Chapter 43: "I got snot on your shirt."

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Good morning! Here's your first chapter for today!



By the time Luke and Julie made their way back to her house, it was dark outside. Julie walked Luke into the garage.

"Do you need anything before I leave?" She asked.

"Yes," Luke answered.

Julie shot him a confused look. He usually said that he was fine.

"Stay. Talk with me for a while," he said, looking in her eyes.

"Okay. Just let me get some more comfortable clothes on. Jeans are not comfortable."

Luke nodded, grabbed some stuff from a pile, and made his way to the bathroom while Julie walked out of the garage.

In her room, she slipped on some leggings and a random oversized t-shirt. This would do for now. Julie knew Luke would be hungry, so on her way back out to the garage, she grabbed a bag of pretzels.

"Where are you going?" A voice behind her asked. Julie could tell right away who it was.

"Hi dad. I'm just headed out to the garage," Julie explained.

"You've been spending a lot more time than usual out there lately."

"Yeah, well, I've just been writing a lot of songs," Okay, Julie lie to your dad. Lie to one of the only people who loves you unconditionally. "Ya know. For the band."

Her dad nodded, but he seemed to know more than Julie thought.

"You know, it's funny. I went out there to get something from the loft today and there were all of these clothes on the floor. Only, they weren't yours. Unless you've been changing your style without telling me."


"One of the boys must have left some clothes here or something." Good lie Julie, good lie.

"Most dad's wouldn't like their teenage daughters to be hanging out with so many guys, and I've tried to be supportive of it, but..." He trailed off.

"But?" Julie questioned.

"But what if I'm not sure you should be hanging out with them anymore?"


"Julie. I was rewatching the Edge of Great video and I saw something really weird. It was almost like Luke was trying to get your attention, and the way you looked at each other after your solo during the bridge... I just hope you're not getting involved with any of them. Especially Luke. He's not the best influence and I don't want you going down that road."

Julie looked to the floor.

"I should get back out there and keep writing," Julie said coldly as she turned to walk out.

"Julie..." her dad tried, but Julie just kept walking.

Julie was practically crying when she got out to the garage.

"What's wrong? Luke said, standing up from the couch to greet her.

"My dad doesn't want me seeing you."

"You told him?" Luke questioned.

"No. He was speaking generally, but it still hurt."

"Aw, Jules," He said, crossing the distance to pull her into a hug while she sobbed into his shoulder.Julie wasn't even crying that much until he addressed it. She was hoping to just ignore that it happened and move on, but the second he hugged her she broke down. Holding too many things in, I guess.

"I got snot on your shirt," Julie said into his shoulder after she stopped crying.

Luke just chuckled. "It's okay, I've got plenty of them."


Emotional Julie. Actually, I think I'd do the same thing lol.

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