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Skye's POV

"Bye" I yelled over my shoulder to my mom and friends, and then shut the door as quickly as possible to avoid them yelling anything embarrassing back. I was nervous but I wasn't about to let Wesley know it, he already had way too much control over this date. Wesley was quiet, and once I closed my front door he just started walking towards his car. Now I know this is my first date but I am pretty sure it's customary for the guy to at least say hello to the girl, I thought to myself. I followed him along my path towards his car, he opened the passenger side door for me and I climbed in a gracefully as I could wearing such a short dress. Wesley jogged around to the other side of the car and slid into the driver's seat. "Where are we going?" I asked, breaking the silence. "The Italian place on the pier" he responded. I grinned, I loved that place. Wesley noticed my grin, as he started the car, "You like it there?" he questioned. "Love it" I replied.

We drove in silence for the first half of the trip, I knew this was going to suck I thought to myself. He was probably counting down the minutes until the hour was up and he could say we had a date and he could move on to another girl in our year, one more interesting than me. I stopped myself, why was I thinking like this? Who cares if he doesn't want to be on this date, or if he goes on other dates, you don't like him I reminded myself. I was pulled from my inner ramblings by Wesley asking if I had started the English assignment that was due on Monday. I was shocked he knew about the assignment, in fact I was shocked he even knew he took English seeing as he never paid any attention in science I assumed it was the same with all his classes. "Not yet" I answered him, I sighed thinking of the English homework that waited for me at home. "What college's are you thinking of applying to?" he asked. We spent the rest of the trip to the restaurant debating the merits of the numerous college's that I was interested in, I figured it was better to keep my options open. By the time we reached the restaurant I was pleasantly surprised by the interesting conversation I had managed to have with him, he made me feel comfortable, which was unexpected.

Once inside the restaurant we were seated at our table, I looked around and it struck me that this was a pretty romantic place. I felt all the nerves come back, what if he takes all his dates here I thought to myself. "What are you always thinking about?" I heard Wesley say. I looked up at him, he was looking at me, waiting for an answer. "Wh, what do you mean?" I stammered. "Well every time I see you, you seem to be deep in thought" he explained. There is no way I am telling him that I was just considering the fact that I am probably sitting in the exact same seat that 14 other girls in our class have sat at this year. I need to take control of this situation before my hormones got a hold of me, "So Wesley", I started. He cut me off, "Why do you call me Wesley? No one calls me Wesley, except maybe my mom when I'm in trouble" he laughed. I didn't want to tell him that Wes made it seem like we were friends and we weren't. I ignored him and carried on, "Wesley, you got me on this date to get to know me better" I said while putting the last part in air quotes, "So what do you want to know?" I finished.

He seemed to have come prepared with a mental list of questions which he fired at me in between ordering our food and then eating. We traded pieces of information because of course if I gave him the answer to a question I wanted to know his own response. I realised at some point in the conversation that I was enjoying myself and I glanced up at the clock on the wall actually hoping that the hour wasn't up. The clock read 9:45pm, we had been there for over 2 hours, I wasn't sure if I wanted to point out he had gone over his allotted time. As I looked back to the table I spotted one of Wesley's friends making his way over to our table. I panicked remembering that once this date was over I would just go to the end of a long line of girls Wesley had taken out. Wesley introduced me to his friend, who proceeded to ask Wesley if we were on a date. "No, not a date" I blurted out before Wesley could answer. I avoided eye contact with them both and hoped the friend would just leave. I zoned out from what they were saying, I can't believe I let myself think this was an actual date I thought to myself. I was so angry that Wesley had gotten the best of me, he was smooth at this dating thing and here I was having never done it before. No wonder he was so easy to talk to, he has had years of practising his dating skills.

