Twenty Two

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Wesley's POV

'Knock, knock, knock', I am knocking on my girlfriends door, that is so weird, I thought to myself but any doubts I had disappeared when she swung open the door and I saw her standing there smiling at me. "Morning beautiful" I said, I meant it, she looked gorgeous, I took in her bare legs, looking incredibly tan against her pink shorts. "Morning Wesley" she replied, I liked that she called me Wesley, it was cute but wasn't sure why she did, "Don't you think it's about time you call me Wes?" I asked her. She insisted she liked calling me Wesley as we headed into the kitchen, her offering me some cereal. I smiled thinking about the amount of times I've had breakfast with a girl, zero and without thinking I made a joke about it. As soon as the words slipped out of my mouth I wanted to take them back, I looked over at Skye, she looked upset and I didn't really blame her. I hurried over to her, taking her face in my hands and bringing her eyes to look at mine, "I'm so so so sorry. That was a dumb joke" I couldn't apologise enough, that was such a jerk thing to say. She tried to brush it off but I wasn't going to let it go that easily, I told her I was being a jerk, I really didn't want her to think I was a jerk. "I'm already worried you're going to hear things about me that don't", I paused not knowing how to phrase it, "Paint me in the best light, but you have to believe that I'm not like that with you, ok?". I knew eventually she would hear all the rumours or gossip about me and it wouldn't take her long to realise most of it was based on fact, but I was done with all that. I had spent ages last night clearing my phone of any reminder of what I used to be like, I just needed Skye to believe I wasn't like that anymore. "I trust you" she said it so sweetly, looking up at me with her big blue eyes, it winded me. "Just don't break my heart Wesley Stromberg" she added jokingly but I knew she was scared I would, I had no intention of hurting her ever.

"What's your number" she asked me after we got in the car, I was glad she reminded me because after cleaning out my phone last night I knew all I wanted in it now was her number. I gave her my number then handed her my phone to put hers into it, forgetting she needed the code to unlock it. I started to tell her what my passcode was but she stopped me, "It's private" she insisted. I knew I had nothing to hide, now but I also knew that I wanted to be honest, so I told her that I did have texts and pics that had needed deleting, "But I deleted them all" I told her. "I've removed any contacts I won't be needing anymore and you'll only find pics of Keaton being stupid or my skateboard on there now", I continued, "So my code is 7, 5, 9, 3". I had changed it last night after clearing out my phone, it spelt Skye on the keypad, I wondered if she'd even notice. Turns out her mom has the same code for the same reason I do, "It spells Skye you know" she told me, like it was new information to me. I grinned at her, she was so clueless sometimes, "I know".

I hopped out of the car at school, made my way over to Skye, grabbed her back pack and threw it over my shoulder. We walked to my locker to grab my science book, I was glad we had first period together. I spotted Stephen, one of the guys that was asking about our upcoming show yesterday afternoon, he looked at me then Skye then back to me. I saw him wink at Skye and then extend his hand to me for a high five, I slapped his hand not really understanding the situation. It wasn't until he said "Nice dude" and then looked down at Skye again that I pieced it all together. He had heard Skye inviting me over yesterday and about her mom being out of town, that was text book Wesley Stromberg territory, if a girl was home alone, I was there. I couldn't really blame him for jumping to conclusions but I started to worry that other people might assume the same thing, Skye was not going to be happy about this. I figured only a couple of guys overheard the conversation between me and Skye so hopefully they haven't said anything to anyone and this will just blow over.

"About time bro" James whispered to me as I sat down, gesturing at Skye and wiggling his eyebrows. I grimaced, apparently those few guys had told people because how else would James already know and be congratulating me. I shook my head at him, not wanting Skye to catch onto our conversation, trying to tell him it wasn't true. "Seriously dude, you're my hero, I've been looking at that all year" he said pointing at her ass, I wanted to punch him but I couldn't without bringing attention to us, I hated the thought that he had been staring at my girlfriend's ass all year. I got similar comments throughout the next 2 periods, apparently quite a few guys thought Skye was hot, but they quickly retracted their comments when I pointed out the were drooling over my girlfriend. I was pretty annoyed in general by the time the lunch bell rang, I hated that people thought I was only with Skye for sex and now I was going to move on and I was nervous to know how Skye would react. When I entered the cafeteria I scanned the room for Skye, but I couldn't spot her, until I caught a glimpse of her from behind Brad. I hated Brad, he was the biggest dirt bag and even from here I could tell he was standing way too close to Skye.

