Chapter 24: "Having a band is supposed to help your social life, not ruin it."

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Another Friday, another Sweetheart chapter!



When Julie woke up this morning, she didn't expect it to be so late in the day. She was even more surprised when she had seen that Flynn had left her.

She hurried to school, and came in during fourth period, which was dance.

After apologizing to Mrs. Kelly, she took her place next to Flynn and began to join in on the warm ups.

"So, Why didn't you wake me up?" Julie questioned her. "I missed my first three classes."

"You said you were never gonna show your face at school again," Flynn defended. "And I'm a very literal person!"

"It's okay," Julie said. "It's those stupid guys that I'm really upset at. I'd kill them, but I don't want to face murder charges."

"Having a band is supposed to help your social life, not ruin it."

"Ex-band," Julie corrected. She couldn't be in a band with guys who weren't going to take things seriously. They can just go back to being The Phantoms.

"Right. Sorry. Ex-band," Flynn said.

Julie sighed.

They continued warming up and talking until they heard the words come out of Mrs. Kelly's mouth.

"Right on time, Coach Barron."

Then, the ENTIRE lacrosse team at Los Feliz High School walked into the dance room. Well, the entire team and Luke. Why was the world just throwing him at her? Wasn't him betraying her by not showing up to a gig enough to embarrass her already?

"So students. Coach Barron and I have decided that his lacrosse team will be part of our class for a few weeks. Many pro athletes have used dance to help them with coordination and mobility." Mrs. Kelly explained.

Coach Barron spoke and said something that Julie didn't quite hear. She was too busy bouncing her eyes back and forth between the two guys fixating their eyes on her. Luke, her current crush and ex-bandmate, and Nick, her childhood crush that has recently taken a liking to her.

"Everybody, pair up." She heard Mrs. Kelly say.

Then, both boys were walking towards her. Before they could get to her, Flynn was pairing up with a boy and was leaving her. That's it. Now was the time to have a panic attack.

The two boys spoke at once.



Julie observed as they both turned, looked into each other's eyes, made a confused look, and finally they both looked back at her, the same confused expression apparent and resting on each of their faces.

Julie had to make a decision, and fast.

Nick is nice, and Julie has had a crush on him since like second grade. She has only very recently gotten over that crush. She also never really talked to him until this year.

But Luke, he's who she likes right now. They connect on so many levels. She could really see herself dating him, if he ever felt the same way. Then again, she was mad at him right now. Do the pros outweigh the cons?

Then, she decided what she would do.



Short chapter, but It will make sense later. 

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