Twenty Five

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Skye's POV

My head was throbbing, it took me a while to become completely conscious, it felt like my brain wasn't working, it was moving too slowly. I carefully opened my eyes, I was looking directly at someone's bare chest, a guy, a hot guy, where was I? I looked around and sure enough I was in my room, I didn't even really remember coming home after the beach party. Ugh, the beach party, I could only remember pieces of last night but all of them were bad memories. I peeked up at the face of the guy who owned the hot chest and found myself staring directly into Wesley's eyes. I panicked, did he spend the night, I glanced down to see what I was wearing, his tshirt, 'Oh crap' I thought to myself. "Nothing happened" he said quietly, I was flooded with relief, "How's your head?" he continued. "Killing me" I replied, not wanting to get up, partly because of my aching head and partly because laying here with Wesley was the only good thing that came out of last night's fiasco. "What happened?" I asked, realising I had lots of gaps in my recollections from last night. "You don't remember?" he quizzed me, I shook my head instantly regretting the sudden movement. "You got drunk, so I came to the party and brought you home" Wesley explained to me. He came to the party, so he wasn't at the party, I vaguely remembered seeing Cory and then drinking beer and then Brad, BRAD!!! It came rushing back to me, I felt sick, Brad had tried to hook up with me and Wesley had essentially saved me.

"You...." I didn't want to say 'saved me', it sounded too dramatic, so instead I finished my sentence with, "Came at the right time". I felt his arm tighten around me, "I'm just glad Keaton called me when he did" Wesley said then lightly kissed my forehead. I was embarrassed that Wesley's little brother had seen me drunk, not a great impression to make on your boyfriend's brother. I wondered if he was still my boyfriend, I wasn't sure if I had ever gotten around to giving him my well thought out speech, I hoped I hadn't. Wesley was a good guy, I liked him, I wanted to be with him and I had to trust him. He hadn't given me any reason not to trust him and all the drama we had faced seemed to be more from my reactions to things he couldn't control. I looked up at him, "Are we ok?" I asked softly, terrified that he would have had enough of this relationship crap and would rather go back to who he used to be. I felt so guilty for not texting him back or talking to him, and especially for not trusting him, and after everything he had still stayed with me last night.

"You tell me" he answered me, "You never replied to my texts yesterday morning", I winced, knowing I had deleted them without reading them. "I deleted them" I said as I tried to slide further under the covers. "You didn't read them at all?" he sounded slightly hurt, I wondered what he had put in those messages. "I'm sorry, I just didn't know how to deal. I knew if I read them and you said sweet things that I'd want to change my mind about breaking up", I explained to him. He sat up in bed, forcing me to take my head off his chest and lay back on my pillow, "You were seriously going to break up with me?", his voice sounded strained. I nodded, sliding myself further down the bed and pulling the covers up so just my eyes peeked out over them. He rolled himself onto his side so he his face was over mine, looking down at me with his deep brown eyes, "I like you Skye, if you had read those texts yesterday you would know exactly how I feel about you", he said making me regret deleting them. He continued, "I will never, ever do anything to purposely hurt you, in fact I will do everything in my power to make you happy" I blushed, "But I need to know that when you get freaked out you'll talk to me, I can't keep feeling like I'm doing something wrong, I'm not the same guy in the stories you hear" he seemed sad.

He was right, I couldn't keep assuming the worst in him when he had only ever been sweet to me. I grabbed his face, which was above mine, he looked tired and I wondered if he had gotten much sleep. "I like you too, a lot, it's a bit scary. But I trust you and I'm sorry that I make you feel like you're doing something wrong" I told him, looking up into his eyes. He smiled, my heart melted, I vowed to try and make him smile as much as possible. "Hey, what did you say in those texts yesterday" I asked him, still curious and wishing I had read them. "I'm not telling you", he grinned cheekily, knowing I was regretting my actions. "Please tell me", I begged him, he had said I would know how he felt about me if I read those messages and I was desperate to know what he had written. He sighed, "Maybe if you are super nice to me, I'll send you them again one day" he tried to sound as if he was joking. I knew I had hurt him by deleting them and he was holding back sending them to me again, "I'm sorry I didn't read them" I whispered, "I swear I'll never ignore a text from you again"

