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Wesley's POV

I laid in bed thinking about what had happened last night at the yogurt shop, I couldn't believe how much convincing it took for her to agree to a date with me. That sounded conceited, I thought to myself, but I had never had a girl protest so much. I started to wonder if maybe that was the reason I was so keen, because it was a challenge. I tried not to think about it too much, I slid out of bed and got ready for school. I grabbed my snap back and skate board and headed out of my room, stopping to knock on Keaton's door on my way to the kitchen. "School" I yelled at him. A few minutes later Keaton joined me in the kitchen, we kissed mom goodbye and headed to school. It was such a nice day, we boarded to school and about half way there I looked up and saw Skye walking out of a house a few houses ahead. She hopped on her bike and headed in the direction of school, I considered catching up but then I was going to be literally chasing her and I didn't know if my ego could handle it.

Thursdays always went really slowly, it was like the world was taunting me that is wasn't quite Friday yet. As predicted the day dragged on but finally it was my last class of the day, science. I figured I could talk to Skye some more about our upcoming date, I was going to ask her to come to the beach party with me on Saturday night. As I approached the class I saw Skye and Taylor talking outside the classroom door and as I got nearer I overheard part of their conversation. Skye was annoyed she got a 93 on an English exam, I couldn't remember the last time I got a 93 in any class, except for music. I felt bad for her after hearing she was concerned about keeping her English grade up, this girl was smart and I really liked that she cared doing well. Maybe I wasn't just interested in her because she was hard to get I thought to myself, when Taylor noticed me and smiled. I realised I had never actually spent much time with Taylor and it seemed as if getting a date with her would be a lot easier than with Skye. But I was still set on getting to know Skye more so there must be something there. I wanted to talk to Skye during science but she didn't come into class until the lesson had basically started and she dashed out as soon as it was over. I finally caught up with her at her locker, I tapped her on the shoulder. She seemed surprised to see me so I started talking, "So about this date you owe me, well, I was thinking we should go to the beach party together on Saturday night, everyone at school is going, it'll be fun" I explained. I admit part of the reason I wanted to go to the beach party is because they are usually awesome but the other part is because I figured she'd have to wear a bikini. But before I could imagine that too much she told me she had to work and offered another suggestion of dinner tomorrow night. I liked the idea that we could spend time just the two of us and I was pleased that she seemed more into the date idea now than yesterday. "Sure" I said, "It's a date".

I realised when I got home that we hadn't decided where to go for dinner or made any plans on what time I was picking her up. I remembered we had science the next morning together so I figured there would be plenty of time then to sort out the details. Keaton knocked on my door and poked his head in, "Wanna go skate bro?", I considered his offer, I did but I also felt the need to do some homework, a feeling I don't usually get. "Nah man, I'm gonna do my homework" I told him. He shot me a weird look then disappeared down the hallway. I opened my English book, we were reading To Kill a Mockingbird and I hadn't even started it yet, but I figured that Skye might bring up our English assignment on the date tomorrow and I didn't want to admit I hadn't even started it. I threw myself on my bed, did I just really think that? I want to read a book so I can talk to Skye about it, because I know she will have read it? My inner voice piped up 'Dude, you've changed'. And with that I jumped up and grabbed my board and sprinted after Keaton.

The next morning I got to science early hoping to catch Skye before class started to discuss the plans for tonight. She wasn't there but a few seconds after I sat down Taylor walked in. I figured Skye would have told her about the date so maybe I could ask her for a couple of tips on where to take Skye. "Hey Taylor" I said casually, she smiled at me. "What's up Wesley" she replied, she was cute. 'Focus' demanded my inner voice. "I was just wondering if you had any suggestions on where I should take Skye on our date tonight?", I asked. She looked genuinely shocked, "You're going on a date with Skye?" she questioned. Uh oh I thought, Skye hadn't told her. I was a little hurt by the fact that Skye hadn't told her best friend, was she embarrassed? Surely not, I mean if nothing else wouldn't going on a date with me raise her popularity, conceited I know. "Yea, it's not a big thing" I said trying to appease her. And then she just started ranting about how she couldn't believe Skye didn't tell her, even after she suggested that Skye ask me out and how you'd think your first date would be something you'd share with your best friend. My mind was in overload, her friends told her to ask me out, that was cool, but this was her first date? Surely just her first date with me, not her first date ever.

Taylor turned her attention to the door, I looked up and saw Skye, in her usual jeans and a singlet but she still looked beautiful. There is no way tonight is this girls first date ever I thought to myself. Skye looked guilty, I could tell she felt bad for not telling Taylor. "Why the hell didn't you tell me you were going on a date with Wes"?. The sound of my name made me turn to see where it came from, I saw Taylor grabbing Skye's arm. I couldn't overhear the rest of the conversation but I watched them for a few minutes and it seemed as if they were fine again, Taylor was grinning massively. I didn't get a chance to speak to Skye at all during science so I knew I'd have to catch her at lunch.

At the start of lunch I saw Skye heading towards the cafeteria so I called out to her and made my way over. I got a little bit nervous, I wasn't sure why, I had been on plenty of dates, although none with girls who weren't interested I reminded myself. "Hey" I said, she just nodded, not a great sign. "If you don't want to go on this date tonight, you don't have to, I mean I kind of forced it on you", I explained. She looked a little disappointed, which made my heart race a tiny bit, maybe she wasn't so against the idea after all. "Do you not want to go anymore"? she asked me and the truth was I really did want to go. I tried to joke about it and how she was wounding my ego but that seemed to annoy her, I wanted to go back to when she was disappointed not mad. She gave me the option of picking something else but I couldn't shake the idea she was disappointed about cancelling the date, maybe there was hope. "I'll pick you up at 7" I blurted. She offered her address but after yesterday morning I knew where she lived. I didn't want to do anymore damage so I just headed in to the cafeteria.

On the drive home I was thinking about where to take Skye and then as if it was timed I saw her riding her bike while Taylor and Lucy walked beside her. I wondered what they were talking about, although it seemed like Taylor and Lucy were doing most of the talking. I pulled up into the driveway and headed inside. Drew was lounging on the couch, "Hey man, wanna go for a surf later?" he asked me. "Can't dude, got a date" and with that I ran upstairs to my room to avoid any further questions. It didn't work, Drew followed me and asked me endless questions about who was it, was she hot, where were we going? After he was satisfied with my answers which went something like this, Skye, yes, the small Italian place near the pier, he left my room. I laid on my bed for a bit, killing time, reading To Kill a Mockingbird much to my disgust. About 6pm I hopped in the shower and got ready for the date. I left at 6:45pm to pick up Skye, sneaking out the back to avoid any questions or looks from my mom, Drew and Keaton.

On the drive over I was nervous, this is stupid I thought to myself, she's just a regular girl from school. I told myself this but I don't know if I really believed it. I couldn't remember the last time I had been on a date with a girl who actually cared about getting a 95 in English or wanted a part time job or didn't want to date me to be honest. This girl was not a regular girl from school and something told me she thought I was a jerk. I basically only had an hour to convince her that I wasn't, I thought as pulled into her driveway and hopped out of my car. 'Chill out' my inner voice screamed at me. I relaxed, I've been on plenty of dates before and if this girl doesn't like me it's no big deal. I knocked on her door feeling so much better, I felt like myself again. She swung open the door and every nerve rushed back into my body, she looked amazing. She was wearing a simple blue dress but it showed off her legs and her figure and just like I suspected she was crazy hot. My stomach filled with butterflies. CRAP!!

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