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Wesley's POV

"I don't know man, she's just different", I tried to explain to Keaton as we skateboarded to school. "I'll believe it when I see it" he called back to me. I rolled my eyes, I didn't blame him for not believing me, I wasn't known for my long term relationships. I was actually kind of nervous about seeing Skye today, even after her confession last night, I was afraid she might have changed her mind. I wish I knew what she was always thinking about, I grinned at the thought that maybe occasionally she was thinking about me. I pulled up on my board, picked it up and headed into school, heading straight for Skye's locker. I waited until the bell rang, disappointed she never made an appearance at her locker, maybe she got here earlier than me or maybe she was off sick. I frowned at the idea of her being sick, I didn't like to think of her not feeling great. I headed to class figuring if she was here I'd see her at lunch, the morning couldn't go by fast enough!

Finally the bell rang signalling the start of lunch, I practically jogged to the cafeteria. Once inside I glanced around to see if she was here yet, nope, no sign of her. I made my way over to my usual table where Keaton was already getting started on his lunch. A few minutes later I looked up and spotted Skye entering the cafeteria, I got butterflies in my stomach, she was deep in thought and I hoped she was thinking about me. I caught her smile to herself, which made me smile, man I really was going soft. I was about to call out to her but before I could open my mouth there was a flurry of brunette hair and too much perfume and a giggly Freshman girl was sitting in my lap. I looked at Keaton, he began laughing as the kamikaze Freshman girl disappeared as fast as she'd appeared. "It's some dare thing dude, the Freshman girls are trying to outdo each other with getting guy's attention" he explained to me. "I'm surprised you didn't ask for her number" he smirked, "Maybe you have changed" he finished.

He was right, I had changed and the only girl I was interested in kissing was Skye. I thought about last night again, I had never ever had a kiss like that, it made me want her so bad. But I was nervous that I didn't know what 'snail pace' was, even though I was the one who said it. I didn't want to screw things up by moving too fast, it was actually refreshing to have a girl interested in me for me and not because I'm in a band or because of my reputation. Skye made it sound like she liked me despite my reputation and I like that. I got up and walked over to the bin, dumping in the lunch I was too nervous eat, I looked over to Skye's table just in time to see her get up and leave the cafeteria. "Gotta go" I said to Keaton as I sprung up from my seat and followed after her. I got out into the hall just in time to see her disappear into the library. I jogged into the library but couldn't see her anywhere, so I headed to the back to begin the search.

I spotted her, I'd know the back of her head anywhere, must be from all those science labs spent staring at it. "Hey, I've been looking for you" I said as I got close to her. She spun around and a shiver went up my spine, damn she looked pretty."Yea I was looking for you too, at lunch, but you were busy", she must have seen the crazy Freshman but she seemed fine with it, I still wanted to explain though so I told her about the dare. I moved closer to her, I wanted to kiss her, but I would have to settle for holding her hand, that's 'snail pace' right? But before I could assess the question she turned back to the books, she must be looking for something in particular, "What biography are you looking for?" I asked, she looked confused so I gestured to the 'Biography' sign above us. She didn't say anything, and I could almost hear her brain ticking over, I wished she'd tell me what she was thinking about, although I didn't mind just standing here watching her because she was adorable. I reached out to hold her hand, figuring the answer to my previous question was yes, "You're so cute when you're thinking whatever it is you're always thinking".

Suddenly she pulled her hand from mine, "Don't" she snapped at me, I was so stunned by her reaction. Crap, I thought, maybe the answer was no, that holding her hand wasn't 'snail pace', is it because we're at school, has she changed her mind, I panicked. "Did I not tell you last night that I liked you and then the very next time I see you there is some random chick in your lap", he tone was hushed but I could tell she was pissed. I was hurt that she didn't believe me about the dare, I tried to tell her again but she cut me off with some line about setting herself up for this. She left leaving me confused, set herself up for what, how had it not even been a day and I'd already managed to hurt her? I needed to talk to her but I didn't see her again until science. She conveniently didn't come into the lab until the class was practically underway. I couldn't do anything but watch her as she and Taylor conducted their experiment, I was hurt that she didn't believe me, I was hurt that she had been hurt by what she saw at lunch and I was desperate to talk to her. We could get this back on track, I was sure of it, I liked her too much to give up now.

I watched as she set a beaker down on the edge of the bench, knowing how clumsy she is I knew this would end in disaster. As soon as I saw her turn back towards the beaker I sprang out from behind my bench, catching the beaker just as she elbowed it off the table. This was my chance to tell her that I meant what I said, I liked her and I wasn't about to mess it up, she had her eyes closed. After a few seconds she opened them and I was looking right into her blue eyes, my heart felt like it actually skipped a beat. She spoke before I could, "Hey, I'm sorry about before in the library, I overreacted, it's none of my business who you do what with", her words were like a knife. That hurt me way more than her not believing me, now she just didn't care at all. She flashed me a smile, she was ok to forget everything, just like that. She turned back to her bench, leaving me standing there wondering what the hell just happened. WORST. DAY. EVER.

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