Chapter 19: "And my girl's got a crush and his name is Luke."

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Welcome back to another Friday installment of Sweetheart! I actually remembered for once! Anyways, guess who's failing math!?

Okay, now I'll let you start reading lol.


Julie had her headphones in as she walked into school Monday morning. She had a tune playing over and over in her head.

I got the music

Back inside of me

Every melody and chord

Julie danced around the halls a bit. If she was paying attention, she probably would have been embarrassed, but right now, she wasn't thinking about any of that.

Can't stop the music

Streaming from my soul

And it's stronger than before

Julie finished singing the song in her head and opened her locker to grab her books for school.

"Hey, Julie!"

Julie glanced in the direction of the sound to see Derek, a kid who was in her grade and on the school's marching band.

"Hmm?" Julie hummed in response whilst taking her headphones out of her ears.

"Are you done?" He questioned. Julie gave him a confused look. "I need my sticks back," Derek explained, gesturing to her back pocket.

Julie reached into her back pocket and sure enough, there were drumsticks there. She handed them back to him as he walked away. Julie felt embarrassed because she had no recollection of what had happened for her to even acquire those sticks. Nevertheless, she started humming that song again. It was just so catchy. Then, she heard Flynn laughing to her left.

"Hey, what's up?" Julie asked.

"Nothing. It's just nice seeing you back to your weirdo self," Flynn explained, putting emphasis on 'weirdo'.

Was that supposed to be a complement?

"Thanks?" Julie said.

"So, how's the band?" Flynn inquired.

"Amazing!" Julie answered, "Luke and I spent the whole weekend writing songs." Flynn smiled before Julie spoke again, "Come on. Wanna hear some of them?" She asked, though she knew the answer already.


Julie closed her locker and started to lead Flynn towards the music room that was always empty at this time in the morning.

"It was crazy," Julie started, "I mean, over the past year I've had the hardest time writing songs, but writing with Luke, it was so easy. It was like it was flowing through me like when I used to write with Mom."

They had made it to the music room, and Julie sat at the piano whilst Flynn stood behind the piano.

"So, this is one of the first songs Luke and I wrote," Julie said, opening the piano and placing her hands on the keys to start playing "Here's a bit of the chorus."

'Cause we're standing on the edge of great



"Wow! I like it! Definite Gaga vibes," Flynn commented.

"Thanks! I think we have an anthem with this one. It's something my mom and I were working on. Luke and I finished it. Check it out."

And it's one, two, three, four times

That I've tried for one more night

Light a fire in my eyes

I'm going out of my mind

"That's beautiful," Flynn said, and Julie laughed. "And my girls got a crush and his name is Luke."

"What? No! Luke is just a friend," Julie defended.

"A cute friend."

"With a perfect smile," Julie caved. Flynn knew her all too well. If she had to be honest, she didn't like Luke at first, but after the weekend, she couldn't deny the small feelings she felt for the hard-headed boy that was obsessed with his music.

"Ha! I knew it!" Flynn bragged. "Just don't get hurt, okay? You guys have a connection. Everybody's wondering when you'll play again."

"Play again? We don't even have anything planned. Luke and I are just focused on writing songs."

"Lucky for you, your marketing team has been way ahead of you," Flynn said.

"I don't have a marketing team," Julie countered.

Flynn reached into her bag and pulled out a flyer that said 'Julie and the Phantoms' in big letters.

"Yes, you do," Flynn rebutted. "And surprise! You're playing the school dance tonight and I'm DJ-ing too, She said as she handed Julie the flyer. "I posted it all over social media. You have an excellent marketing team."

"No. No," Julie complained. "This is in front of the whole school!"

Just then, Flynn's phone buzzed from her pocket.

"Sorry, you already have 68 likes," Flynn said as she walked out of the music room.

Julie huffed, picked up her stuff, and followed Flynn out.


The next chapter is cute, so come back next week to read it! 

Don't forget to vote and comment! I looooovvveee reading your comments they make me smile so much! :) See ya next week!

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