Chapter 38: "I'm worried."

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But I'm here at 11:30 pm (for me) so let's get this show on the road!


Julie felt the need to always check up on Luke because she just had to know if he was okay. She felt like she was responsible for him.

It was hard keeping a secret this big from her dad, but in all fairness, she had been hiding a lot of things from him lately. There was always a chance that her dad would decide to head out to the garage and find Luke there, but she just had to hope against hope that that wouldn't happen.

Besides, there was only one day left of school before summer, so how wrong could things go?

Before leaving for school in the morning, Julie went to check on Luke. He was sleeping. He was always sleeping. Julie left a little something for breakfast, and she stared at his sleeping self probably a little too long before she was off to school.

At school, Julie and Flynn were hanging a little more around Alex and Reggie. Flynn said she didn't like them, but Julie could assume otherwise with how much brighter her smile was around them. Julie couldn't blame her though, hers was too. It always was. Except for today. Today, she was worried so much about Luke that she kept forgetting to listen to Reggie's corny jokes or Alex's sarcastic comments.


Alex's voice snapped her out of oblivion.

"Hm?" She answered, still only half listening.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You seem out of it today."

Julie sighed. "I just can't stop thinking about Luke."

"Oooh," Alex said in a suggestive tone.

"Not like that," Julie defended. "He didn't tell me what really happened with his mom. What if it's really bad. I'm also worrying that he is not going to be okay in the garage. What if my dad finds him? What if he never speaks to his parents again? You know how much he loves his mom and--"

"Woah. Julie, slow down. You're starting to sound like Alex," Reggie joked.

"But I really am worried," Julie said again.

"Just breathe," Flynn suggested, placing a hand on Julie's back for comfort.

Julie did just as Flynn said. "I'm good now, thanks guys."

They all nodded, and returned to their earlier conversion. Julie felt a lot better after getting her worries out in the open, but they still lingered in the back of her mind like always.

The first thing she did when she got home was check on Luke. He was just sitting on the couch like always, but it put Julie's mind at ease.

"Hey," he said when he finally noticed her.


"Are you just gonna stand in the doorway?"

Julie cleared her throat, made her way over to the couch, and sat next to him.

"You seem tense today," He observed.

"Yeah. I am."

"Tell me about it," Luke said, turning to look at her. He stuffed a roll in his face as he listened intently.

"I'm worried," Julie said.

"About what?"




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