Chapter 48: "Is this Julie of Julie and the Phantoms?"

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Welcome from the last chapter where you'll find an answer or two :)



Julie probably shouldn't have acted so suspicious when she saw Alex in the garage last night, but she and Luke had already decided to keep their relationship a secret for now, even in front of their friends. She expected Luke to handle things. What she didn't expect was that both Reggie and Alex would be grilling her and Luke the next morning before band practice.

"Are you guys dating?" Reggie asked in a childish voice.

"Clearly they are. Otherwise they wouldn't be so scared right now," Alex observed.

Just then, Julie's phone rang. She usually didn't answer unknown numbers, but she'd do anything to get out of this conversation.


"Hi, This is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood," The person on the other end of the phone said. Julie's mouth dropped open, and that was enough to silence the boys as they tried to listen in. "Is this Julie of Julie and the Phantoms?"

"Yes! It is!" Julie said excitedly before realizing that she should be more professional.

"Good. Are you available to open for us tonight? I know it's short notice, but the opening act for Panic! At the Disco is not going to be able to make it on time. I saw your video on YouTube and decided you were our best shot."

"Yeah. Totally," Julie said in a more calm manner.


"Thank you so much!" Julie said.

Tasha gave Julie some more information, they said their goodbyes, and hung up.

"Well?!" Luke said, staring into her eyes.

"We're playing the Orpheum tonight!" Julie exclaimed, proud as could be.

"No way!" Luke exclaimed, looking between his best friends.

They all looked at each other, laughed, and started dancing around the garage. At one point, Alex was lifted up by both the boys. Julie laughed. Boys will be boys, and she loved them regardless.

"We're playing the Orpheum, baby!" Julie exclaimed one more time as if to convince herself that it was real. They laughed and jumped around for a bit, and Julie announced that she had to pick out an outfit for tonight, so she left the garage and made her way to her room. She started rummaging through her wardrobe, but she found nothing. She almost gave up before remembering her mother's chest of clothes that she had, so she started rummaging through that. Something would stand out to her in there, she was sure of it.

A light knock on the open door of her room turned her attention away from the chest of clothes.


"You didn't tell your dad yet," he simply stated.

"I forgot," Julie replied.

"Because you were too busy trying to find the perfect outfit," He said, putting air quotes around "perfect outfit."

"Shut up," Julie groaned. "An outfit for the Orpheum is the most important outfit I've ever picked out."

"I think it's cute that you worry so much about it," Luke said, slightly poking her side and making a very squeamish Julie laugh.

Luke knelt down beside her and started sifting through the clothes in front of him.

"What about this?" He held up a sweater.

"Nah, too casual," Julie answered.

Luke laughed and placed it back in the chest before looking for a new item of clothing to suggest.

"This?" He held up a cropped leather jacket that was bedazzled all over.

Julie's eyes lit up. She knew exactly what to wear now. She snatched the jacket from his hands and made her way back over to her closet. All she heard was Luke laugh and walk out of the room. 


IT'S HAPPENING PEOPLE! The Orpheum is happening!

See you tomorrow! 

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