Chapter 7: "I guess I need more cardio."

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Tis another Friday with a Sweetheart update. Hope you enjoy :)


The next day at school, Julie's opportunity arose.

"My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow!"

The voice of Carrie, Julie's ex-friend, was echoing through the halls as she passed out flyers for the Los Feliz High School spirit rally tomorrow. The spirit rally that Carrie's group, Dirty Candy, just so happened to be singing in.

"Hey girls!" Carrie was now standing right in front of Julie and Flynn, her perky voice so loud it could be heard through the whole building. "My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow!" she said, shoving a flyer in Flynn's face.

"Oh my gosh, Carrie, thanks," Flynn spoke in a sassy manner, rolling her eyes back as far as she could.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn, don't bother coming!" Carrie snapped back, equally as sassy.

Carrie walked away with an extra big flip of her hair, and Flynn turned back to face Julie.

"Flynn, could I see that flyer?" Julie asked.

"Sure, but I don't know-" Before Flynn could finish her sentence, Julie grabbed the paper and bolted down the hall.

Julie had an idea. Julie had a BIG idea. She needed to talk to Luke, but where would she find him? No doubt by the big tree outside. He and his friends always hang out there before school starts. She ran out the front door, and sure enough, Luke was standing next to the big tree talking to Alex and Reggie.

"Luke!" She yelled as she was running towards them. By the time she made it to them, she was out of breath from bolting throughout the entire school in search of them. "Hold on. No. Breath." She was barely able to get those words out.

"Uh... are you okay?" Luke asked, as he stared at her hunched over and out of breath.

"Yeah. I guess I just need more cardio."

The boys laughed before directing their attention back to the girl in front of them.

"What did you need?" Luke asked, his hazel eyes staring right through her soul. It was enough to make Julie turn red, both from embarrassment and blushing. She got so nervous she couldn't speak a word until Reggie reached out and tapped her shoulder. It was enough to bring her back to reality.

"The spirit rally tomorrow, If I can show Ms. Harrison that I belong here, maybe she'll let me back in the music program." Julie pushed the flyer into his hands and forced him to look at it.

Luke stared down at the paper in front of him, and he got an idea. He looked up at Julie and pointed his finger matter-a-factly at it.

"I know the tech guy. He can set it up for us and keep it a secret from Principal Lessa." They locked eyes, and he smiled down at her. This was a good plan and nobody was going to talk them out of it.

"Um, hello? There's more than just you two here," Alex interrupted.

Reggie elbowed him and said, "Shut up, dude, they're having a moment. It's so beautiful!"

"Luke broke eye contact and cleared his throat. "So, um... You wanna sing Bright?"

Julie laughed. "Yeah, considering that's the only song I've heard of yours, I think that's a good choice."

"Yeah," Luke replied, staring down at her once more.

The bell rang and snapped them out of their very apparent staring contest.

Julie cleared her throat and said, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Luke replied, "Yeah. I'll get everything set up, you don't have to worry about a thing."

She nodded and walked away from the guys to her first period of the day. Maybe being in a band with them was going to be good for her. This was the first time in a while that she actually felt happy.


What did you think? Let me know in the comments!

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