Chapter 44: "What's going on in here?"

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Heyyyyyy! I never know what to say here other than...



"Julie? What's going on in here?"

Julie was startled away by the voice of her dad echoing through the garage.

Then, she realized the problem. Luke was there, and they had both been asleep on the couch.

"Dad? What are you doing out here?"

Julie sat up and smacked Luke awake. She quickly stood up and separated herself from Luke.

"You never came back in last night, so I came to check on you," her dad started. "Only to see you out here all cozy with Luke!"

"Dad, we were just sleeping! Nothing else!"

"What's he even doing here?" Julie's dad asked.

Suddenly, everything went silent. Julie looked to Luke, and Luke looked to the floor. Julie's dad looked between both of them.

Luke sighed, and looked Julie in the eyes.

"I got into a fight with my parents, and I ran away. Julie was nice enough to let me stay here, and she's been coming to check on me. I'm sorry we hid this from you. I'll get out of your hair," Luke finally said.

He got up from the couch and started to gather his belongings and stuff them in a trash bag.

"Luke. Wait," Julie's dad said, holding up a hand. "You can stay here, I'd hate for you to not have anywhere to go. But, Julie, You are not allowed out here after 9:30."

Julie sculpted a small smile on her face. "Thanks, dad!"

"Okay, now come get some breakfast before your brother eats it all."

Julie and Luke laughed, and made their way to the house.

Breakfast was bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Julie saw Luke eating just as much as he could.

"So, Luke, do your parents know where you are?" Julie's father asked him over breakfast.

Everything went silent again.

"I see," He said. "We will have to tell them. I can't have a stowaway living in my garage."

"Please don't. I don't know what they'll do."

"Luke, the most I can give you is one more week, but you have to tell them soon. You can stay here for the rest of the summer if you need to, as long as they know where you are."

Julie looked at her plate. She knew this was coming, and she knew she had to do something about it. So, while Luke was in the shower, Julie started to clean up his mess. She was snooping, yes, but she was also trying to get her boyfriend to have a good relationship with his parents. If she could find something to help him, it would hopefully work out nicely.

That's when Julie accidentally tripped over Luke's song book and it opened to a page that said Unsaid Emily at the top. Julie remembered that Luke's mother's name was Emily from meeting her once or twice, so the song had to be about her. That proved to be true with the lyrics.

And the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave

Unsaid Emily

Julie ran her fingers over the page, reading every word. Luke is an amazing songwriter, she knew that, but this had so much emotion in his writing and was unlike any other song he's written before.



Julie has discovered Unsaid Emily.

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