"Well I should probably take you home" Wesley said snapping me back into reality. "The hour is clearly up" he mumbled. He signalled to the waitress for our bill, he looked mad, I guess I did just spoil his plan for him to say we went on a date. When the waitress appeared with our bill I reached for it, not wanting to owe Wesley anything. He casually pushed my hand away and scooped it up, slipping a credit card inside the leather wallet and handing it back to the waitress. I hated to admit it but in that second when he touched my hand, I liked how soft and warm his hand felt on mine. I shook my head, emptying it of any romantic thoughts of Wesley, this is not the boy for you I thought to myself. Wesley stood up and made his way to the door, I got up and followed him, all the way to his car in silence. He opened the car door for me and I slid in, he really does have good manners I thought to myself. If this were a real date I imagine I would find that very charming, in fact he has been pretty charming the whole night really, up until this last 10 minutes or so. I put the last 10 minutes down to the fact that the hour was well and truly up, no need to keep the charade up any longer, he even said it himself that the hour was clearly up.

On the drive home I found myself feeling a little bit upset that the date, fake or not, was over. I glanced over at Wesley, he really wasn't a bad test subject for my first real date. He was attractive, he had warm eyes and a smile that made my heart beat faster. STOP!! My inner voice screamed, I shook my head trying to clear all these silly thoughts out of my head. We finally pulled into my driveway, I was so grateful to get out the awkwardness that surrounded us in the car. I opened my door and jumped out as quick as possible, I figured the more distance I could put between us the less foggy my mind would be and I would realise I did not like Wesley. "See you at school" I yelled as I closed his car door, I turned and hurried up the path. "Skye" I heard Wesley call from behind me. Crap!! I thought I was home free, I spun to look back towards his car. He was jogging up the path, he stopped in front of me and looked nervous. Oh dear lord, he's not going to kiss me is he, after all this he really thinks I am going to let him? My stomach started twisting in anticipation, and for a split second I wasn't sure if it was because I didn't want him to kiss me or because I did.

"Why didn't you want to admit you were on a date with me?", he sounded hurt. My stomach dropped, I couldn't believe I felt bad for not admitting we were on a date when the date wasn't real anyway. "Wesley, be honest. You only wanted to go on a date with me because I didn't want to. Well you've done it now, so let's just let everything return to normal" I reasoned with him. "You really think that was the only reason I wanted to go on a date with you?" he questioned me. I was confused, I mean why else would he want to, "Yea" I said matter of fact. He looked mad again, "Wow, you really think that little of me?", now it was my turn to be mad. "Oh please, tell me why else you insisted on taking me on a date if it wasn't just to say that you had" I hissed. His face softened and he looked at me, "I'll admit, initially I was interested because you paid me no attention but Skye", he paused, "You are smart and funny, you make me laugh. Plus your gorgeous, I wanted to be on a date with you tonight". Seeing the sincerity in his brown eyes and hearing him say all those nice things about me sent a shiver down my spine. He noticed, "Are you cold?" he asked, I shook my head, I wasn't cold. I considered kissing him but I really wasn't sure if I should fall for what he was saying, I mean he is a almost a professional smooth talker.

Before I could make up my mind he continued talking, "I like that you care about school and you want to go to college. I like that you can be in the middle of a crowded restaurant and somehow be deep in thought completely oblivious. I think it's cute how much you concentrate when you are trying not to drop things" I was stunned at how much he actually knew about me, or at least how much attention he had been paying to me. Every fibre in my body wanted to kiss him, but I was too nervous, my stomach was somersaulting. He stepped closer to me, I looked down at my hands that I had been wringing the whole time he had been talking. He took another step closer, I could smell him, he smelt amazing, I could almost feel heat radiating from his body. I knew that if I looked up now we would be face to face, would he try to kiss me I wondered. I wanted him to, I looked up and my eyes met his. He looked at my lips and back to my eyes, he leaned in. I closed my eyes and I felt his lips on mine, it was nothing like kissing Lucy's brother. This was magic, his kiss sent warmth through my entire body. He kissed me slowly, I felt his arms slip around my waist and he pulled my body into his. Before I had a chance to react he pulled away and I felt cold air rush between as he took a step back. I couldn't read the look on his face, I didn't know what to say. After what felt like forever he spoke "I'll see you at school I guess", I nodded and with that he turned, walked to his car, hopped in a drove away. I reached up and touched my lips, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT I thought.

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