"Excuse me" I said waiting for Brad to turn around, when he spotted me he could tell I was not impressed with him putting the moves on Skye, he apologised and walked off. I waited for Skye to get mad at me but she didn't, instead she seemed to be defending herself, telling me boys were acting weird because of the heat. She really had no idea why she was getting all this extra attention, boys just assumed before that she wasn't interested but now they think they have a chance, and I don't blame them for hitting on her, she was gorgeous and sexy as hell. "You're not mad at me are you?' she looked up at me so innocently, "I swear I have no idea why Brad was acting like that". She was so sweet about it, genuinely concerned about me and ensuring I didn't get the wrong impression, I didn't want to say anything but she was going to find out sooner or later. I told her I wasn't mad but that she was about to mad at me, she looked anxious, I braced myself, "Everyone thinks we had sex". She didn't say anything, her face just dropped and I could almost see the twenty thousand thoughts I knew were flying through her head right now. I wanted to remind her she has to talk to me but I didn't really think I had any right to ask anything of her at the particular second. Without warning she just turned away from me and started walking towards the cafeteria doors.

I wanted to follow her, I wanted to hug her and tell her I was sorry and that everything was going to be fine, I would set the record straight. A small part of me was hurt that she wouldn't speak to me, and I hated that she was embarrassed by a rumour based around my reputation. I understood why she was embarrassed, being the centre of any rumour sucked but the insecure part of me thought maybe she was embarrassed  because everyone thought she had sex with me. I didn't get much chance to process any of my thoughts because a few seconds after Skye walked away I spotted Brad blocking her from leaving the cafeteria. He stood up, way too close to her and looked down at her with a look I knew too well, I took off towards them. Before I knew it I had punched him, I was shaking, I was furious with him, with the situation, with myself, I just stood over him as his nose bled into his hands. I saw Skye run from the cafeteria, and I was filled with remorse, I hadn't helped the situation by punching Brad, I had brought more attention to it. But to be honest, it felt good punching Brad, and I would do it again if I ever caught him looking at Skye like that in the future.

I got given detention for my outburst at lunch, that was to be expected I thought as I sat through the last period of the day. Two girls in front of me turned around, "Are you going to the bonfire tomorrow night Wes?" one of them purred at me, I knew her name, we had hooked up last year but I couldn't remember it. I nodded, trying to stay focused on the anatomy video we were supposed to be watching, but they didn't take the hint. "Maybe we can hang out afterwards" the other one added, I knew her name was Amber but I didn't know if we had ever hooked up, I am a terrible person I thought. I had enough of their flirting, "I have a girlfriend" I said coldly but they didn't seem fazed, "Oh really, who?" asked the first girl. "Skye" I replied trying to end the conversation, but Amber had other ideas, "That's weird because we had History with her just before and she said you guys weren't dating", she giggled, knowing she was causing trouble. My heart sank, surely we needed to talk about this before Skye just decided we were over.

In detention I must have messaged Skye at least 7 or 8 times, I couldn't apologise enough. Once my hour was up I tried calling her a few times but she didn't answer, I had to talk to her, I had to explain that I didn't have anything to do with this rumour. I knew she had work and I hoped that's why she wasn't answering and not because she was avoiding my calls. I considered going to her house but I wasn't sure she'd want to see me. I felt sick, so much had gone wrong in 24 hours, last night she was my girlfriend and now she won't even speak to me. When I got home Drew and Keaton invited me out skating but I wasn't in the mood, instead I just laid on my bed and waited for Skye to call me. I had no idea how to fix this, I felt like I was doing everything I could to do the right thing by her and be a different person but I just couldn't seem to catch a break. It's true what they say, karma really is a bitch.

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