He smiled at me, lowered his head and softly brushed his warm lips against mine, it sent a tingle down my spine. I reached my hands that were on his face around his neck, pulling him into me, kissing him passionately, my tongue finding its way into his mouth as I arched into him. I could feel the warmth off his bare chest through the thin cotton of his tshirt I was wearing. Everything about him made me want to be closer to him, his warmth, his smell, his hands which were grasping my hips. He pulled away, was he changing his mind about us giving it another try? "I'm sorry, don't you want...." I started talking, he cut me off. "I want you" he stated, making me feel slightly uncomfortable but mainly I just felt giddy inside, "You drive me crazy, but we are in your bedroom, you're wearing my shirt and I am exercising every piece of self control I have right now" he sat up on the bed. I blushed, I liked the fact that he wanted me, but he was right, I wasn't ready for where this was headed although that didn't mean I didn't want him to stay and kiss me some more. "I better go" he said, standing up from the bed, I pouted, things were just getting back to a good place and I didn't want him to leave.

"I don't want you to go" I whined, he rolled his eyes, "I don't want to go but you have homework to do" he said as he gestured at my desk. I did have homework to do but right now I didn't care. I hoped I could use his recent confession of wanting me to my advantage, I knelt up on my bed. "Ok, but you can't walk home shirtless" I said as I pulled his tshirt over my head. I tried to look as innocent as possible, hoping me, still in Taylor's tiny denim skirt and bikini top, would be enough to entice him to stay a little bit longer. "That's not fair, you know" he complained, looking away from me. "Here" I held out his shirt to him, only extending my arm a short way so if he wanted it he would have to come closer. He made his way back to the edge of the bed and leaned over slightly to reach for the shirt. I grabbed his outstretched arm and jerked him towards me, falling back on the bed as I did so, pulling him down with me. He threw his hands out onto the bed to stop himself mid fall, and pried himself from my grip. He groaned as he stood back up, "You're not as innocent as you make out" he said to me with a wink before slipping his shirt over his head. "But I'm not going to be the one responsible for you not getting into college, so do your homework" he said firmly and with that he turned and disappeared down the hall.

I threw myself onto my stomach and buried my face in my pillow, I squealed into it, he really was amazing. I napped for a few hours before dragging my aching head and body into the shower, staying in far too long but taking advantage because my mom wasn't home to tell me to get out. I put on some clean pj's, brushed my hair and made a start on my homework. It took longer than it should because my mind kept wandering to Wesley, he really did understand why I cared about my school work. He cared about me getting into college, I thought back to when we had our first date and I had assumed he'd never understand. When I had finished my homework I made my way downstairs for some food and tv, and I heard the front door being unlocked. Mom was home and I decided not to tell her any of what had happened these past few days. "Hey sweetheart, how was your weekend?" she greeted me, I just smiled and told her it was fine. We chatted for an hour or two about her romantic getaway with Paul before she headed off to bed and I made my way back upstairs. I flopped on my bed and reached for my phone on my nightstand to text Taylor and Lucy the latest news. I had a text from Wesley, my heart fluttered, I wondered if that feeling would ever go away, I hoped not.

'Are you going to be ok at school tomorrow?', it was sweet of him to check with me. 'Yea, I got drunk, Brad hit on me, my boyfriend saved me ;)  No big deal' I replied. I text Lucy and Taylor that me and Wesley were still a couple, but left out that he slept over last night, that would be too much for them. My phone vibrated in my hand, I unlocked it to see another text from Wesley, 'I will always save you. But I meant more about the rumor about me and you'. I thought for a second, I really didn't care what people thought, Wesley was my boyfriend, a pretty great one that I was going to have sex with eventually so who cares if they thought we already had. 'Just means they won't care when we actually do have sex. I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow Wesley xx'. As I reached to put my phone back on my nightstand it vibrated again, it was another text from Wesley that simply said 'Sweet dreams beautiful'. I sighed as I snuggled down into my bed, I really hoped things could just be good with us from now on, no more drama.

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