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Skye's POV

I headed to the yogurt shop straight after school, I was covering for Kelly for an hour, I looked at my watch as I pedalled there, 3:23pm, crap I was going to be late. I threw my bike on the ground behind the shop, not even bothering to lock it and rushed into the shop. I glanced at the clock 3:32pm, not too bad, only 2 minutes late. I looked around the shop, I spotted Cory sitting with a table of guys, clearly doing about as much work as usual. "Cory" I called over to her, "I'm here now so you can clock out if you like". She rolled her eyes, "About time you showed up", she snarled at me, "And tell your friend Wes that I missed seeing him at the party on Saturday, he can call me if he wants to meet up in a more intimate setting" she purred. I didn't really pay any attention to the last bit, I was still stuck on the fact that she didn't see him at the party, I thought he invited her, but he left before she even arrived.

Before I could give it too much thought Taylor burst into the store with a big grin on her face. "You won't believe what I heard from Stacy", she started. "Who's Stacy?", I asked? She continued "A Freshman that moved in across the road from me a few weeks ago. Well anyway, I saw her after school today and she said that there is this big Freshman dare contest going on to see which one can do the most outrageous thing at school", Taylor said it like she was answering a question. "So what?" I asked, even though I knew it meant Wesley was telling the truth about the girl in his lap today. As if this news wasn't enough to take in, I spotted Wesley, Drew and Keaton come in and sit in one of the booth's along the window. My heart started race, no matter how casual I wanted to be about the situation, I couldn't control my bodies involuntary reaction to Wesley Stromberg. "Taylor, I can't really talk right now, I'm at work but I'll call you later ok", I ushered her out of the door and took my place back behind the counter.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Wesley stand up and make his way over to the counter. "Hey Wesley" I said sounding a little too chipper, "What can I get for you?". He sucked back a breath and paused, I waited for him to say something profound but instead he just placed his order, I was disappointed, I think I was hoping he would say something sweet which annoyed me. I carefully made his order, took his money and watched him walk back to the guys. For the next half an hour I couldn't help but continually glance over at their table. I overheard them discussing an upcoming gig and Drew was furiously scribbling notes on a napkin, I watched as Wesley lit up talking about their music. It was cute, I wanted to hear them play but there was no way I was going to follow him around like a groupie, I'd leave that to the crazy Freshman I thought, perhaps I was still a little bitter. I was pulled from my thoughts by Kelly's voice, "Ok I'm here, you can go now", I high fived her and untied my apron. "Everything is all stocked for the after dinner rush" I told her as I headed out the back. "You're the best" she called to me.

I was thankful my bike was still on the ground where I left it, not that I had too much to worry about in Huntington Beach but you never know. I walked it around the corner, the late afternoon sunlight hitting my face, I raised my hand to shield my eyes. I saw Wesley walking up the street towards me, Drew and Keaton heading off in the opposite direction. "Can I walk with you?" he asked, I wondered why he wanted to but told him he could. He took my bike from me and began pushing it down the street as we walked and I remembered just how charming his manners were. We walked in silence for a few minutes before he began to speak, "How did you go with your English assignment?", "82" I replied. "I'm sorry, I know you were hoping for a higher grade" he added sincerely, I was shocked he even remembered about my English grade, even more shocked he seemed to care about it. We walked in silence for a bit longer, the sun was disappearing behind the buildings, I shivered slightly. Wesley took off his zip up hoodie and handed it to me, it took everything I had not to grab him and kiss him. I slid my arms into it and zipped it up, "Thanks" I murmured. It smelt of him, I sighed, a little too loudly, he noticed and stopped walking, leaning my bike up against a street sign.

"Skye" he started, I looked down to the ground as he stepped up to where I was standing. "I like you, a lot, I've made that pretty clear but you're messing with my head". I looked up at him, I was messing with his head, if only he knew all the thoughts that had been running through my head. As if to point out that in fact he can not possibly know all the thoughts that go through my head he said, "You need to tell me what you're thinking, please", his brown eyes looked almost sad. I couldn't help but laugh, I was messing with Wesley Stromberg's head, I found it too funny. He just stood there not knowing what was going on, I felt bad, "I'm sorry, for laughing, and messing with your head", I apologised. I continued walking, not wanting to have a deep discussion right here on the side walk. He caught up to me with my bike and I asked him about his English assignment, we chatted the rest of the short walk home about it.

As we walked up my drive way I panicked realising that there was only a few seconds left for this whole situation to be sorted, one way or another. I wanted it to go the way where Wesley and I got to kiss again but I didn't think I could handle him kissing other girls too and I wasn't sure I had any right to ask him not to. We weren't official, we were far from being boyfriend and girlfriend and I had no idea what the rules were. "About what you said before Wesley", I could tell my voice was shaky from nerves but I continued, "About messing with your head, I'm really sorry, I'm new to this and I don't know what I'm doing". I stopped at my front door, Wesley laid my bike on the grass and joined me on the doorstep, "I just need to know what you're thinking" he said quietly. I was thinking that I wanted him to kiss me again, but I couldn't handle the thought of him kissing anyone else, but I didn't want to be his girlfriend, not yet anyway. I wanted to go slow, I wanted too many things. Wesley coughed, I looked up at him, "You're doing it again" he smiled. I hesitated, "I like you Skye, but I can't keep saying it just hoping you still like me back, I can never tell", he explained looking down at me with his sincere brown eyes.

"I like you a lot Wesley" I rushed it so I could get it all out, "And I want you to kiss me again, all the time actually", I paused knowing that the rest of what I had to say sounded selfish. He smiled at the kissing comment and stepped into me so we were almost touching but I put up my arm to hold him off slightly. "Buuuuuuut, I don't want you to kiss anyone else, and I'm scared that if things move too slowly with us then it's pretty unfair of me to ask that of you". I was so mortified that I had just said that, it sounded so insecure of me. "Skye" he started and he moved one hand under my chin, lifting my face to look at him, the other arm he wrapped around my waist, pulling me gently into him. "I don't want to kiss other girls, I only want to kiss you but you have to let me". I smiled, and with that he bent down and kissed me gently, it was soft and sweet, I wrapped my arms around his neck. After a few seconds he pulled away and reached up to grab my arms from around his neck. He pulled my arms down and held my hands in his, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. "See you at school tomorrow?" he asked, I nodded and he turned to walk back down my drive way. I watched him walk away wishing he would come back and kiss me some more, but I guess I was the one who asked for things to go slow.

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