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Wesley's POV

Zooooooom, Skye flew past me on her bike. I was walking with Keaton to meet up with Drew to talk about our upcoming gig, I assumed Skye was on her way to work seeing as her house was in the other direction. "We should get some yogurt" I heard Keaton say, and I knew he was just trying to get me going. "Whatever" I replied, I really didn't want to see or think about Skye. 'It's none of my business who you do what with', her words rung in my head. I couldn't keep up with this girl, one minute she didn't want to go on a date with me, then she liked me, then she was mad at me then she didn't even care at all. I'm done with all this Skye business, I committed to myself, back to dating girls who think I'm awesome. I grinned at the idea of our upcoming show, plenty of girls dying to get with the lead singer of a band, Skye who?

Turns out Drew and Keaton really did want to get yogurt, and I wasn't about to tell them what happened in class today so I agreed, just mentioning that the Skye thing didn't work out. We walked in, I saw Skye talking to Taylor who of course was dressed like she had just come from a party and not school. My heart pounded in my chest, despite everything Skye still made my heart race, but that'll go away in time I reassured myself. We sat in one of the window booth's, Drew and Keaton insisting I go place the order, probably to make me suffer. I made my way to the counter, "Hey Wesley. What can I get for you?", she seemed completely unaffected by today's events. She was looking at me with her big blue eyes, I took in her face, she had a few freckles on her nose from the Californian sun, she smiled and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I sucked in some air and calmed myself then placed my order in an equally unaffected tone as hers. I watched as she ever so carefully prepared our yogurt cups, I smiled to myself wondering how can someone so beautiful and gentle be such a klutz. I hated that despite everything she had said and all my inner commitments to move on I still wanted her.

I paid and returned to the booth, the next half an hour was spent discussing our upcoming gig whilst Drew practically wrote a whole song on his napkin. "Bro, she keeps looking over here" Keaton whispered to me. I felt my hopes shoot sky high, maybe she still liked me, if this was the case I wanted to talk to her. "Really?" I whispered back, knowing that I probably appeared slightly desperate but I didn't care. "I swear man, she has looked over at least 10 times in the past half an hour" he insisted. My stomach turned in anticipation of what this might mean. "Ok, I'm here you can go now" I heard a female voice yell, I looked over to see Skye high five a girl who had just appeared behind the counter. "You're the best" she yelled after Skye, she really was I silently agreed. I looked at Drew and Keaton, "Gotta go fella's" I told them and I sprang up and headed outside. I walked towards the back of the shop knowing that's where she keeps her bike.

"Can I walk with you?" I asked as I approached her after she rounded the corner. "Sure" she said, so I took her bike and began pushing it down the street. I didn't know where to start, I couldn't just come right out and ask if she liked me, so what should I ask. I remembered she was stressed out about our English paper so I asked her how she did, I was surprised to hear she got an 82, I felt bad for her knowing she needed a higher grade and all the date drama can't of helped the situation. As we walked I noticed it was starting to get a bit cold, as if to confirm my thoughts Skye shivered. I unzipped my hoodie and handed it to her, the idea of her wearing my jacket was just so satisfying, I watched as she zipped it up. She sighed and I took this as my chance to talk to her, clearly I meant something to her if she was going to sigh over wearing my jacket. I lent her bike against a street sign and walked over to her, "Skye, I like you, a lot, I've made that pretty clear but you're messing with my head", there I had laid it all out on the line. I just needed her to clarify what she wanted from me so I knew where I stood, I can't keep pining over her if she's not ever going to want me back. She thought about what I had said for what felt like forever, "You need to tell me what you're thinking, please" I pleaded with her. 

She started laughing, seriously, how was this funny, I am practically pouring my heart out here. "I'm sorry, for laughing, and for messing with your head" she tried to be serious. I waited for more but she started walking again, I grabbed her bike and caught up, "How did you go on the English assignment?" she asked me. I had no idea what just happened or how we got back onto the English paper but  we continued this line of conversation until we reached her house. I didn't really mind, I liked how passionate she was about school, and I liked that our conversations felt so natural, I liked when she wasn't over thinking things. She stopped talking and went back to thinking as we walked up her driveway, I wanted to ask her what she was thinking but that didn't work so well last time. Luckily I didn't have to ask because she started to tell me, "About what you said before Wesley", she seemed nervous, "About messing with your head, I'm really sorry, I'm new to this, I don't know what I'm doing". Finally I could understand where she was coming from, she was just scared because she had no experience with this sort of thing, a fact I still find hard to believe considering she was so friggin hot.

"I just need to know what you're thinking" I urged her, as long as I knew where her head was at I could manage the situation accordingly. As per usual she didn't say anything, "You're doing it again" I laughed at her inability not to get lost in her thoughts. She looked up at me but didn't say anything, one last attempt I thought to myself, "I like you Skye", I really did, "but I can't keep saying it just hoping you still like me back, I can never tell". I waited for her response, "I like you a lot Wesley", I was flooded with relief until I clued in to the fact there was about to be a 'but'. Then she said she wanted me to kiss her, I am more than happy to oblige but as I step into her she raises her arm keeping a small gap between us. Uh oh, here comes the 'but, "Buuuuuuut, I don't want you to kiss anyone else, and I'm scared that if things move too slowly with us then it's pretty unfair of me to ask that of you". I thought about what she said, her not wanting me to kiss anyone else and the image of Skye kissing another guy flashed into my mind, I would kill him, whoever he was, and I realised if I didn't want her not to kiss anyone else then it was only fair that I not kiss anyone either. Besides, did I really want to kiss anyone else, the answer was a definite no, so I lifted her face to look at mine and explained to her that wouldn't be a problem.

She looked relieved, and that made me happy, I reached my free arm around her waist and pulled her into me. I lent down to kiss her but this time it was slow and soft, I felt a warmth through my entire body. She had no idea she had this affect on me, she had no idea I found her sexy as hell and that I could kiss her for hours. I felt her arms wrap around my neck and I knew that if she pulled me into her I'd never let her go, so I reached up and grabbed her hands in mine, bringing her arms back down to her sides. I had to cut this off here, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and just like last time we kissed on her porch I added a "See you at school tomorrow". She nodded and I set off back down her drive way, breathing in the cool night air trying to get my heart to return to it's normal pace. I was going to need to be careful if I was going to keep my promise to take things slow.

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