Chapter 50: "Stand Tall."

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"Hey, Julie, I've got your roadie," Julie heard Rob, the stage manager, say from behind the green room door.

"Come in," Julie answered.

Flynn walked in. "Everything's ready to go, boss."

Julie looked at Rob. "Best roadie ever," She said.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to walk you and your band to the stage," Rob said, nodding his head towards Julie.

"Thanks, Rob," Julie said as he walked out.

Flynn waited for him to leave before speaking to Julie. "You see this backstage pass? I had sushi with Brandon Urie!" Flynn said excitedly, waving her pass around for emphasis.

"Good for you. I threw up in the car on the way over here."

"And you still look amazing," Flynn observed, shaking her head. They both chuckled a bit. "I made friends with the tech crew. You're gonna love what we have planned. Are the guys here yet?"

"Yes," Julie answered. "They left when I went to change, but they should be backstage somewhere.

Flynn walked behind Julie and turned her so they were both looking in the mirror. "You're gonna kill it," She paused. "We should get some snacks." Julie followed her over to the couch in the green room and they sat and ate a few snacks for a bit. Soon, it was time for them to go onstage, and the guys were nowhere to be seen. Multiple people had been looking backstage for them, but they all found nothing. That was when Julie started worrying.

"Something's wrong. They were here, and they wouldn't stand me up again. I made Luke promise," Juliee said to Flynn, her voice cracking with every word she said.

"I'm sorry, Jules," Flynn said, standing up from the couch and making her way over to Julie to wrap her in a hug.

Rob's muffled voice flowed through the room. "Julie, you're on."

That was too much. Julie couldn't go on without them. She bolted out of the room, Flynn called after her, but Julie didn't stop. She couldn't stop. The only place she stopped was out the Orpheum side doors when the cool night air hit her face and made her realize that she was crying. That's when the intrusive thoughts started to pile in.

She couldn't do it when her mom died, and now she can't do it without Luke, Alex, and Reggie. Maybe she would never be ready to sing or perform by herself ever again. Julie's probably better off just quitting music all together again. So, she spoke her wishes into the cold night, with no one around to listen to her but the mice and rats that were probably in the alley.

"I don't know if you can hear me, Mom, but... I can't handle it," She sobbed into the night. "I thought I was ready. I really thought it was. But, I can't do anything now that it comes down to it. And I'm so sorry. I know you believed in me, but I don't deserve that. Not now," Julie was crying harder and harder. "Why can't you just come pick me up... and hold me in your arms and just tell me that everything's going to be okay and that I'm gonna get through it? I just wish you were here," Julie said finally before looking straight at the ground and letting herself sob more.

Just then, somebody walked past, tapped her on the shoulder, and handed her a single dahlia, her mom's favorite flower. Julie stared at it for a second, held it up to her chest, and hugged it as tight as she could. Then, she believed that this was her mom's sign that she could do it. She made up her mind that even though there was no sign of the guys, she could still perform to the best of her ability.

Julie marched back into the Orpheum, past Flynn and Rob, and onto the stage where everyone was waiting. She looked out at the audience to see familiar faces. Dad, Carlos, Tia, and so many others were there to support her, to love her, even when she felt like giving up. Julie set the dahlia down on her keyboard, took the microphone from the stand, and decided to give a little speech before she started playing Stand Tall.

"HI. I'm Julie. Um... Tonight, I'd like to dedicate this song to my mom, who's been there with me every time I've played. And thank her for not giving up on me. I'd also like to dedicate tonight's performance to three special friends, who have changed my life completely, who have brought music back to me," She paused. "This song is for anyone who's lost their way. Step into your greatness. Don't give up. Stand tall."


Oops I forgot I left it here. Welp. 

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