couldn't have sounded less genuine if she tried. I was a little bit hurt by the words, Skye had wasted no time in making it very clear we were done, she hadn't even tried to fix it first. Amber made it very obvious she was looking to be my rebound, but the idea of hooking up with someone that I didn't have feelings for just didn't have the same appeal that it used to. I pushed past her and made my way into the cafeteria.

Keaton was doing his best to cheer me up at lunch, making jokes and keeping me distracted, not distracted enough though to keep me from noticing Skye sit down with Taylor and Lucy. I gave him a few fake laughs so he would think he was doing a good job but most of my mental energy was spent forcing myself not to punch the 20 or so guys that were almost drooling over Skye. I watched as one of the jerks from the football team was sent by the other jerks from the football team to the girls table. I couldn't hear what he was saying but the three girls were eating it up, my fists clenched. After he left their table Taylor felt Skye's forehead, like she was mocking her or something then threw her head back and laughed. "My best friend everyone. Finally joining us on the wild side" Taylor exclaimed pointing at Skye, causing more people to look at her and surprisingly she didn't seem to care. All this talk of the wild side, her new attitude and her new look, it bugged me, I didn't get it, maybe I didn't know her at all.

I knew I was going to see Skye again in last period, we had science and I was grateful when it turned out we were watching a video. This meant I could just zone out and I wouldn't have to watch her being adorably clumsy doing an experiment. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out and held it under the lab bench so Mr Mattison wouldn't see. I had only had the phone a day and I had purposefully gotten a new number so I could choose who had it. I opened the text to find a pic from Amber, a somewhat nude pic and I rolled my eyes, I had gotten a new number to avoid crap like this. I knew being single again would attract a certain amount of female attention but unlike Skye, I wasn't in the mood for any attention. I deleted the picture message, I wasn't going to be that guy again, Skye had made me feel guilty about my past and that hadn't changed just because she had. I put my phone away and tried to concentrate on the video but I noticed Taylor writing something in her notebook and showing it to Skye. I couldn't see what she had written but when Skye wrote back I could clearly make out the word 'Sucker', and I felt numb. She knew exactly what she was doing and how seeing her with Ben made me feel and she didn't care.

I felt hollow for the next few days, I tried to forget about her, although it was made pretty hard considering I got told at least 10 times a day how stupid I was for letting such a hot girl slip away. Now it was Friday and I was grateful to have 2 Skye free days coming up, I planned to chill at home all weekend with Drew and Keaton. I had science first up and I was in class early, I was avoiding seeing Amber in the halls, she had been texting me non stop and was not getting the hint that I wasn't interested. She asked me to go to Patrick's party tonight but I wasn't keen to be surrounded by people, I just wanted to go for a surf and forget this past week, hell this past month. Mr Mattison gave us an experiment to do and I let James get started on it, while I watched Skye carefully try to set up the beakers on her bench. Taylor pushed her away, "You are not getting detention missy", I moved around my bench slightly to get closer so I could hear what she was saying better. "We have to get ready for Patrick's party tonight and we can't have you stuck at school for an extra hour" I clearly overheard her now. My heart sank, she was going to the party, the thought of her there, with drunk guys from school made me anxious. The thought of her there getting drunk herself made me even more concerned, she didn't have the best track record with drinking.

I wasn't paying attention, I was too distracted by my worrying thoughts, so when Skye took a big step backwards I didn't have time to get out of the way. She backed right into me, instantly apologising and spinning to face me. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes, my heart jumped, she seemed embarrassed and caught up in her own thoughts. This was the girl I fell in love with, I thought, as I looked down at her, I wanted to wrap my arms around her, she was so close to me. I looked from her eyes down to her soft lips, I felt the urge to kiss her, I almost reached for her but the image of Ben kissing those same lips filled my mind. I remembered how she had let him kiss her, how she hadn't tried to apologise, how she thought I was a sucker and I didn't want to kiss her anymore. I didn't even want to be near her, she had hurt me too many times, I took a step back from her. "You should be more careful" I snapped at her, I knew I had overreacted but this wasn't just about her bumping into me anymore. I busied myself with the experiment that James was trying his best to do, just hoping that this day would end and I could go home. There wasn't long left of class when I overheard Skye's voice saying how fun the party was going to be, 'Just ignore her' my inner voice instructed me. Taylor made a comment about all the boys that would be there, the idea of Skye there with them made my skin crawl but it wasn't any of my concern anymore. I wasn't going to think about Skye again, she could do whatever she wanted, I didn't care.

"I am going to tell my mom I'm staying at your house tonight. You know, just in case I...don't go home" Skye's words winded me, so much for not caring, I felt sick. Taylor said what I was thinking, "You wouldn't hook up with someone would you?", I prayed Skye would say no. "Who knows, I'm young and I want to have some fun" Skye answered Taylor and I couldn't believe my ears. Less than a week ago we were apparently taking a huge step together because we were in love, it had felt like a huge step and now she was willing to just give it out to whoever. I was so angry at her, she had moved on so fast but then again I doubted that she ever really loved me in the first place. I pulled out my phone and sent Amber a text, 'See you at the party tonight', she almost instantly replied with a winky face. I really had no desire to hook up with Amber but if Skye was going to Patrick's party and prove she had moved on then I was going to do the same. There is no way I was going to stay at home heart broken over a girl who was throwing herself at other guys, I knew witnessing it would be horrible but that's what Amber was for, to distract me.

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