Chapter 37: "Distract me."

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Happy Sunday! Enjoy this chapter! 


Luke's head hurt from crying so much, and that's probably why he asked Julie to stay with him, but he wasn't expecting her response.

"Yeah. Okay."

She made her way back over to him and plopped herself on the floor in front of the couch.

"No," Luke said. He couldn't let her sleep there. He patted the spot next to him on the couch, and she actually got up and sat there. Maybe it was pity, or maybe she liked him, but either way this was a win. Luke put his arm around her and Julie leaned her head on his shoulder. "Distract me. Tell me something about you, your childhood, your parents, anything."

"What do you want to know?"

"Whatever you want to tell me."

"Well, my parents met in the cutest way. She was doing a small gig at some sort of cafe, and he was trying to do his portfolio for photography school. He just started taking pictures, and after the performance, my mom went up to him and asked why he was taking pictures of her. He told her that it was for his school work. My mom didn't buy that. 'You could have just said it was because i'm beautiful' my dad always said that was his favorite thing she ever said to him."

The way she smiled as she told the story just made Luke's heart grow. He really did love the distraction she gave him from his harsh reality. All night they talked about anything to keep his mind off everything. At about 3am, Luke could tell Julie was drifting off as she talked, and soon she was fully asleep. Luke changed her position and let her lay on the couch. Luke then grabbed an orange blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over her. Finally, he drug himself over to one of the chairs and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning when Luke woke up, Julie was gone, the orange blanket was draped over him, and it seemed to be pretty late in the day.

Luke checked the time, 12:34pm. So, even if he wanted to go to school on the second to last day, he couldn't. It would only be a couple hours until Julie came back anyway. Luke snuck into her kitchen to grab some food since he knew her dad was always at work until 4:30.

After loading his arms with bags of chips, cookies, and other non-healthy things, Luke made his way back to the garage.

Waiting for Julie to get back seemed like forever, but when she did come, she wasn't alone.

Alex and Reggie walked in behind her. What kind of Friend was Luke? He didn't even tell his best friends what happened. But by the looks on their faces, he didn't have to tell them at all.

"Luke! Buddy! How are you?" Reggie was the first to speak. Alex, on the other hand, thought it was best to just ignore everything that he'd been told. Luke knew that, he could tell because Alex was just like that.

"I've been better," Luke responded. "Can we just ignore it?"

All three of his friends nodded in agreement, but Luke knew it was up to him to change the conversation.

"So, let's work on some songs!" He said.

Luke watched as Julie walked over to a shelf and grabbed both song journals they had, and together they all wrote some more killer songs.


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A new chapter will be posted later today!

Bye :)

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