Chapter 42: " Think he has a new crush."

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Final chapter for today! 



Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Julie walked the streets for over an hour, but there was no sign of Willie. Then again, Luke could barely remember what Willie looked like. So, he was pretty much just looking for a long-haired skateboarder.

Luke was having the hardest of times staying away from Julie and acting like nothing was going on between them. As much as he wanted his friends to know about them, he also wanted to enjoy being a couple without the pressures that he knew would come from telling people.Luke wasn't completely stupid, he knew everyone has been waiting for them to get together, and telling them would just make lots of questions that Luke wasn't ready to answer. So, where was he going with this? Oh yeah. It was hard staying away from Julie while they were looking for Willie.

Willie! There he was, skating down Sunset Blvd, just like Alex said he would be!

"Willie!" Luke yelled after him.

Willie looked behind him at Luke, but that probably wasn't the best idea because-- *CRASH*

Both Alex and Willie were flat on the ground, grunting and trying to catch their breath.

Willie stood up and grabbed his skateboard. "Oh man. You dinged my board."

"Dinged your board? Dude, you ran me over," Alex started. "Wait... Willie?"

Luke finally caught up to them, and was able to see the look of confusion on Willie's face.

"How do you know my name?" Willie asked.

"You know Caleb, right?" Luke jumped in.

Willie looked to Luke, then Reggie and finally Alex. "Oh! You're that band that played with him that night!" Willie finally said. Then, he turned his head towards Julie. "Who's she?"

"My-- Um," Luke started.

"I'm in their band," Julie finished for him.

She turned her head and gave Luke a dirty look.

Luke shrugged his shoulders in a sorry attempt at an apology.

"Okay... Well, we need your help," Alex said, changing the subject.

"Um... Okay. With what?" Willie asked.

"Caleb... What's with the guy? I mean, it's like he's been following us around and stalking us. Does he want something?" Luke explained.

"I don't think he's told me any of this. I can ask him for you if that's okay," Willie started. "But believe me, Caleb is not a bad guy. He is always just trying to help people."

"Yeah. Okay. Well, sorry we bothered you," Alex said.

"Yeah, no, don't worry about it. Sorry I pancaked you. Here, take my number so I can tell you guys what Caleb says," Willie replied, holding out his hand to take Alex's phone.

They exchanged numbers and Willie was on his way. It was getting pretty dark out.

"What a waste of a band practice," Luke said.

"Not a waste for Alex," Julie started. "I think he has a new crush."

"Shut up I do not," Alex defended. "But he is kinda cute, huh?"

"Well. Julie and I better get home. See you guys tomorrow," Luke said, and they waved goodbye to Alex and Reggie.


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See you tomorrow!

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