Chapter 12: "It's just my dream box, okay?"

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Guess who almost forgot it was Friday? Couldn't be me, that's for sure. Anyway, enjoy another update of Sweetheart! (Also a surprise Luke POV chapter)


In Luke's eyes, Julie was the most perfect being ever to exist. He couldn't help but tease her although he also knew when to be serious. He was so excited that his plan of getting Julie to join the band worked out so well. When Julie asked him and his band mates to come to her house after school in celebration of her getting back into the music program, Luke jumped at the chance. (Well, not too fast because he still had his dignity.) But, now they were walking into her house and Luke felt like he needed to please Julie's dad.

Luke looked up at the house in front of him, it was beautiful. It was way better than his house with his judgmental parents. The vibes he could feel coming off of this house and the people that live in it are immaculate. Julie obviously had a good life growing up with loving parents. Luke's parents, however, always regretted buying him his first guitar. They never liked that he was in a band taking music classes instead of becoming an accountant like his dad. Accounting is not what Luke wanted to do, it's not what he was passionate about. Music was what he was born to do. If only he could make his parents understand that.

By the time Luke came back from his mind, Julie had led them up the stairs and into her room.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," she said before walking out again.

Luke took this opportunity to look around her room (no, he was definitely NOT snooping). She had some pictures of her and her mom, a lot of flowers, a chest sitting in the corner, a vanity, a desk, chair, and other normal room stuff. Only one thing caught his eye though. There was a little box painted with flowers on her shelf next to her bed. Whatever was in there, Luke had to know. So, while Reggie was flopped out on Julie's bed, and Alex was looking at the pictures, he had his eyes fixated on the box on the shelf.

"Get off my bed, please."

That voice pulled him from the million thoughts running through his mind. Luke saw Reggie jump up from the bed, and walk to a corner of the room. Luke took this opportunity to find out what he wanted from the moment he stepped into her room.

Raising his hand like a school-child, Luke asked, "Hey, Julie, what's in the box?"

"That's off limits," Julie defended quickly.

That makes sense. "Oh. Okay. Girl stuff," Luke said in a high-pitched voice.

Julie crossed her arms and looked at him like she might just shoot him right here and now.

"Ooh. Like butterflies and glitter?" Reggie said, excitedly.

"Oh, come on. I'm sorry about them," Alex offered.

"It's none of your business. And yes, there might be some glitter," Julie explained.

Reggie smiled an I-knew-it smile, and Alex picked up a photo that was on Julie's dresser.

"Julie, is this your mom?" Luke asked.

"Yes, and it's my favorite picture of us. You break it, I'll break you," Julie said, snatching the picture out of Alex's hands and placing it on her bedside table.

Suddenly, Julie's dad appeared at her open door.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, dad. We were just about to head outside to the garage," Julie answered.

"Okay, if you need anything, you can tell me. Nice to meet you, boys," Julie's dad said before walking out the door and down the stairs.

"Your dad seems like the kind of guy who likes to barbecue," Reggie interjected. "I bet he has a great ribs recipe," he said, pointing his finger matter-a-factly.

"I don't know, but let's not go in my room ever again."

Luke nodded like he understood, but he still walked towards the beautiful box that was sitting on the shelf.

"Julie..." He whined.

"Oh my gosh! I told you to leave that alone!" She snapped back.

Luke turned towards her and waved his hands in the air. "I know! You shouldn't have said nothing, 'cause now I can't stop thinking about it so," He pointed his hand towards the box again. "What's in the box, Julie?"

"It's just my dream box, okay?" She started, "Whenever I get a thought, I write it down and get it out of my mind."

"Like lyrics?" This was getting interesting. Luke wanted to see just what Julie was about. He had had a slight crush on her over the past year or so. Now that she was in his band, he wanted to get to know her really well.

"They would be if I still wrote music like I used to with my mom," She started off sounding angry, but it was sounding more sad than anything. "Now it's just full of stuff that doesn't make me sad."

Luke gave her a sorrowful look. He had surely stepped on a nerve. That's a line that he wouldn't be crossing with her around. Maybe he could sneak a peek while she wasn't looking. Either way, Julie's dream box would have to wait until later. Right now, Luke's stomach was craving something, anything. He needed food in his teenage high-metabolismed body now. He jumped off of a little stool he was standing on to reach her box, and leaped his body across the bed only to remember that she said to stay off her bed. Oh well, a little rule breaking never hurt anybody, especially not Luke. He asked his burning question while staring into those big beautiful chocolate brown eyes of hers.

"What kinda food ya got?"


What are your thoughts? Let me know int he comments! Don't forget to vote! Thanks for reading, see ya next week!

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